Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 104


After a few hours.

The border of the Land of Rain.

The patter of rain fell.

Gloomy skies took the place of sunshine.

The streets are full of vendors selling ninja tools.

In the official novel "Xiao's Secret Biography", a thing was once described.

These peddlers selling ninja tools sell weapons to ninjas from Konoha, Iwain, and Sandin.

Then the ninjas of the three major ninja villages took the weapons sold by the merchants of the Kingdom of Rain to slaughter their own people.

I have to say, extremely ironic.

And at this time.

There was a sudden explosion on the streets of the town.

In an instant, the glass of the shops in the entire commercial street exploded.

Everyone fell to the ground, and the rumbling thunder continued to ring in their ears.


The passing white丨The air waves slowly change and stay for a long time...



When the Ming people rushed back to the country of rain.

Water Lily has already submitted the information and what he saw and heard.

"That Tianhe Ming human body technique surpassed 1.5 times the speed of sound? Cut countless knives in a second? Killed the puffer fish ghost and the black hoe Lei Ya in a few strokes?!"

The upper level of the hidden fog.

In the hands of Mizukage and the elders.

It is different from Konoha and Sand Yin.

There is only one elder Kirigakure.

His name is Master Yuan, and he has the same strength as Mizukage.

Because Mizukage Mizukage III is seriously ill, or the end of his life is approaching.

Elder Master Yuan took over his duties temporarily.

"He also said that anyone who offends my land of rain will be punished no matter how far away..." Water Lian said cautiously to all the elders present.


"Who does he think he is?!"

Looking at the Ghost Lantern Clan, the Huiye Clan... the patriarchs of the various ethnic groups talked a lot.

Even scolded the water lily.

He stopped immediately: "Okay, I have sent Anbu to investigate. If it is true what Water Lily said, what are you going to do?"

"Before there was a guy named Matt Dai, who was a ninja for ten thousand years, and also abolished seven ninja swordsmen."

The pseudo-shota Kutachi Yakura who was sitting next to Yuanshi spoke.

He hugged his coral stick weapon with a serious expression on his face.

Mention Matt Day.

Everyone fell silent.

"Konoha can produce Maitedai, but Yuyin can't produce a Tianhe Mingren?"

What Goju Yakura said made everyone whisper to each other.

"Now it's time to find a way to find out the situation, and then recover the ninja knife."

When Yakura Yakura talked about it.

A subordinate came over to report.

After something was said in his ear.

Goju Yakura's expression froze: "I still have something to do, you guys continue."

After speaking, Yagura got up and left.

No one stopped.

Because even without the seven knives, Goju Yakura is a stronger monster than Suikayama puffer ghost.

He is also the established candidate for the next Mizukage.

Once Mizukage III dies of old age, he will take his place.

As for Yakura leaving the scene in a hurry, it is natural that there is something important to do.

According to subordinate reports.

Mitsuo... reborn!

Yagura, who had long wanted to use the power of the tailed beast, decided to transform himself into a renchuriki to further consolidate and enhance Kirigakure's strength.

The three-tailed seal entered Konoha's Nohara Lin's body.

Almost two years have passed.

Tailed beasts respawn at random times.

So it could be 1 year, it could be 10 years.

Fortunately, at this moment, Sanwei was resurrected.

Yagura: "It's really God helping me."

When the third generation dies of old age, Kirigakure will inevitably set off a bloodbath.

When the time comes, the person who becomes Renzhuli will be able to calm down everything easily, and become the next Mizukage!


Yuyin Village.

The patter of rain never stops falling.

Asuka raised his head to look at the sky outside the window.

During this time, she has been under house arrest here, unable to go anywhere.

There are ninja guards from Konoha and Sand Yin outside.

Moreover, from time to time, someone will come to persuade him.

Perhaps seeing that the situation is over, they decided to take refuge in Konoha and Sand Yin.

Maybe it was because of no choice but to be coerced and lured.

But... fortunately, grandpa has been secretly sent away by "wearing" them, leaving Yuyin, lurking and waiting for recovery.

At this time, Asuka's only thought was to believe that Ming Tianhe would come back.

next moment.

Long walked in, staring at Asuka's slender back, with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

After the promotion of both Sha Yin and Konoha.

At this moment, the dragon seems to have become the upper echelon of the puppet regime.

With the limit of Xundun Blood Successor, he is unique in terms of survival and assassination.

Supersonic soundless movement.

Let his speed become the existence second only to Uchiha Ruhino.

With his blood, he jumped to an unimaginable level in one fell swoop.

Power, money, and things that were not available in the past have been obtained and placed in front of my eyes.

And now, only...

"There is no good end for a betrayer."

Asuka turned around and looked at Ryu as if he were looking at a dead person.

"He...will never forgive your mistakes."

Asuka was decisive, but his tone was calm.


The dragon's expression became gloomy, and then he turned and left.

After he leaves.

Asuka's calm figure shuddered.

She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down.

long wait......

But no matter how long it takes, I will wait. this world of intrigues and deceptions, Mingren Tianhe is his only friend, and he is also a trusting existence of equality and heart-to-heart.

44. Kill back


Near Yuyin Village.

Ye Cang stared at the gray Yuyin from a distance.

She was intercepted before, so she did not succeed in entering.

Now, stepping into Yuyin for the first time, I am somewhat nervous.

"What's wrong? You, who are famous in the ninja world, are actually scared?"

Mingren stood aside, constantly looking at the sea.

"Hmph, I just thought of some bad memories."

Whether it is Sanjiao Hanzo or Nagato.

Or the current Tianhe Mingren.

Why are there so many monsters in the ninja world.

Watching the two chatting.

Guren opened her eyes wide, as if seeing an alien expression.

My Sage of the Six Paths~~~!

He actually convinced Ye Cang...

There are ten thousand tailed beasts galloping past Honglian's heart.

It just feels special...incredible.

"So, at present, Uchiha Ryuho is the representative of Konoha..." Guren said the collected information.

"I've passed."

Ye Cang waved his hands and walked towards Yuyin Village in a big way.

It was less than half a day since the death of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

Ye Cang went to Kirigakure, another confidential mission sent by Kazekage Naochi.

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