Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 313

Chojuro was stunned again.

After a while, with a creak, the door opened.

A head popped out.

Mizukage-sama seems to be holding on to the doorknob.

Looking at the height of the head, it seems to be bending over?

She maintained a smiling expression on her face, and her double eyelids even turned into crescent moons.

"Chojuro...I...have to take a back quickly..."

See Mizukage-sama appear in person.

Chojuro thoroughly checked her safety.

Washing, bathing...? !

Then he should really leave immediately.

Chojuro scratched his head with flushed cheeks, said good night immediately, and left quickly.

Terumi Mei stared at his back, the smile on his face quickly lost.

In the next second, Terumi Mei's head shrank back suddenly.

The door was shut with a bang.

At night, the pattering rain outside poured water on the land of Yuyin Village.

Soon, the light rain turned into a downpour.

After several hours.

The figure of Terumi Mei appeared on the sky fortress platform at an altitude of 2 kilometers in the sky.

She stared at the night scene of Yu Yin, with pain in her smiling expression.

Behind her, Mingren grabbed her by the hair, and while attacking fiercely, he said to her: "Remember your own identity... marriage? You are nothing more than a dark weapon!"

boom! boom! boom......

237. Two years later

a few days later...

Terumi Mei's departure was within everyone's expectations.

It is even more reasonable that there is no talk of marriage.

Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She came to an office next to the conference room. a small room exclusively for Akira.

Ming people often appear here to give orders to Anbu or others alone.

Ying came to the door and saw Honglian standing here.

"Master..." Ying asked.

"My lord is inside." Honglian whispered.

Ying tiptoed in.

Found her master taking a lunch break.

Is it because the woman Mizukage left that he felt lonely?

Or... for some other reason?

The Land of Rain is a peaceful country, and to the people, it is also known as a paradise on earth.

In the entire Land of Rain, everyone knows the name of Tianhe Mingren.

To the people, he was a god.

Then everyone is happy.

But Tianhe Mingren was still not happy.

For the future of mankind, for the future of the ninja world, and for the liberation of the entire planet, he has been working hard.

Think about these things.

Reminiscing about the past bit by bit...

Ying found out.

Master Master seems to have never been really happy once.

That does not work.

Ying secretly swears in her heart that she must help Master Master realize his dream.

The dream of liberating all mankind...!

Slowly walked to the front of the master.

He just sat on the chair, closed his eyes, and still frowning.

Perhaps, in the rest of sleep, still not forgetting the responsibility.

That handsome face should have smiled.

Ying couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

As she stared at this familiar face, her thoughts drifted away.

Suddenly, she stood on tiptoe, stretched her neck, and approached the face.



She wants to get closer to Master Master, that's right... closer... closer...


Footsteps came.

Ying quickly stood up straight and took a few steps back.

Afterwards, Anbu came in from the outside and reported a new mission.

Ying stood where she was, looking at the awakened master, she couldn't help clenching her fingers.

When Anbu left, the master looked at himself: "Ying, what's the matter?"

"No, no..."

Ying shook her head, hiding her feelings in her heart.


time flies.

Ying continues to practice and grow.

The strength is advancing by leaps and bounds day by day.

Even Ye Cang was moved by such strict self-discipline and persistence.

No one knows.

What is the driving force behind Ying's hell-style practice.

Only her? Self-knowledge.

In constant practice, Ying grows and thinks.

What can I do to help Master?

the answer is......

Recent Chunin Exams.

Mid-term confrontation with enemies.

Long-term...liberation of all mankind!

In this process, there will definitely be a lot of suffering, but for the self who has made up his mind, that is nothing at all.

Seeing other women getting close to Master Master, especially showing ambiguity, was the source of more pain for me.

in addition.

In later life, you will definitely encounter many choices.

what's right.

what is wrong.

When to do what.

Will it repeat the same mistakes as in the past?

Ying is very clear about what she has to face.

And she also knows how to solve the problem.

the answer is......

"Master is justice! His will is my will!!"


The rainy sky is still raining.

Ying, who had grown a lot in height, walked across the glass bridge with light steps.

Her face looked serious and resolute.

Change the timidity of the past.

It has been a year and a half since Terumi Mei's visit. ready.

"Master Ying."

"Master Ying..."

Along the way, people kept saying hello to 12-year-old Ying.

These two years.

Relying on her hard work and strength, Ying has won everyone's approval.

Because of the unique temperament, or the temperament close to Ming people.

Plus a more beautiful and lovely face.

And the figure exuding the breath of an invincible youthful girl.

He has won the admiration of countless people.

In the past two years, Ying has learned how to make up, how to match, and learn about aesthetics.

Completely shaped himself into a role similar to "idol".

It can be said... 200% of its own charm.

It's the same as Princess Fenghua Xiaoxue, the famous name in the Snow Country, who became an actress for the sake of the country's finances and filmed the serial movie series of "Princess Fengyun"...

Ying also created a personal performing arts project.

For example... singing the opening and ending songs for the big movie "Princess Fengyun".

Release song album.

On the cover of a magazine.

Received an interview on the official TV program of the Land of Rain, etc.

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