Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 309

After waiting for a while.

She finally heard footsteps outside.

Ying stepped forward, and Bi waited and watched at the door.

She saw Master Mingren.

Also saw... a woman.

The woman chatted and laughed with Master one-sidedly.

But soon, she reached out to wrap her arms around Master, and made an intimate gesture.


Ying's eyes suddenly went blank.

With a blank face, she stared blankly at the woman who showed her intimate gestures.

A question could not help but emerge in my mind: Who is this woman...?

At the same moment, black aura gushed out from Ying's heart, and when she didn't realize it, it transformed into the energy of dark chakra...

Wait until Terumi Mei walks into the meeting room.

Ying had already recuperated and stood behind the table and chairs.

"Ying, this is Fifth Generation Mizukage Terumi Mei." Akito introduced.

"Hi Mizukage-sama, I am Master's disciple...Earth Spider Ying."

Ying gave a standard diplomatic answer in a standard tone.

From all aspects of etiquette, they are impeccable.

It's just... completely inconsistent with her usual gentle and lively appearance.


Terumi Mei responded with a smile.

I was a little surprised.

Mingren Tianhe's...disciple?

Terumi Mei was amazed by this incident, and a new idea soon popped up in her heart.

From now on, get along well with this little girl.

After all, she is Tianhe Mingren's disciple.

Getting close to her and buying her is also beneficial to the development of his relationship with Tian Heming.

Both parties are seated.

Behind Terumi Mei stood water lilies.

Ying stood behind Ming.

As for Ao and don't have to invite everyone to talk about diplomacy.

some things.

As long as Mizukage himself is present.

"It's been a while, Wuyin Village is okay." Mingren spoke first.

"Well, the Six-Tails Jinchuriki has been recovered."

Terumi Mei said.

If Ao was here, she would definitely stop Terumi Mei from revealing such confidential information.

But in Terumi Mei's view, this is not a problem.

"Is it."

Mingren nodded.

At that time, my own casual words changed the plot again.

Wuyin Village brought Yu Gao back...

When Payne captures Yu Gao, will he blow up Wuyin Village?

Have a conversation.

Terumi Mei said the important move of this trip.

"Your Excellency Mingren, have you considered... the issue of marriage?"

Terumi Mei narrowed her eyes, maintaining a smile.

half year ago.

did that kind of thing.

It means that Tianhe Mingren is also interested in himself.

After a long period of deliberation, these things should also be logical...

Generally speaking, Terumi Mei is a traditional woman.

Just like people in the Naruto world are very pure when it comes to love, marriage... issues.

Playing with feelings, such things as PUA, have never been heard of.



Whether it's Terumi Mei or other people's logic.

Some things in love that I have identified are surprisingly consistent.


Ming smiled lightly.

But they don't know what kind of person Ming is.

Mingren just sneered and didn't respond on the spot.

Terumi Mei's heart... a little swollen.

She thinks there is something to this matter.

It's just that Ming Tianhe is too reserved, so I'm sorry.

"Come from afar, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten yet..."

Terumi Mei suddenly changed the subject.

She knew that she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

So let's get in touch in this way, using eating as an excuse first.

"Master Ming, don't you want to treat me?"

Terumi Mei cast a wink, a look, is enough to be called a charming.

"Well, let's go."

Mingren stood up and did not refuse the offer of a treat.

Watching the three walk out of the conference room.

Ying murmured: "Marriage...marriage...?"

She seemed to realize something, and her heart... was tightened.

What emerges is not just a sense of crisis.

And... a deeper dark chakra breath...


after lunch.

Akito and Terumi Mei walked together to visit the scenery of Yuyin Village.

Ying and Water Lian followed behind.

The two have different thoughts in their hearts.

Along the way, Terumi Mei didn't talk about other things, but just asked about the development of Yuyin Village.

It seems that the previous performance of talking about gender topics did not exist at all.

When it was dusk, Terumi Mei said that he was tired and wanted to go back to rest.

In this regard, I bid farewell to Mingren and planned to continue the next day.

After Mingren gave Ying a few words of advice, he also left.

Ying, who was preoccupied, came to the training room unknowingly.

Along the way, all I could think about was the past half a year, the little things I got along with Master.


Those ordinary and warm daily life and Master's care have been etched into her mind.

Come to the human target.

Ying raised her fist.

Natural energy surges.

The power of heaven and earth is used.

The transparent breath is surging, it should be... so.

However, the next moment, black breath joined the transparent airflow, completely soaking it...

With "natural energy" + "negative emotions".


Ying fused the two powers to create a unique "Dark Immortal Chakra".

And this seemingly unknowingly, a new power obtained by coincidence.

In fact, it has been more than half a year of brewing preparations.

Like a fruit-bearing tree, it has long been planted in the ground.

Bearing fruit is just the result.

Growth and germination is the process.


Dark Immortal Chakra surged around the fist.

Punch down.

The iron man target used for training was punched through by Ying with empty eyes.

And this horrible scene.

Just happened to be spotted by Ringo Yuyuri who was passing by: "What the hell?"

234. The man I like, PUA continues

"Didn't you notice? Xiaoying has improved a lot these days..."

The third day of Terumi Mei's visit.

Lin Yuyuli observed Ying's practice many times, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Not only can she make good use of the dark chakra, but she also seems to combine the two should be called "Senjutsu", right? "

Natural energy is an integral part of Xianshu.

On power.

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