Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 135

A cold voice came into his ears: "You... just want to die that much?!"

An icy chill instantly froze Yuhi Mako and Nara Shikahisa.


The two turned their heads to look at Ming Ren with shocked faces.

Especially Yuhi was really red, with a serious face: "You...didn't hit my voice illusion?!"

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Yuhi Zhenhong anticipated the worst possibility.

The opponent's intelligence is no less than his own, and his mental energy is particularly powerful...

That's why he was immune to his voice illusion? !

Illusion resistance has nothing to do with the amount of chakra.

Otherwise, the Tailed Beast wouldn't be easily affected by the illusion.

Determines whether it is resistant to illusion.

It is the amount of illusion knowledge, intelligence, and spiritual energy intensity that a person has mastered.

Ming people are not only high in IQ.

Because of the dark chakra, the spiritual energy is even more explosive!

"The tricks of indiscriminate use! Then take your life!"

Mingren casually hit a dark empty palm, and knocked away the Kunai that Yuhi Zhenhong threw at Asuka.

It's time.

He actually wanted to make a single throw and kill Asuka.

"Your Excellency Ming..."

Nara Shikajiu's dead soul is big.

With his high intelligence, he had long expected that this trip would be very dangerous.

But still didn't expect...

Yuri Zhenhong will be responsible for high-level secret orders, and plans to massacre Yuyin's high-level officials if the negotiations break down.

There is of course no such thing as drag.

On his first day as a ninja, Nara Shikahisa was ready to die.


Nara Shikajiu swallowed his saliva, and persuaded, "Your Excellency Akito, please calm down..."


The Ming people let out a low drink.

Breathing out the dark chakra breath from the mouth.

With a bang, Shikahisa Nara was blown away by a huge force.

The use of the dark empty palm was released from the mouth.

Combined with the terrifying power of [25], it has the effect of knocking people into the air with a low drink.

One step across the spot.

Mingren came to Yuhi Zhenhong, and said indifferently: "Not only will I kill you, but I will also go to Konoha to find your daughter "Yuhihong", and use various methods to torture her, making her life worse than death! ! "

Konoha used these dirty tricks again and again.

They specifically selected Hanzo's granddaughter Asuka, and waited for the younger generation who had not yet grown up to start.

This kind of dirty work.

Mingren was completely angered.

After saying this sentence, Mingren pointed out.

Yuhi Zhenhong, who originally regarded death as home, heard that the other party was going to murder her precious daughter.

He immediately roared, the veins on his forehead popped up, and he was ready to go all out.

Facing Yuhi Zhenhong's full blow.

Mingren didn't even look at it, and within a few tenths of a second, it was poked on his forehead.

Huge power, delivered through your fingertips.

【25】The strength gathers together.

At the fingertips, the dark chakra shines brightly.

Use power to match chakra enchantment.

The ninjutsu attack released is a by-product of the dark empty palm.

Ming people called it "Dark Finger".

The power that hit the point exploded suddenly, piercing Yuhi Zhenhong's skull in an instant, and the violent force shattered his brain in an instant.

I saw Akito casually killing the illusionist Yuhi Mako, who was famous in the ninja world.

Shikahisa Nara's heart was blank.

Facing an enemy of this level, there is simply... no way to resist.

It's not that I can't move.

It's just... Even if you resist, your reason and IQ tell you, it's absolutely meaningless.

This moment.

Any tricks and ideas are completely useless.

Facing a person who is extremely persistent and angering him, then there is no hope at all...


Yuhi Zhenhong's corpse collapsed.

Before he died, Mingren threatened him to find his daughter Yuhihong, which triggered his deep resentment and hatred.

The evening sun is really red, a middle-aged daughter.

Therefore, the most important thing is that the daughter can carry on the family line and leave a grandson for herself.

That's why he allowed Asma to hang around her daughter all day.

Tianhe Mingren wanted to take away all his hopes, how could he not be angry and resentful.

These negative emotions are all turned into dark chakras and absorbed by Ming people.

In an instant, Mingren's strength rose to a higher level.

[Power... 28! 】


In the next second, Ye Cang's roar spread throughout the meeting room.

As an existence second only to Ming Ren in strength, he was also the second expert on the scene.

She was the second to react.

Ye Cang, who was extremely angry, threw two fireballs on the spot, directly roasting the two ninjas of Shayin Village into human beings.

Just when she was planning to attack and kill Shikahisa Nara.

Mingren waved his hand to stop her.

"Nara Shikaku..."

Akito looked at Konoha No. 1 wise man who was slumped on the ground without blinking his eyes.

"If I went to Konoha to kill your wife and the child in your wife's womb, and then slaughtered the Nara clan, as well as your good friends Yamanaka Kaiichi and Akido Choza, you would still have a truce with Ugakure ?"


Nara Shikahisa's cheeks twitched, and many thoughts flashed in his eyes.

After a moment, he lowered his cheeks and shook his head.


A wise man can understand everything with just one sentence.

Compare your heart with your heart.

The Nara clan is a rare human sobriety in the Naruto world.

They understand everything.

"Then get out! Go back and tell Konoha's senior management, next time...send some real strong men to talk to me! As for you and that are not qualified!"


Nara Deer swallowed for a long time, then got up, bowed his head slightly, and left quickly...

Wait until Asuka and others lift the illusion.

When everyone is in a commotion...

Mingren's eyes flickered: "It's best...Konoha and Sand Yin can send some stronger experts over for me to slaughter next time, power will be... ...'

Think here.

Mingren's eyes showed bloodthirsty killing intent.


That night.

It's all settled.

Guren took a deep breath, and she was in the corridor, planning to deliver the food to Mingren's room.

And just when she took a step.

A black shadow... quietly appeared on the spot... behind her.

Honglian's steps froze, and her whole body was pierced by the extreme cold.

Unable to move anymore.

"This, this is..."

Just when her body was trembling involuntarily because of fear.

Mingren pushed open the room and walked out.

Staring at Guren, then glanced at the black figure standing behind her, and asked calmly, ""Madara"? "

71. Solicitation of Obito

Black robe, belted.

Long broken hair.

On the face is a mask with an orange base and multiple black flame patterns.

On the right eye part of the mask, there is a hole.

This attire is exactly the image Uchiha Obito used when fooling Itachi in Itachi Shinden.

"Oh? You know me?"

Obito Uchiha spoke in Madara's voice.

Honglian stood in the middle, not daring to move.

It wasn't until Mingren gave her a look that Honglian ran over quickly, hid behind Mingren, swallowed, and watched the confrontation between the two.

"I heard that guy Yahiko talk about you."

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