Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? Just Trash Chapter 132

She suddenly heard some movement.

It's like... a cry of pain.

It seemed that someone was crying.

Pharmacist No Naiyu listened to the left and right, and when he was looking for the exact direction, the voice suddenly stopped.

Afterwards, everything fell into silence...

And just when No Naoyu was going to change the direction of his attention.

A figure suddenly appeared behind her: "Aren't you going to bed so late?"


Pharmacist No Naoyu turned around abruptly, startled.

Mingren Tianhe... quietly appeared here.

I don't know, I thought it was a ghost.


Pharmacist Nonoyu straightened his clothes immediately and stroked his hair.

"Master Akito, the Ninja World War is about to end, we, Yuyin..."

"Do you think it should end?" Mingren asked back.


Pharmacist Nonoyu looked at this 14-year-old boy whose height was the same as his own, but much younger, and was momentarily stunned.

Konoha's high-level executives secretly sent themselves to inquire about information.

On the bright side, two diplomats were sent to Yuyin to sign an armistice agreement and end the Ninja War.

"It's getting late, go to bed quickly, the construction of the medical center is completely dependent on you."

Mingren didn't wait for Nonaiyu's reply, but persuaded him directly.


Pharmacist No Naoyu lowered his head slightly, bowed, then turned and left, returning to his room with doubts...

68. Diplomacy comes, armistice?

In the next two days.

The Ming people sent people out to collect material information related to shielding perception.

Holding 500 million in his hand, he didn't panic at all.

Pharmacist No Naoyu also arranged medical facilities step by step.

The "medical clinic" required by the Ming people will be gradually improved and constructed.

During the period, Honglian helped a little and bought some other materials needed.

The "medical center" is being established in a decent way.

It's night.

Pharmacist No Naoyu secretly sent the information back to Konoha.

However, because of Mingren's misleading and single task assignment.

Pharmacist Nonoyu was completely restricted to move around in one area.

So what Konoha got was unnutritious information.

At best, he would guess that Hanzo might still be alive.

Mingren at this time.

Come to the top of the rebuilt central tower in Yuyin Village.

Hanzo was placed here secretly.

Looking at Hanzo lying on the hospital bed, everyone was silent.

Because the civil servants and other personnel from the Land of Rain transferred Umein to assist in governance, Asuka who had spare time would come to visit Hanzo every day.

Shennong, many of Yuyin's medical ninjas, exhausted all kinds of conventional medical methods.

Hanzo still looks like a vegetable.

Since he woke up last time and entrusted Yuyin Village to the Ming people, he has never shown any signs of waking up.

Asuka had no choice but to watch and wait silently.

"Miss Asuka, Master Akito..."

Wear it from the outside and walk in.

"Diplomats from Konoha and Sagakure have come to the entrance of our village, do you want to let them go..."

As Hanzo's loyal subordinate.

Wearing almost 24-hour shifts guarding Hanzo's side.

At that time, Hanzo was severely injured, and he carried Hanzo back.

Later, Yuyin fell, and he was the one who took Hanzo out of the village...

Hearing the horn of counter-offensive, he was obliged to lead people back.

For Hanzo's injury, his sadness and anger were no less than Asuka's.


Akito stared at the unconscious Hanzo, slowly turned his head, and looked at the crowd: "Everyone, do you think... the Ninja World War should end?"




Evening sun is really red, Nara Shikahisa.

Standing side by side with two sand hidden diplomats.

At the entrance of Yuyin, the guards held sharp knives and looked hostile.

They stared at the four of them, if not because of their identities as diplomats.

They've already chopped it off.


The titles of Shikahisa Nara and Makoto Yuhi also made the guards a little bit more rational.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer."

Shikahisa Nara gestured with his eyes.

Don't be impulsive.

Don't put on the posture of a big country anymore.

Otherwise, it will definitely stimulate them and hinder the implementation of the plan.

"Even so..."

Yuhi Zhenhong opened her mouth slowly.

"But it's a bit too contemptuous to hang us here all the time."

Because it is close to 50 years old.

Makoto Yuhi is a ninja born during the first Hokage period.

Although he was still young at that time, he received the old-fashioned education.

Therefore, it is important to look at various etiquette.

There's a...Showa vibe.

Facing the rudeness of Yuyin Village, he was more or less indignant.

Being proficient in illusion with high intelligence, high EQ, and being able to see things and human emotions doesn't mean that you don't have a small temper.

"What? Not satisfied? Go back if you are not satisfied!"

Seeing Yuhi Zhenhong's stinky face, the guards scolded directly.

The grievances between Yuyin, Konoha and Shayin are too deep.

Just scolding, it's good.

"Okay, don't talk too much!"

The officer in charge of the guard immediately ordered.

Although the little pawns have the ideas of the little pawns, the ideas of the big men above are the most important.

If it is because of improper speech.

Let the village suffer losses, then the only one who will be hurt will be himself.


The guards closed their mouths resentfully, but still stared at Yuhi Zhenhong with their eyes.


After receiving this kind of treatment, Yuhi turned red, and her little finger moved slightly.

Nara Shikajiu didn't have time to stop it.

A group of guards fell under the illusion in an instant.

Before everyone reacted.

Konoha's number one illusion ninja...Yuhi Makoto used his proud illusion ability.

In terms of illusion attainments.

Yuhi Mako even thought that she could despise Sannin Orochimaru and others.

This is his pride.

It is also the self-esteem that bets on the name.

A group of guards who had been enchanted by the illusion made all kinds of funny poses in an instant, which looked very ridiculous.

This farce at the door.

It lasted about a few seconds.

"Diplomats from Konoha and Sagakure, please come in."

Yamada walked to the door, glanced at the companions who were immobilized, and didn't know what was in his eyes.


Rain hidden watchtower.

meeting room.

The composition of the personnel who came here today can be described as very exciting.

Asuka sat on the main seat.

Mingren is on the side.

Standing behind Honglian, even Ye Cang, who had been training hard, appeared here.

She glared at the sand hidden diplomats.

And the two ninjas of Sand Yin looked at Ye Cang worriedly, and stared at Asuka and Akito angrily.

Because in the narration of Luo Sha and Sha Yin's elders.

The saying that "Yakura is controlled by the enemy with illusion" has spread throughout Shayin.

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