Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 463

Mingren stared at this scene.

In this matter, Lei Ying showed great self-cultivation.

Because this is equivalent to the most important relatives, younger brother or parents were arrested, life and death are unknown, they may have died, and they are so angry that they want to kill each other. At this time, a person suddenly appears and asks you to forgive him, let you just do it up? what would you think

I have to say that Raikage deserves to be at the shadow level.

Calm enough.

It is also very self-restraining in dealing with this matter.

Because if it were someone else, it would probably blow Naruto Uzumaki's head off.

Oh, Naruto Uzumaki has already blown someone's head off, and that's Kakuzu.

So why didn't Uzumaki Naruto calm down when Asma was killed?

Now it turns to let Lei Ying calm down? !

Seeing Raikage knocking Uzumaki Naruto speechless is really comforting.

But unfortunately...

In the end, Raikage's fist was not as big as Uzumaki Naruto's.

So in the end he had to be "convinced" by Naruto Uzumaki.


Soon after.

Sasuke infiltrated the samurai tower, where the Five Kages were held.

"The blindfolded old man in the middle is Danzo."

Bai Jue began to explain.

"The guy who walks in now... needs no introduction."

Because, he is the Emperor Yuyin who was broadcast live on TV a week ago... Mingren Tianhe!


Sasuke opened Sharingan in an instant, and his face became gloomy and hideous.

The enemy who killed the father and the enemy was right in front of him, and being able to restrain himself was already a great calmness.

"Emperor Yuyin...His Excellency Tianhe Mingren."

Mifune looked at Akito who walked in.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on the three comers.

Mingren brought Asuka and Ying into the venue.

Jiraiya's public beheading incident caused an uproar in the ninja world.

Therefore... regarding Raikage's invitation to Emperor Yuyin to attend the Five Kages Conference.

None of the moviegoers present objected.

Mingren Tianhe's declaration will determine the direction of the ninja world.

Once he starts a war with Konoha, it will directly lead to the Fourth Ninja World War!

Therefore, the Five Shadows wanted to hear what Mingren Tianhe had to say.

"Let me tell you first..."

Wait until Ming is seated.

Gaara was the first to speak.


"Hehe, Gokage has changed so much, Kazekage-sama, it is really remarkable that you became the village chief at such a young age. It seems that your father taught you well, but he doesn't seem to have taught you manners. .” Tsuchikage interrupted Gaara, and began to sneer.

"Probably. That's why I'm sitting here as Kazekage." Gaara counterattacked lightly.

Onoki: "Hahaha, you are very arrogant, young man..."

Looking at the crowd who were intriguing as soon as they came up.

Mingren watched their clown-like performance with a blank face.

Vision... decides everything.

These shadows have no idea what will happen next in the ninja world.

To say that they are frogs in warm water is flattering them.

Seeing Akito's indifferent expression, Terumimei observed his words. The alliance covenant she sent out has not received a reply so far, which inevitably makes her a little flustered...

So, Terumi Mei smiled slightly: "Master Dokage, please don't interrupt others. Lord Kazekage, please continue talking..."

Terumi Mei wished to fast forward to Akito's speech immediately, and take this opportunity to make things clear.

"I was originally a power of sacrifice, so I was captured by Akatsuki, pulled out the tail beast, and was almost killed by them... So I think Akatsuki is a very dangerous organization."

Gaara nodded.

"I have asked Five Kages for help several times, but I have never received a response...except for Konoha's Hokage. Now that the Tailed Beast is taken away, I think of joining forces. Is it too late?"

384. Mingren: I mean, everyone here is rubbish

"Hmph, Renzhuli from the Five Great Ninja Villages has been taken away. It is really shameless to face other countries. This is a great shame!"

Onogi shouted in a low voice.

"Secret recovery is common sense, so after the tail beast is taken away, you should not ask other countries for assistance!"

Gaara looked at him: "Face...position, such an old-fashioned idea is ridiculous."

"Ridiculous? Then tell me about you, Kazekage-sama, I remember your father... the predecessor Kazekage, was killed by Emperor Yuyin. Then let's talk about whether face and position are important." Onoki sneered, causing misfortune.

My Gaara was expressionless, not fooled at all: "Then Master Tuying, I remember that your son Huang Tu was also..."


In the next second, Lei Ying suddenly exploded.

He smashed the table with his fist.

The sudden attack made everyone nervous.

The guards of each shadow took offensive and defensive postures, and it seemed that it had become a tense situation.


Mifune sat in his seat, and the warriors behind him remained motionless.

He looked around.

It was found that the only stable visitors were Emperor Yuyin and two guards.

Seeing this, Mifune couldn't help but nodded slightly, lamenting that he deserved to be the one who achieved great things.

"Iwagakure, Konoha, Sagakure, Kirigakure... Akatsuki is made up of defectors from your villages!"


Yun Yin did not rebel.

"Not only that, I also found out that there are people present, including the former shadow, who hired Xiao!"

Ohnoki: "..."

"I don't believe you at all! I don't want to talk to you! But we called Wuying here just to see if there is any problem with your faith!"

A reprimand.

From the use of Akatsuki in Yanyin Village, to the joint planning of Gaara's father Luo Sha and Akatsuki [Oro Snake], to Yakura in Wuyin Village being controlled by Akatsuki...

Raikage reprimanded the ninja villages present.

At this time, people still don't know.

Payne has been defeated and talks about peace with Naruto.

Otherwise, Raikage would be even more angry, and might question Konoha on the spot and ask them to hand over all the tailed beasts.

"Before you continue to argue, I want to say one thing."

Danzo suddenly spoke.

"Akatsuki's leader... is probably Uchiha Madara!"

Five Kages: "!"


At this moment, Bai Jue suddenly appeared from the venue.

The guards tensed up again.

Ai: "Why did someone break in again?"

Danzo: "Akatsuki's person?"

Onoki: "That's right..."

"Sasuke Uchiha is invading, where is he hiding?" Bai Jue joked.

It's a pity that I can't wait for Bai Jue to continue to say something

The furious Raikage rushed over immediately and pinched his neck.

"Tell me, where is Uchiha Sasuke?!"

Because he was too worried about his brother's safety, Lei Ying accidentally... pinched him to death.

"Your Excellency, you seem to have something to say."

Mifune looked at Mingren, hoping that Mingren could stabilize the situation.

At this time, the only person who can calm Wuying down is Emperor Yuyin.

"Uchiha Sasuke's target is Shimura Danzo and me."

Ming said lightly.

"Since I'm here, I can say something clearly."

At this time, Hatake Kakashi should have confronted Uchiha Obito outside.

Uchiha Obito will explain to Uzumaki Naruto the truth about the extermination of the Uchiha clan back then.

And this truth.

After Uzumaki Naruto became Hokage, he didn't make it public.

That is.

Until Sasuke dies, he will not be cleared of his innocence.

This is Konoha.

This is the will of fire.

"So, General Mifune, you can tell the warriors not to die... because you don't have to pay for other people's affairs..."

Mingren opened his mouth lightly.


Mifune was silent for a moment.

After that, he ordered his subordinates to let everyone close the team.

Don't stop Uchiha Sasuke at all.


And at this moment.

Sasuke, who broke into the lower level of the tower, wanted to fight the samurai blocking the way.

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