Chapter 109 Common Topic

Shisui belongs to the Uchiha clan, and Hyuga tree belongs to the Hyuga clan. If the disciples of these two giants graduate together, will the three generations of Hokage arrange the two of them in the same group?

The chances should be small, but what if it is arranged?

Cold wind can not bet!

That being the case, you can only...

When he left the ninja school, Han Feng sighed: after all, he was going to attack the Hyuga clan!

"Haifeng, go back first, remember to practice after you get home, don't think about your sister Xiyan all day long!"

The cold wind said softly.

"Brother, where are you going?" Hai Feng was embarrassed by what he said, and subconsciously changed the subject.

"Where am I going, is that something you can ask? Don't underestimate the relationships in the second grade!" Han Feng scolded, "Go back!"


Gao Feng lowered his head and pouted, and quickly ran home with his schoolbag on his back.

Han Feng shook his head, then changed direction and walked towards the Shin family.


Not long after Shinichi Hyuga got home, he learned that Hanfeng was visiting, and rushed out to greet him excitedly.

"Cold wind, you haven't come to play for a long time, come in!"

Shinichi Hinata took Hanfeng's little hand and ran straight to the training ground.

"Senior Shinichi..."

This is using me as a sparring partner.

Han Feng shook his head and laughed, but he was here because he had 'important things to do', so he was embarrassed to speak if he didn't let Hyuga Shin feel good about it.

"Hanfeng, since I discussed with you last time, my use of white eyes and soft fists has improved a lot, so I have been looking forward to your visit these days!"

Shinichi Hinata handed over a few ninja bags to Han Feng with a sincere expression on his face.

Hanfeng tied the ninja bag to his lap in disbelief, and then asked a little strangely: "Senior Shinichi, ninja throwing is the basic skill of ninjas. Didn't you find someone else to accompany you to train?"

Shinichi Hinata said with a bitter face: "I have looked for it, but... hey, I can't let go of myself in front of my elders, and among my peers, there is no one who is better at throwing ninja tools than you."

The cold wind was stunned, unable to let go in front of the elders... I didn't expect Shinichi Hyuga to have such an unspeakable secret?

But thinking about it carefully, I seem to be like this. When my parents are there, I hide my nature and only expose my smart, witty, sensitive, and kind side. Only in front of my friends and companions can I be a more perfect me.

Hey, they are both fallen people from the end of the world, why is it too urgent to fry each other.

Han Feng jumped back gently on his toes, and mercilessly threw out a large amount of kunai, shuriken, and thousand copies.

Hyuga Ma lifted his eyelids, opened his eyes directly, and solemnly put on a soft fist posture.

In the next instant, Han Feng once again threw out more than a dozen kunai, shuriken, and thousand copies. These ninja tools came first, and quickly collided with the first batch of ninja tools in the crisp sound of gold and iron clashing.

After the second impact, the speed of the first batch of ninja tools increased sharply and the direction changed suddenly, but under the white eyes and soft fists, all of these rampant ninja tools were slapped away by Shinya Hyuga.

Han Feng raised his brows: changing the direction only once seemed to have put the slightest pressure on Hyuga Shinichi. If so, then change it twice!

Han Feng first threw out the five lijian with his right hand, then threw the five kunai with all his strength with his left hand, and then hit the five lijian in front of him. Under the dynamic vision, the cold wind instantly captures the trajectory of the five shurikens after changing direction, then pours the chakra into the right hand, and quickly throws out the third batch of ninja tools.

Klang, clang, clang!

Along with five hurried collisions, the five rivets in the air changed direction again, and their speed increased sharply, shooting straight at Shinichi Hinata's... back!

Shinichi's expression changed slightly.

'It actually changed direction twice, and it was shot from behind! ’

As a branch disciple, Shinichi Hinata had been engraved with a caged bird when he was in the third grade, so there was an angled blind spot on his back. If the shuriken happened to shoot from there, his white eyes would not be able to detect it.

Shinichi Hyuga didn't dare to care, and immediately turned around to face the five assaulting ninja tools, but in this way, Shinichi Hyuga also gave his back to Hanfeng.

How could the cold wind be polite to you? At that time, I poured out all the ninja tools in one ninja bag, opened the second ninja bag with both hands, and started throwing the ninja tools again, one hit, two hits. , and even three hits in the clutter.

Kunai and Qianbenji flew together, and the shuriken shared the same color on the ceiling. In the blink of an eye, all kinds of ninja gear slammed wildly in the training ground, like a chaotic magnetic field, clanging.

Shinichi Hyuga stood in the center of the magnetic field, with blue veins showing near his eye sockets, and his hands kept tapping left and right, but even so, there were still quite a few ninja tools that pierced through his soft fists and slammed into him fiercely.

Fortunately, none of these ninja tools opened up, and Shinichi Hyuga avoided the key points in time. Although it looked extremely embarrassed, it was not life-threatening.

Within half a minute, Han Feng frantically poured all the ninja tools from the four ninja bags on Shinichi Hinata!


Hyuga Shinichi was panting heavily, his face full of disbelief, "Hanfeng, you, you... think about it!!"

Han Feng waved his hand: "Senior Shinichi, I'm sorry, I was too excited just now."

"No, your ninja throwing just now was really good!" Hyuga Shinichi rubbed the bruise hit by the ninja tool, and said happily, "I tried my hardest to use soft fists, but I still can't stop your forbearance. Gu, I can only rely on my eyes to avoid the key points, I have never had such an exciting battle! Thank you so much, Cold Wind!"

Although Shinichi Hyuga shamelessly praised himself, Hanfeng knew how much he weighed, but he would not naively think that he had surpassed Shinichi Hinata.

You must know that Shinichi Hyuga was standing there from beginning to end just now, only defending and not attacking, so that Hanfeng could throw out four ninja bags so recklessly, if Shinichi Hyuga attacked, in such a small training ground , the cold wind can only throw two waves of ninja tools at most and have to fall into melee combat.

In melee combat, with the power of white eyes and soft fists, it is estimated that the cold wind will be shot to the ceiling if it can't last for five minutes.

Even if there is an instant body technique, it is useless. First, the chakra of the instant body technique consumes a lot. Second, Hi Xiang Shinichi has a white eye, and whether the cold wind uses the instant body technique to attack or retreat, it can only delay the time of defeat.

Thinking of this, Han Feng couldn't help but ask: "Senior Shinichi, you are so powerful, why don't you apply for an early graduation?"

Shinichi Hinata replied while packing up the ninja gear on the ground, "Because I have agreed with Ryota and Aoyama to graduate together and become each other's important partners!"

Inuzuka Ryota and oil girl Aoyama?

"That's it."

Han Feng nodded. He was very satisfied with Shinichi Hinata's decision, because he appeared here just to be teammates with Shisui.

"Senior Shinichi, do you know about Hinata's application for early graduation?" Han Feng finally showed his fox's tail.

"I only found out about this yesterday." Shinya Hyuga smiled, "Although Xiaoshu doesn't say anything, I know that he has always been competing with Shisui Uchiha in his class. This time he applied for an early graduation, it must be Because Uchiha Shisui also applied, right?"

Han Feng pretended to be indifferent and nodded: "That's true. In fact, even I applied for early graduation. Senior Shinichi, there will be actual battles during the graduation exam. If I face off against Hyuga..."

"If it's really right, Han Feng, don't be merciful. If you don't let this guy know how powerful he is, he will stay in Uchiha Shisui's horns and can't get out!"

Hinata Shinji got up, his face was solemn, and he didn't seem to be talking about the scene.

"I understand!"

Han Feng nodded solemnly and looked at Shinichi Hinata with bright eyes: Although Hyuga Tree is not your brother, you are definitely his brother!

Between us, there must be a lot of common topics!

Thanks to the book friends Manjuan Shuye and Wu Tianxiu for their reward and support.

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