Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 84 Giant Nine-Tailed Fox Attacks! (Third update! Please give me a monthly pass!)

Naruto landed and shook his head: "Kyuubi and I don't need that technique of my father now."

"We are already connected."

He drew out the golden small sword.

"The power called Ashura?" Namikaze Minato smiled lightly, "It is indeed a very gentle power."

"But listen to me patiently, Naruto."

Naruto put away the sword.

"Before I conceived that technique." Namikaze Minato continued, "I realized that Kyuubi is actually the same as your mother, using a tough appearance to cover up the tenderness in her heart."

Kyuubi grinned, a little embarrassed.

Can it be better!

Wouldn't it be good to say something that would make everyone happy when I was just released and was so happy?

"But the Nine-Tailed Fox has always been misunderstood as a violent, negative natural disaster." Namikaze Minato looked up and smiled at it, "Just like you said, it is a mirror. Whatever attitude humans have towards it, it will have the same attitude towards humans."

"That being said."

"But in the long life of the Nine-Tailed Fox, this negative emotion has become an inseparable part of it."

He paused, raised his hand and touched Naruto's head: "So my son, Naruto, you are really amazing."

"Because there is love, hatred will breed."

"With contrast, love and hate will be stronger."

"But even so, you can still abide by your heart."

The guilt in Namikaze Minato's eyes was magnified.

Parents all hope that their children can grow up quickly.

But. If children really want to mature like adults, how can parents not feel guilty.

Especially like me.

The child has never taken on the responsibilities of a parent for a day, but he has such a tough heart that even many adults can't match.

Expand the word "failure of responsibility".

He sighed and continued, "You are a very good child, but you also have accumulated "darkness" in your heart."

"Have you heard of the legend of the 'True Waterfall' in the Cloud Ninja?"

Naruto shook his head.

He has not had time to travel to the Land of Lightning.

"That is a place that can reflect the darkness in the heart." Namikaze Minato said softly, looking at Naruto, and then looking at the Nine-Tails, "In the ritual I conceived, it is to go there, or find a similar place, to shatter the darkness in Kushina's heart, accept the Nine-Tails, and a pure person will be reflected in the mirror as pure."

"In this way, they will be connected."

The Nine-Tails shook its tail.

Naruto's eyes followed its tail: "But my relationship with the Nine-Tail is different from my mother's, so I want to crush the negative emotions in our hearts with the Nine-Tail?"

"Yes! That's it." Namikaze Minato nodded, "So go."

"Naruto, you have already defeated it."

"Just defeat it once more."

He paused and his voice became gentler: "Kushina also has a chakra in your body."

"She wanted to come out in a hurry, but I stopped her."

Naruto was stunned, and subconsciously raised his hand and put it on his stomach.

In addition to his father's chakra, is there also his mother's chakra in his body?

"Don't worry about facing your dark side." Namikaze Minato patted his head, "Kushina will appear, and she will accompany you to face that thing."

Naruto took a deep breath and agreed cheerfully.

"Goodbye, Naruto." Namikaze Minato straightened his back and waved his hand, "Goodbye, Nine-Tails."

"Wait a minute, Dad!" Naruto called out, his eyes firm: "Can you teach me the technique of the Shiki Fuujin?"

"I will find that evil ghost!"

"I will release you from its belly and find you in the Pure Land."

"I am the god of death."

Namikaze Minato smiled brightly.

He raised his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger together, and tapped Naruto's forehead: "Really?"

"It's really hard to imagine that such an incredible thing would happen to you."

"But let's put it this way."

Namikaze Minato's body gradually became transparent, dissipating from bottom to top, from left to right.

"Let's meet in the Pure Land."

"At that time, Kushina and I will apologize to you."

A stream of heat was transmitted from the place where the fingertips touched to his body.

It is the complete technique of "Shiki Fuujin".

As this knowledge was slowly completed, Minato Namikaze's figure gradually dissipated, and finally nothing was left.

"Naruto." The Nine-Tails came closer, and it sensed the loss of emotions.

Naruto raised his head and grinned: "I'm fine."

"I'm very happy."

"Finally I can see my father."

"I am the god of death. Death is not the end of life. We will meet again."

The Nine-Tails sat beside him and responded.

In the real world.

"That kid has already unlocked the Four Symbols Seal." Fukasaku Sage spoke, staring at Naruto's belly. The unfolding technique was clearly visible even through the clothes.

"No reaction at all." The scroll toad had already fled back to Jiraiya.

It could sense that the power in Naruto was gentle and full of vitality.

But. Even if this power was gentle, it was too strong, making him terrified.

Karin frowned.

She had great confidence in Naruto. In the more than one year they had traveled together, she had not encountered anything that Naruto could not solve.


These toads were so annoying!

They kept worrying, not only thinking about it, but also saying it out loud.

They were talking so much that they started to get nervous!

"It's not out of control yet." Jiraiya frowned and said his guess, "Is it communicating with the Nine-Tails?"

While he was talking.

The aura on Naruto's body suddenly restrained, the golden light faded, and the brilliance of the two swords also restrained.

The nine velvet strips on the red sword gathered and condensed into one.

He opened his eyes.

Jiraiya looked over and felt that Naruto's mood seemed a little low. His heart skipped a beat and he asked hurriedly: "Naruto, how is the situation?"

Naruto nodded at him: "It's been solved."

"I plan to try a new use of this power."

Jiraiya was stunned: "New use?"

"Take Karin away." Naruto waved his hand.

Stay away?

Is it because of its great power?

Jiraiya took Karin and several toads and retreated dozens of meters away.

Naruto raised his sword.

Chanting liberation - the liberation words did not change.

The power after liberation was the same, still in the form of a golden body, six arms, and two swords.

Nine red velvet streamers fluttered on the handle of the red sword.

"Did it transform into the Nine-Tails?" Jiraiya took out a telescope and looked carefully, "It looks very easy, it must be a great success."

"But a new use."

As he was thinking, he saw Naruto raise the red sword and stab it into his stomach.

This startled him.

But he soon noticed that the sword did not hurt Naruto.

The tip of the blade touched the body and merged into it like flowing water.

The golden light was brilliant and bright.

When the handle of the sword was completely submerged, the nine red velvet streamers bloomed with golden light, wandered behind Naruto, grew and expanded, and grew into nine thick tails.

At the same moment.

The tailed beast's coat also glowed brightly, growing and expanding along with the tail, becoming majestic and tall in the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred meters tall.

It was a giant fox with a single head and six arms, and a brown beaded string around its neck.

Naruto stood in the air, but he no longer had six arms at this time, holding "Asura" and standing at the lower abdomen of the Nine-Tails.

Jiraiya and the others had retreated far enough, but after Naruto showed this posture, the distance between them was only a few meters, and the fox's paws were close together.

"Is this power releasing you?" Naruto whispered.

This immediately reminded him of his old subordinate, the current captain of the Ninth Division.

That big dog "Komamura Sajin".

It turned out to be the same posture as his "Bankai".

The Nine-Tails said with some emotion: "I finally see this world again."

It is in Naruto's body, and can only understand this world through Naruto's senses.

And in this posture, the last and most basic perception ability is supplemented, and the world is observed with both eyes.

Naruto tried to raise his arm, but the Nine-Tail did not move in sync with him.

"Do you want to control this body of mine?" the Nine-Tail asked.

Naruto nodded: "Can I?"

"I'll give up the control." The Nine-Tail said, "Try it now."

Naruto raised his hand again, and the huge body moved in sync with his movements.

He tried it several times like he had a new toy.

The posture of the Nine-Tail's full power was different from that of "Heavenly Punishment".

He could control this huge body.

He could also let go and let the Nine-Tail control it.

The vitality of one man and one fox is shared.

However, the Nine-Tail's injuries would not be fed back to Naruto, and Naruto's injuries would not be fed back to the Nine-Tail.

At this moment.

Several strands of chakra approached rapidly.

This made the Nine-Tail "tsk" dissatisfied. The huge size was a problem that bothered it. This was how it was discovered by humans at first, and now it's happening again.

Sometimes it would secretly envy the three-tailed "Isobu" guy, who could live in the water and would not be so obvious.

"Let me go back." Nine-tailed said softly, "Some annoying guys are coming."

Naruto put away his sword.

Slowly fell from the air in front of Jiraiya and the others.

"Naruto! So handsome!" Karin blinked her eyes.

"Was that all the power of the Nine-tailed just now?" Jiraiya was amazed.

Naruto smiled and nodded: "Yes, but let's leave first."

"Some ninjas are coming."

"I don't want to deal with them."

Jiraiya followed Naruto's gaze, but he didn't sense anything.

However, Naruto and Karin had already left in a flash, so he had to follow.

Rush to the nearest town.

Jiraiya communicated with Naruto and heard that Minato had left a chakra in his body. He couldn't help but marvel. It was indeed Minato. Even at such a critical moment, he could be so meticulous.

When he heard about the reconciliation with the Nine-tailed, the "mirror"'s point of view, he was also a little emotional.

Even a child can understand this, how come no one has thought of it before?

(More in the evening!)

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