“Stop staring.” Naruto glanced at the Itasa brothers who turned on the kaleidoscope and the reincarnation eye and turned wildly, and said helplessly, “If you want to learn this trick, you need a certain basic theoretical knowledge of electromagnetism, but you can’t copy it casually.”

When I turned back, I arranged for the professor to open a literacy class for the two of you to train in basic scientific knowledge.

For the electromagnetic cannon technique just now, tell me your opinion, especially Sasuke, do you think this move can cause damage to the Otsuki clan? ”

Itachi analyzed: “Although Sasuke uses Thunder, it is not directly used as a ninjutsu release, it is used for output

Instead, a channel full of lightning was created.

I observed that the metal black ball was accelerating, and the temperature on the surface of the body was also increasing

In the end, with super high speed and extremely high temperature, it caused physical damage and fire damage to the wooden man.

And these two types of damage, even if they are fire damage, are not ninjutsu injuries formed by Chakra. ”

Itachi is okay, he has not fought against the Otsuki clan, but Uncle Sasuke is full of ecstasy at this time.

“Indeed, even the Otsuki clan who can absorb ninjutsu should not be able to absorb these two types of damage

After all, they are good at Chakra technology, and what they can absorb is only the ninjutsu formed by Chakra

And the carrier of the electromagnetic cannon art that finally causes damage is not ninjutsu, but a high-temperature metal ball accelerated by special ninjutsu. ”

“The two of you analyzed well, and basically said the advantages of this scientific ninja method.” Naruto nodded approvingly, “Itachi, the physical damage and fire damage you mentioned, to be precise, should be called kinetic energy output and thermal energy output.

So what do you think are the shortcomings of this scientific ninja method? ”

Although Naruto himself knew the flaws of this move, he still wondered if Itachi, who was good at finding weaknesses in ninjutsu, could see other flaws.

The ferret immediately said, “First, the launch time is too long. Sasuke went from releasing the thunder dun, creating a special lightning channel, to finally hitting the metal ball, a full five seconds, which was too long for the enemy to dodge.

Second, the anti-interference is weak. Because of the first disadvantage, if the formation or acceleration process of the lightning channel is interfered with before the electromagnetic cannon is released, it will affect the final speed, temperature and accuracy of the metal ball.

Perhaps throwing a stone, a handful of kunai, can destroy the lightning channel.

However, I don’t know if these defects can be eliminated if they are thoroughly mastered. ”

Naruto nodded: “Regarding the first drawback you said, the long launch time is indeed a hard injury.

Even if it was me, it would take two seconds to release it now.

Fortunately, when released, the speed can reach the speed of sound.

After that, it has been accelerating, even if it is a distance of a thousand meters, in less than two seconds, you can reach it.

However, it doesn’t matter if the enemy dodges, because I can constantly correct the trajectory of the metal ball through the electromagnetic force generated by the thunder.

Of course, if there are too many corrections, there will be kinetic energy loss

But the speed of the electromagnetic cannon is too fast, and it is normal to dodge it again.

As for the second disadvantage, let’s do an anti-interference test.

Sasuke, here you go again. ”

The young Sasuke obediently cooperated with the test again and began to release the electromagnetic cannon technique.

Naruto then signaled Itachi and Uncle Sasuke to conduct a interference test.

They interfered with stones, kunai, and various ninjutsu respectively, and as a result, most of Sasuke’s launches failed.

“Next, you two try to interfere with my electromagnetic cannon technique, remember to hurry.” Naruto said again.

Itachi and Uncle Sasuke looked at each other, with an expression that you came first.

The next moment.


In the distance, half of the wooden man’s body was bombarded.

Itachi and Uncle Sasuke were dumbfounded.

Is this the end of it?

The two of them were still pushing back, and as a result, Naruto’s electromagnetic cannon technique ended.

“Didn’t I say, let you guys hurry?”

Naruto said helplessly

“The two-second release I just said is aimed at dealing with targets hundreds of meters or even kilometers away

If it is only a target within tens of meters, I can reduce the initial function of the metal ball, reduce the output time, and basically achieve seconds.

Now I’m going to slow down, and you guys have to hurry.

Don’t shirk, let’s go together, even if Daissuke you use the castle keep, it doesn’t matter, don’t be too late again. ”

Itachi and Uncle Sasuke were inspired by Naruto’s words.

They are all big masters of the ninja world, and it is a bit humiliating to be said by a child who has not yet graduated from a ninja school.

Next, they cooperate with Naruto to conduct interference tests on his electromagnetic cannon art for improvement.

As a result, Naruto’s electromagnetic channel strength far exceeded that of the young Sasuke, and most of the attacks of the Itasa brothers were eliminated by strong electromagnetic force after they touched the electromagnetic channel.

Only strong attacks such as wind escape and Amaterasu can cause obvious interference, thereby affecting the accuracy of the electromagnetic gun, but it is difficult to completely destroy the electromagnetic channel.

Of course, after all, it was an experiment, and the Itachizo brothers did not completely open up.

However, the test proved that if the electromagnetic cannon technique is practiced well, for example, to the extent of Naruto, it is no problem to deal with the Otokipo style.

Even if the Otsukipo style can open the Yellow Spring Hirasaka to shuttle to a different space, it will take time to open the portal, and it may not be time.

“Of course, this is just one of the scientific ninja techniques, and I have also developed many other scientific ninja techniques, such as this scientific ninja method and vacuum enchantment technique!”

Saying that, Naruto immediately separated into four shadow doppelgangers and released the enchantment technique to trap Itachi and Uncle

The wind is then used to extract the air within the enchantment, creating an almost vacuum environment.

Itachi and Uncle Sasuke immediately felt that it was difficult to breathe, and their internal organs were squeezed and almost broken.

However, Uncle Sasuke took a castle keep with him, so he transferred the Itachi and a stone outside, and then went out himself.

Naruto explained: “The disadvantage of this trick is that the enchantment technique may be absorbed by the Otsuki clan, and the Otsuki clan is already a space creature, and the physique is strong enough to withstand the vacuum environment of outer space.

In addition, master the spatial ability and you can escape.

But the principle of this trick is that carbon-based organisms, including earth humans and large barrels of wood, need oxygen to survive.

If the air is completely withdrawn, creating a vacuum environment, the internal organs of the human body will rupture in a low-pressure environment.

If they can keep the Otsuki family sealed in the enchantment without letting it teleport away, then even if their physique can withstand the vacuum environment, they will die due to lack of oxygen for a long time.

After all, since the Otsuki clan can have children with the natives of the ninja world, I think there is no reproductive isolation, and it is basically the same as humans, and they can’t live without oxygen.

In addition, although I can observe the microscopic world in my current realm, I cannot manipulate molecules

Otherwise, I will directly pump away other components such as nitrogen in the air in the enchantment to create a pure oxygen environment, which will cause more damage. ”

Itachi: “…”

More and more incomprehensible.

But it sounds like a great deal.

In short, it is right to shout 666 in your heart.

PS: Please support!

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