Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 10 Teacher, I think I have finally figured it out

Walk out of the Hokage building.

Naruto glanced at the ninja wearing a green vest next to him and felt a little complicated: "Thank you, Mr. Iruka."

"Don't say that." Iruka gave him a thumbs up, "Naruto, you are great."

"Why did Iruka-sensei do this?" Naruto asked, "Teacher, maybe he thought I made a mistake."


"Teacher, you also know the rumor that I am a demon fox."

Iruka looked reminiscing: "Demon fox"

"You know, we are actually very similar."

"I am also an orphan. When I was in ninja school, I always did some exaggerated and idiotic actions to attract others' attention."

"But I was in so much pain at the time that I couldn't help crying every night in an empty room."

As he said that, he lowered his head and looked at Naruto.

"But Naruto, you must be in more pain than me."

"I was just ignored, but you still have to suffer so much abuse."

"It's because I didn't do a good job before. Even though I've been through it myself, I didn't take care of your feelings."

Naruto turned his head away to prevent his somewhat red eyes from being seen.

Iruka raised his hand and pressed it on Naruto's head, his tone became passionate: "Speaking of which, you are much better than me!"

"It was only after I graduated, under the guidance of my seniors and Hokage-sama, and experienced some things that I knew how to become excellent."

"Naruto you are already doing this."

"As a teacher, it's really bad for me to be compared to you."

Naruto grinned and chuckled.

"You're right to smile like this." Iruka patted him gently, "You haven't smiled like this in this time."

"It will always be like this from now on."

He said seriously: "Although they all say that, I don't think that rumor is reliable."

"In my eyes, you are not a demon fox."

"You are Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto."

"The outstanding student recognized by me will definitely become a great ninja in the future."


Having said this, Iruka paused, turned around and looked at the mountain in the distance - the four statues of Hokage's heads on the mountain.

He continued, his tone solemn.

It's like elaborating on an inevitable future, and also like swearing an unforgettable promise.

"Just like the Yondaime, a great and excellent ninja."

Uzumaki Naruto followed Iruka's gaze.

My great and excellent father is on the mountain.

He began to dislike the words "great" and "excellent".

After eating the Ichiraku ramen invited by Iruka-sensei.

Naruto returned home.

I have no intention of practicing the newly acquired "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique" for the time being.

Scenes of the day unfold before my eyes.

His view of Sarutobi Hiruzen has not changed, although the Third Hokage is unlikely to be as bad as he thought, and his attitude towards him is not all disguised. Part of his care for him was genuine. But he was indeed hiding information that was important to him.

Iruka-sensei's behavior was unexpected.

turn out to be

There will also be people in Konoha who are truly good to me.

This village doesn't seem so annoying anymore.

But I still want to return to Soul Society.

There is only one "Iruka" in Konoha, but there are many in the Shino Spiritual Arts Academy.

In the past few days, I still haven't met my fellow Death God who I miss so much.

Tomorrow is the class break.

Maybe after becoming an official ninja, I can be active in more areas and have greater opportunities.

Don't know why.

He was vaguely uneasy about the relationship between "Konoha" and "Soul Society".

This restlessness urged Naruto to pick up the saber hanging on the wall.

I didn't take it with me when I was studying. The school didn't allow weapons other than kunai and shuriken. Just after getting up every day, I will do a short period of kendo training.

Since you are uneasy

Then consume this inner throbbing in training.

This was Naruto's usual way of dealing with his emotions.

But the moment his hand touched the knife.

The appearance of the knife suddenly changed.

The length has not changed, and it is still the knife-making style.

But the whole body of the blade turned into a low, ominous dark red.

At the end of the handle, there is a fluffy and slender red ribbon.

An inexplicable knowledge came to my mind - it was a spell.

This sudden change made Naruto stunned.


It was him who knew Kyuubi's name.

Know its name and master its power.

So it turns out that you don't need to tell yourself the Zanpakutō's name yourself, but you can also liberate and use its power by knowing its name from other people's mouths?

He grasped the hilt of the knife.

It's a completely different feeling than when I held the "shallow hit" before.

Heartbeat, life, flesh throbbing.

This sword is an extended part of your own chakra and soul.

There is no doubt that this is the change of Zanpakuto's "Haikai".


Isn't Kyuubi a monster sealed within his own body? How could it become one's own "initial solution" and become one's own inner strength?

Naruto sat cross-legged.

Put the knife on your knees.

By practicing "Blade Zen", you can enter the dark underground waterway in your own heart.

"Kid, long time no see." Kyuubi narrowed his eyes, looked at the blond boy with an unusually solemn expression, and said hello, his tone was a bit pleasant, "It seems that you are not in good condition?"

Since that day when he said "You are the fourth generation's son", Naruto has never been here again.

It was looking forward to how much devastation this news would bring to this young boy.

"Your name is Kyuubi?" Naruto raised his head and spit out a question.

Kyuubi was not surprised: "So, what are you still expecting? Zanpakutō's tricks?"

It grinned ferociously and mocked, with a cruel look in its eyes.

"Nine-Tails" is indeed the most commonly used name.

But except for the other eight "tailed beasts", who would have thought that each tailed beast had a family member who gave it a formal name.

Maybe "Zanpakuto" is real.

But the name "Kyuubi" is not real.

The spiritual support that supported the young man was broken. This kind of thing is so beautiful.

"The Zanpakutō has been released." Naruto walked forward and looked at it, "I have released the restraint on you, you can feel it yourself."

Kyuubi was stunned.

Chakra emanation induction.

That "weird" knife has a completely different appearance, but this is only the smallest part of the change. What makes it up is no longer just Naruto's breath power, but part of it belongs to it.

It and Naruto forged this sword together.

"It's so interesting." There was a strange look in its eyes and it praised, "It's actually true. I didn't feel my power being taken out. What's the principle?"

Naruto clenched his fists and talked to himself.

"Soul Society is not fake."

"I hate you so much, Kyuubi."

"Because of you, I have been hated by so many people since I was a child."

"Because of you, my father died for the village."

"I still don't understand why I want to seal you in my body."

"I don't even understand why you, who was sealed, became the power of my soul."

He raised his fist high, and the fog called "confusion" in his mind dissipated at this moment.

“If you don’t understand, just don’t understand!”

"I will make good use of your power."

"Find my dad, find my mom, and then we'll all understand."

Kyuubi swung its tail and stared at Naruto with its golden eyes.

This guy's personality is nothing like Minato, more like the red-haired Pepper.

"Really?" it sneered, "Then let me see what you can do."

Dark red chakra surged.

It didn't care that its power was borrowed by Naruto.

Isn't this the case for so many generations of "jinchuuriki"?

Compared to them, Naruto is more interesting.

A new world.

A hero abandoned by his village

Kyuubi has begun to look forward to how the chaotic future will develop.

Naruto said no more and withdrew from his inner world.

As soon as he opened his eyes.

The surrounding environment is not a hut that has been neatly taken care of by oneself.

It's in the classroom.

In front of me is a familiar teacher.


He was back in Soul Society again.

The teacher immediately noticed Naruto opening his eyes and also noticed the change in the knife on his knee.

"Naruto, did you hear the name of the Zanpakuto?" He did not hide the surprise in his tone.

Just after entering "Blade Zen", I heard the name of Zanpakutō and mastered the beginning.


Is that so?

Naruto didn't answer in time and looked around blankly.

I looked around and found no changes in the classroom.

No one is confused about his "disappearance" or "appearance".

His eyes finally rested on the teacher's surprised face - this surprise was only about the change in his Zanpakutō.

Just like Konoha, time seemed to stand still at the moment he left.


No time to think about this.

Naruto nodded his head and answered the question just now: "Teacher, I seem to have learned Hajime."

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