Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 264

The living room door was pulled open.

Itachi plucked up his courage, holding the Taidao with both hands, ready to fight to the death with his mighty father.


Itachi called this title for the first time in his life.

Not my father, nor my lord father.

But naturally speaking as a family member.

Itachi's heart was full of mixed feelings, his thinking was completely disorganized, and he could hardly think about anything...

Father and mother sat quietly on the tatami without saying a word.

What will they... say next.

How will you fight against yourself?

When Itachi thinks so...

Father's body suddenly began to tremble and tremble.


Seemingly exhausted, my father turned around.

It was an expression Itachi had never seen before.

Father's expression was livid and painful.

In the eyes... is the nostalgia and reluctance for the child.


Father growled in a pained voice.

"With Sasuke..."

Itachi: "??"

"Quick, run away...!!!"

Pooh! !

When this sentence came out.

A black arm protruded from the pupil of the father's eye.

And this time, his father's left eye, facial muscles, and bones were completely destroyed.


With a sudden wave of the palm, the range expanded.

Father's head was sliced ​​open like a cake.

next second.

The other arm stretched out, and a dark figure jumped out from it.


Followed by a red-haired woman with a strange hairstyle.

"It finally came out~~~! X's! 15 years, 15 years~~!"


Itachi stared at the scene in bewilderment.

The mother who was splashed with blood beside her was even more frightened and completely stunned.

The pitch-black figure that emerged from the corpse dissipated the chakra that was like black fire.

He glanced at the spot.

After being stared at like that, Itachi suddenly felt chills all over his body, and he couldn't think of any resistance in his heart.

"Let's go."

Mingren Tianhe grabbed his mother and that strange woman.

There was a violent sound of wind.

He brushed past him and then disappeared without a trace...



Itachi was stunned for a long time.

When it grows to the point where "Madara" merges with itself.

He glanced inside the room, and his eyes stayed on his father's body for a moment, as if he was satisfied with the ending.

Immediately there was some doubt as to where my mother had gone.

Then, Madara said, "Your brother is back."

"I see......"

Itachi said silently.

At the same time, a decision was made in my heart.

To use the "monthly reading" illusion to create a false scene, the death of the father and the disappearance of the mother.

Completely pretending to be killed by himself.

Because... that man is not something anyone can resist.

If the younger brother knows the truth and seeks revenge on him, then... the younger brother will definitely die.

Itachi turned around, red light flashed in his pupils.

On the street outside, I heard my younger brother shouting nervously...

191. Follow-up, join Xiao, return to Yuyin

Soon after......


Sasuke collapsed on the street outside.

"My stupid brother..."

Itachi suppressed the sadness and reluctance in his heart.

"You don't hate me enough... If you want to kill me, hate me, hate me. Then live ugly, keep running away, keep running away. Survive. Then, When you have eyes like mine, come to me..."

Finish these words.

Itachi jumped up, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

This is just a short farewell.

In the future...we will meet again eventually.

Itachi wiped away his tears and jumped towards the moonlit night...


The entrance to the gathering place of the Uchiha clan.

Itachi appeared here.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mitomon Yan, Shimura Danzo, and Zhuanju Koharu are four high-level executives.

Bring all the dark parts, root members gather here.

Neither side moved.

confront each other.

"Uchiha Itachi."

After a while, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun spoke.


"I killed a family to test my strength."

As promised, Itachi spoke.

"I'm completely impatient with this stupid family. So, I killed them...along with my father and mother."


The shock in the eyes of the four Sarutobi Hiruzen flashed past.

Uchiha Itachi... actually killed Uchiha Fugaku who defeated Akito Tianhe by himself? !

So, did Uchiha Fugaku release the water, or...

At this time, the four senior members of Konoha didn't know that it was not only Itachi himself who slaughtered the family, but also "Madara" who acted as an accomplice.

"Only my stupid younger brother is interesting. I spared his life and planned to kill him after he grows up."

Itachi's ruthless words.

It made all the members of Anbe and Gen feel shuddering.


The most unbelievable is Kakashi who once served as Itachi's boss.

Kakashi stood in the crowd, eyes widening.

It is different from the four high-level Konoha leaders who lead this genocide conspiracy.

Be it Kakashi or Uzuki Yugao, almost all members of Anbe and Ne don't know the details.

The transactions of careerists are only carried out between a few people.


Kakashi and the others subconsciously believed that what Itachi said was the truth.

"What, do you want to do something to me?"

Itachi looked around.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan shines.

This stare.

Let everyone panic.

Because they never expected that Uchiha Itachi... also had that kind of pupils.

No wonder, was able to kill his father Uchiha Fugaku.

"I'll... watch you from the shadows..."

Leaving a sentence to threaten everyone, in fact, to warn Konoha's senior group of four, let them take good care of their younger brother.

Itachi then cast the instant body technique and swaggered away in front of everyone.

"Master Hokage!"

"Three generations...!"

Various exclamations came from behind.

However... Sarutobi Hiruzen did not move for a long time.

Wait until the ferret has completely disappeared.

Hiruzen Sarutobi gave the order to let everyone enter the Uchiha gathering place...

And when Danzo searched the corpses and the Sharingan on the corpses.

The oily girl Ryoma, her subordinate, sent a report with an ugly expression on her face.

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