Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? Just Trash Chapter 194

Ye Cang said without hesitation.

What side effects, in her opinion, are completely indifferent.

"Look, here's the problem, if everyone who gets the dark chakra thinks it doesn't matter, even giving up the lower limit...then the ninja world will become a purgatory on earth just like what my master Shen Nong said. "

Ming Ren solemnly warned.

This is why the dark chakra is not popularized.

Instead of trusting in humanity.

It's better to perfect the dark chakra, turn it into a positive force, and then give it to others.


Listening to these words, Asuka nodded thoughtfully.

Already understood the meaning.

"Then, let's start with the birds."

Mingren said to her.

Asuka...I want you to be my dark weapon!

124. Hakura Asuka, come here, move yourself

Mingren: "Then, let's start undressing."

Asuka: "??"

Ye Cang: "?!"

red lotus::"......"

Mingren's speech is slightly misleading.

Just when Mingren was about to explain.

Asuka caught a glimpse of Guren's flushed cheeks.

When she caught her gaze, she quickly lowered her head.

This couldn't made Asuka think of something.

As a result, that fair face that looked like a porcelain doll was slightly...stained with a blush: "When I was young...when my mother was alive, she said... ..That kind of thing can only be done when you get married..."

Asuka's tone was cold, but there was still a hint of... shyness in his tone.

Mingren: "No, what I mean is that the technique should be performed on the back near the shoulders, as long as that part is exposed."


Ye Cang rolled his eyes.

I thought it was something.

"I'll come first."

Saying that, Ye Cang turned around, showing off her proud figure in the backless dress.

She motioned for Mingren to perform the operation directly.

Mingren slowly raised his palm, and said to Ye Cang, "Come here, move yourself."


Ye Cang took the initiative to lean on Mingren's palm.

Mingren also touched Ye Cang's bright shoulder and back.

Feels... really nice.

The black fire in my heart ignited in an instant, and disappeared in an instant.

Ming suppresses negative emotions.

With the shining of the dark chakra light in the palm.

The spell was engraved on Ye Cang's body.

Because they are not researchers, nor do they know the specific methods of performing dark chakra.

So Ye Cang and Guren and the others will only become the carriers of the dark chakra.

And it is impossible to give the seeds of dark chakra to others, so that others can have this power.

This can be regarded as the insurance that Ming people pre-determined.

Before the dark chakra is completely improved, it must not be spread on a large scale, turning the ninja world into a purgatory on earth.

call out......

With the disappearance of surgery.

The seeds of dark chakra have been planted.

From this moment on, Ye Cang feels that he has become a little different...

"felt it."

Ye Cang raised his palm.

Incompetent rage is a thing of the past.

Now, she can realize that every minute and every drop of negative thoughts can be transformed into strength!


Scenes of the past flashed through Ye Cang's mind.

Extreme hatred arose in her heart.

An astonishing dark aura surged, emerging from her body surface.

A gust of wind followed.

An astonishing momentum... rushed to Ye Cang's whole body!

Strength, speed, body, virtue... all kinds of indicators flashed before her eyes.

Let Ye Cang have a direct insight into her own data.

"It's...a powerful thing!"

Wait until the dark breath dissipates.

Ye Cang shook his hand, and the black flames in his eyes flashed away.

"What I give you is the version of the dark chakra technique that I personally improved, but it still doesn't have a zero tail..."

Whether the zero tail is strong or not is another matter, the main thing is too ugly.

Therefore, Akito just endowed him with the same dark chakra as himself for the time being.

All the experience and perfection in the past were given to Ye Cang.

It is tantamount to letting Ye Cang stand on his shoulders of success.

And this is the embodiment of the collective wisdom of mankind! It is something that completely surpasses the theory of blood!

"I will copy it to you after I have completed the zero-tail technique and perfected my own experiments."

After promising this thing.

Ye Cang has also become the object of observation and research by Ming people.

As time goes on, the research must go deeper, deeper, deeper...

"Asuka, it's you next."

Mingren looked at Asuka on the side again.


Asuka nodded slightly, and slowly took off part of the clothes that covered her from head to toe, exposing her shoulders.

She looked a little shy, obviously very reserved.

And with Mingren's touch, her figure trembled slightly.

"It'll be fine soon...don't worry..."

Ming said comfortingly.

It took a few seconds to cast the dark chakra spell.

Asuka also possessed Dark Chakra immediately.

"Okay. The next step is for the master to lead in and practice alone. You should get used to this power..."

Mingren waved his hand.

Ye Cang and Asuka turned and left.

At the door, Asuka looked back at Mingren, and then left completely.


Wait until everything gets quiet.

Mingren's expression returned to indifference: "Honglian, how is Yuhuo going?"

"I've put her in the life support tank." Honglian replied immediately.

"Well, then, let's restart Ankbandian!"

Asuka and Ye Cang left not long ago.

There was a rumbling sound behind him.

They immediately stopped and looked back.

The nearby Yuyin ninjas and the people also turned their eyes to the area where Ming people lived.


The huge Ankbandian Fortress slowly rose into the sky under everyone's gaze.

Various exclamations came from Yuyin Village.

The Kongyin ninjas who were merged into Umein watched the movement of the huge fortress with fanaticism.

half an hour later...

The aerial fortress has come to a position 2 kilometers above Yuyin Village.

Completely turned into an inconspicuous little spot.



With the last shock gone.

The fortress in the sky was completely completed.

"Master Ming, everything is fine."

Multiple red lotuses ran out from various passages.

These red lotus colors look a little weird, like... a little faded, and like they're missing some hues.

It's like the comparison between 8-bit game consoles and 16-bit.

And these red lotuses are all "Crystal Escape Clone" of the red lotus.

It is a product similar to the shadow clone, higher than the water clone, and an intermediate product.

Learned how to control the sky fortress from the kongyin ninja.

Guren became the ruler of this fortress.

With just one person, 90% of the start-up procedure for this fortress can be completed.

And the last one left.

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