Chapter 305 Transaction (Subscribe)

The time has reached half past six, but there is still more than half of the sun hanging in the sky and refusing to set.

The scarlet sunset fell from the sky and sprinkled the backyard of Orochimaru's house. A few sunsets passed through the eaves and got into the house where the cold wind and Orochimaru were.

Facing the smiling Orochimaru after the soul torture, Han Feng gradually showed a smile, and then he found that he was wearing a mask, and Orochimaru couldn't appreciate his beauty in the prosperous age!

I'm so sorry for you!

Han Feng put away his smile and said slowly: "At first, I wanted to learn medicine from Shennong, but what I didn't expect was that from Shennong, I actually got a powerful forbidden technique that can change the future!"

Orochimaru suffocated his smile, but he didn't expect Han Feng to admit it so happily!

"What kind of forbidden technique did you get?" Orochimaru smiled and asked in a deep voice, with a stern tone.

"The forbidden technique of physical activation." Han Feng told the truth.

Now that Orochimaru has been eyed, if he doesn't throw a big enough bait, the snake will definitely bite him and won't let go. Now that the cold wind has no ability to protect himself, coupled with the ties of his family, he can only throw it out. 'Physical Activation Forbidden Technique' protects himself.

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed instantly, and the golden vertical pupil shot out like a real light.

Body Activation Forbidden Technique...

Others may not believe it. Orochimaru has already started to study cell activation, that is, the human experiment of physical activation, but the progress is very unsatisfactory.

In Orochimaru's vision, once the research on physical activation is successful, and with his molting, he can have the most perfect body in the world: an immortal body!

The current Orochimaru, every time a serious injury sheds its skin, the new body will be weak for a period of time, but if there is physical activation, this period of weakness will be shortened indefinitely, or even disappear!

At that time, no matter how many injuries Orochimaru suffers, as long as the skin is shed and the body is activated, it will be reborn directly on the spot!

Who else can kill him?

Thinking of this, the wild vision in Orochimaru's heart is like a spark on the grassland, and it instantly ignites a prairie!

But at this moment, Orochimaru suddenly flashed a trace of doubt: Physical activation is indeed very strong, but it doesn't make a mediocre person directly into a genius, right?

Orochimaru immediately said, "Mr. Hanfeng, the forbidden technique of physical activation is a technique used to develop cell activity. The effect of this technique is to improve your body at best, and it is impossible for your talent to explode."

Han Feng smiled and said, "It's true, so ah, I've always been a genius!"

The harder you work, the luckier you get, I will stop pretending, I will showdown, I am the emperor green hidden in the stone!

As long as you peel off my stone skin layer by layer, you can discover my beauty!

At this time, Orochimaru was also shocked. With his intelligence, he realized it as soon as his brain was opened!

Han Feng is a genius, both ninjutsu talent and Konoha-ryu talent are excellent, but because of his physical fitness, he can't extract too much chakra, and he has no physical strength to complete swordsmanship training, so others will think of him. Is a mediocre person.

When Cold Wind got the physical activation forbidden technique, his physical fitness was gradually improved, and his talent naturally exploded...

I see! !

The knot in Orochimaru's heart has finally been untied!


What's more comfortable is that the forbidden art of physical activation is right in front of you!

"Body Activation Forbidden Technique..."

Shennong is a well-known doctor in the ninja world, and he is also a powerful ninja of Taijutsu. It is no wonder that he can develop the forbidden technique of physical activation. However, I must get this technique!

Orochimaru smiled and said, "I am very interested in this technique, Lord Hanfeng, let's make a price."


No, firstly, he has not torn his face, secondly, Hanfeng is the Anbu who is on the mission. If Orochimaru makes a move, even if he can kill it in one hit, it will definitely be stabbed when the successor Anbu arrives in an hour and a half. By the time of the third Hokage, he will be a traitor!

At this stage, Orochimaru doesn't want to go this far, after all, the position of the fourth Hokage is still in the air!

Besides... Cold Wind is a genius, instead of killing him like this, let him grow up!

In a few more years, his undead reincarnation technique should almost be completed!

Although Cold Wind's Todun is a little low, his talent is good enough. Orochimaru thought that he might be able to use this body to practice... the immortal mode of Longdidong!

At this moment, Orochimaru's eyes fell on Han Feng, and he had already thought about the serious question of what the surname of the child he gave birth to using his body in the future!

Of course, Han Feng didn't know about Orochimaru's psychological drama, so he said with a smile: "For me, the forbidden technique of physical activation is a technique that can change the future, but Lord Orochimaru is Konoha Sannin. He has been a genius since he was a child. As for Lord Orochimaru..."

"Just ask for it." Orochimaru interrupted the cold wind, his voice was hoarse and cold, and there was a burst of excitement.

The face under the cold wind mask smiled, with a sly smile. Since he decided to throw the body activation forbidden technique, he was already ready to make a deal!

"Shen Nong's body activation forbidden scroll... has been destroyed by me." Han Feng said lightly, in fact, he couldn't remember where he lost it.

Orochimaru looked at him calmly.

Cold Wind continued: "But I can write a new one."

As for whether the rewriting is correct, only Shennong knows.

Orochimaru said: "Write a new copy...? Lord Hanfeng, can I trust you?"

Cold wind is serious: "Any transaction will be accompanied by risks, it depends on whether Lord Orochimaru dares to trade."

"So, what do you want?" Orochimaru smiled.

The cold wind was silent, what did he want?

Blood follows the limit?

This must not be asked by Orochimaru, God knows if he will guess something.


This can be done, then, physical techniques, illusion techniques, sealing techniques, and various forbidden techniques also come a bit.

But wouldn't that be too much?

By the way, Kusanagi sword is coming too!

Han Feng's heart was beating wildly, and he said slowly: "I want the Kusanagi sword! And all the ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusion, sealing, and forbidden scrolls in the hands of Lord Orochimaru!"

The muscles at the corners of Orochimaru's mouth twitched slightly, and he almost did it!

"This is really a lion's big mouth! Lord Hanfeng, you are going too far!" Orochimaru stared at the cold wind coldly.

Han Feng thought about it for a while, and yes, the forbidden technique of physical activation is only a forbidden technique. It is a bit excessive to use the forbidden technique to ask all the forbidden scrolls of the opponent plus the Kusanagi sword and all other techniques.

Han Feng knew that he could correct his mistake, so he threw the problem to the other party: "What kind of reward can Master Orochimaru give?"

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said, "One Kusanagi sword, one hundred five-attribute ninjutsu."

Although the sky-high asking price has landed on the ground to pay back the money, is this too low?

There are one hundred five-attribute ninjutsu, and only twenty ninjutsus of each attribute are divided equally!

Han Feng shook his head decisively: "Not enough! Five-attribute ninjutsu needs at least 2,000! Illusion, Taiju, and Sealing need at least 100, plus three forbidden skills!"

"I'm not good at illusion and physical arts, so I don't have the habit of collecting them."

Orochimaru said, "Five hundred five-attribute ninjutsu."

Hanfeng quickly recalled that in the original book, Orochimaru did not seem to have used illusions. As for the physical technique... Orochimaru's physical technique seems to be based on software transformation, emmmmm, think of Orochimaru's tongue.

So Han Feng changed his words and said, "One thousand five-attribute ninjutsu, fifty sealing techniques and psychic techniques, plus two forbidden techniques!"

Orochimaru looked at the cold wind with a blank expression, his eyes were cold, as if my patience was about to be worn down by you, until the cold wind was hairy, he slowly said: "One Kusanagi sword, eight hundred swords. Five-attribute ninjutsu, five sealing techniques, one psychic technique, and if it is forbidden, I will replace it with an S-rank Konoha-ryu swordsmanship and a secret technique I created!"

Han Feng felt that this should be the bottom line of Orochimaru. It seemed that he could only extort these things, so Han Feng pushed the boat smoothly and asked, "What is the secret technique created by Mr. Orochimaru?"

"Don't worry, you won't let the cold wind down."

Orochimaru smiled and said, "If you agree, then I can give you another transaction request!"

"Transaction request?" Han Feng was puzzled.

"At a certain time in the future, you can initiate a transaction request to me, any transaction is fine, as long as you can afford the price!" Orochimaru grinned, his tongue flowed out of his mouth, licked his chin, and his eyes were cold. smile.

"Any deal?" Han Feng's eyes lit up.

"That's right, any transaction, whether it's the forbidden art in my hand or my life, can be traded for! How is it, Lord Hanfeng?" Orochimaru laughed strangely, his laughter piercing.

Han Feng thought for a while, this wave should not be a loss, no, it is definitely not a loss, anyway, that scroll was originally Shennong's, and Han Feng must be changed by magic, so he made a profit!

As for the transaction request, the initiative rests with him, and it is not a loss!

"I agreed!"

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