Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 288

A small town.

A bar has been raided by robbers.

Yao Shidou and Jun Malu stood in the dark, watching this scene.

"After Oshemaru-sama established the Yinnin Village, the order of Tian Zhiguo became more and more chaotic."

The pharmacist adjusted his glasses.

Because of Orochimaru's bad character, the country is going from bad to worse.

Originally, Tian Zhiguo was a peaceful small country.

One day, Orochiji bribed the daimyo, and with the official endorsement, the Yinnin Village was established.

For Orochihime, Yinnin Village is just an experimental tool.

So, she allowed all kinds of chaos to spread.

And wantonly arrested test products in Tian Zhiguo.

As a result, the country quickly became turbulent.

All kinds of robbery, murder, arson...the number of thugs who do all kinds of evil has increased.

Now, for some reason, Orochihime is going to rule the country of Tana.

Therefore, the mess I made in the past will now be restored.

"Hmph... Anyone who obstructs Master Orochimaru will die!"

Jun Malu's eyes showed killing intent.

He is completely loyal to Orochi Ji, and he will only complete the task thoroughly.

Thinking that Jun Malu's move might cause even greater chaos.

Dou shook his head helplessly: "Jun Ma Lu, let me come forward."

And just when Yao Shidou was planning to go out to deal with the robbers and restore order to the town...

in the crowd.

A little girl came out: "You dare to rob in broad daylight, don't you know how to be ashamed?!"


Dou, Junmalu, and the surrounding audience all looked over.

The girl was about 10 years old.

A dark yellow shawl with medium-length hair.

She has a pair of peach blossom eyes, showing incredible tenderness and charm.

The slender willow-leaf eyebrows and fair skin outline the posture of a beauty embryo.

When she grows up...she's sure to be a beauty.

This is what is on everyone's mind.

Seeing a child about 10 years old running out to stop the robbers, everyone was stunned.

Then, they thought again.

Maybe... she's so brave because she's a ninja?

In the ninja world.

You can't judge a person by age.

Like Konoha.

At the age of 5 or 6, children are thrown on the battlefield to kill people, which is extremely cruel.

Well, 10-year-old ninja children are also very common.

Especially Tianzhi Country, a country with many wild ninja families.

"Go away!!"

The robber was vicious and kidnapped a waiter.

The knife rests on the neck, and it will strike if there is a disagreement.

The waiter was trembling with fright, his face was pale, and his whole body was about to go limp.


As soon as the girl stretched out her hand, she stopped immediately.

"If you dare to do it..."

"How about doing it?!"

The kidnapper, who was aroused to be ferocious, clenched the knife tightly, and was about to cut the throat of the hotel waiter.

Just at this critical moment——


Accompanied by a low drink.

As soon as the girl raised her hand, a transparent column of wind ignited from her palm, and suddenly attacked the robber.

In an instant, the attack hit.

Before the robber could react, his face was blown off.


The face of the girl who rescued the waiter changed.

"I forgot that this guy is an ordinary person. Once he makes a move... he may seriously injure someone, or even kill him..."

She who saved people did not wait for everyone's reaction.

Immediately turned around and ran away.

The bewildered crowd stared blankly at the scene, and it took a react.

They talked about the scene just now.

Standing in the dark, Douhe Junmalu thought deeply.

"Is it Fengdun? Teacher Dou." Jun Malu asked.

That kind of transparent wind pillar attack looks like wind escape, and it seems to be... a kind of ninjutsu.

So, what is it?

"I'm afraid... neither..."

The pharmacist adjusted his glasses, and the white light reflected on them.

The corners of the mouth are drawn up.

Pharmacist realized that he might have found a treasure during this trip!

"Let's go and have a look, Junmaro, I think... that girl is very valuable!"

214. Earth Spider Ying, the Meeting of Time

one day later.

Todo and Junmaro, who followed the girl, witnessed her many attacks on ordinary people.

Preliminary judgment.

Combat strength is at least comparable to those of the senior ninja who have been around for several years.

Until a wild ninja from Tianzhi Country started robbery.

The girl who bumped into this scene fought with the opponent.

Ninja VS Ninja.

It was a fight.

The girl fell into a disadvantage at first, because the opponent's strength has the level of "Chunin".

But soon, she turned defeat into victory.

Unleashed a more powerful Chakra attack again.

The whitened chakra beam of light radiates light.

The radius is about 10 centimeters, and the attack distance is more than 5 meters.

According to the preliminary judgment, the level of ninjutsu can be rated as C level.

The astonishing power that erupted blasted the opponent's face with one blow.

The latter may live with a disfigured appearance for the rest of his life.


The girl who eliminated her opponent breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when she was about to reprimand him, her stomach let out a growl.

"So hungry...!"

Rubbing her stomach and looking at her shriveled pockets, the girl found herself in trouble.

And the pharmacist knew it all.

The time has come.

He smiled slightly, walked from the street, and came to the girl: "If you don't mind... How about I treat you to a meal?"

Have a conversation.

Soon, Yao Shidou learned the other party's name.

"Ying, my name is Tu... oh, I mean "Ying"! "

Ying ate the delicious food and announced her name.

Three people are sitting in a restaurant.

Taking advantage of his gentle face and good-natured persona, he quickly started chatting with the other party.

"Miss Ying, where is your family?"

Pocket asked.

Jun Malu stood aside with a cold face and did not speak.

"My family... mother, and everyone is fine... I ran out alone, don't tell others."

Ying ate a meal as a reward for the treat.


Pharmacist nodded, and immediately guessed that the girl in front of him might be a member of a wild ninja family.

Some time passed.

The country of Tian is in turmoil.

The friction between Yunyin and Yinren made the whole country active.

Many wild ninjas joined Otonin.

There is also a part that acts with self-will.

There are also some people who start to unite with others to form another alliance.

"After I left home, I saw a lot of crimes, murder, robbery, arson..."

Ying's expression became serious.

"I stopped them one by one, and felt that it was meaningful and fulfilling to come out."

Injustice every time.

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