Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 466

And there was another bang from outside, like a meteorite hitting the ground.

The floor slab was constantly broken, and countless cracks spread in all directions.

If it weren't for the trimming of this tall tower, it would be strong enough.

I'm afraid they went straight to the lower level.


Ming Ren's sword buzzed.

The body of the knife shone with dark chakra light.

He just stood quietly in the hall, staring at Lei Ying.

After the transformation of the ghost bud Luo technique.

Mingren has created a brand new blade.

Each cubic centimeter weighs up to 1 ton.

The entire sword is more than one meter long and weighs 120 tons.

This kind of density has the weight to lift him up, plus the power to chop.

It is enough to cut a ground tank with one blow, as simple as cutting tofu.

What's more... Mingren also enchanted a layer of dark chakra flow on the blade.

It is said that when the iron density per cubic centimeter reaches 1 ton, it will reach the starting point of the lowest density of white dwarfs.

But Mingren discovered that it was not like that.

About 10 tons per cubic centimeter is needed to really reach the density of a white dwarf.

And that density, the current Ming people can't achieve it "only with the body".

The technique of ghost bud Luo has shaping, which is like fusion and evolution. It is a more advanced way of forging.

After countless drills and attempts.

Then gain experience from Beiliuhu and his three subordinates.

Akito then successfully created the Taidao in his hand with the technique of Onima Luo.

Theoretically, Taidao will explode due to the density problem, turning the scene into a huge fireball with a diameter of several kilometers, or even tens of kilometers.

But some things in the Naruto world are different from the previous world.

It is as if there is chakra in this world.

You can't take all the knowledge of the earth and impose it on this world.

Just like a tailed beast weighs hundreds of tons, but it can be stuffed into a human body. Even if the "tailed beast is energyized", these energies have to be expressed, obeying the law of energy conservation. Instead of stuffing it into the human body, it can't be seen at all.

And it just so happens that the technique of ghost bud Luo has the ability to stabilize matter.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Humble to fuse steel, human body, etc.

After this "stability" is taken to the extreme, there is a Taidao creation weighing 120 tons.


"Aren't you in pain?" Mingren turned his head and looked at Lei Ying who was in the same body as him a second ago.


Lei Ying seemed to sense something.

He looked suddenly at the arm.


A lot of blood spurted out, the left hand fell off, and finally... fell to the ground.

With one blow, Mingren chopped off his left hand.

387. Akito Questions Gokage!

The audience was silent...

The three shadows who chased them all had expressions of disbelief.

Gaara: "The winner is decided in a second..."

Ohnoki: "Actually cut off Raikage's hand while cutting the Thunder Dunk armor? Is it because of that weapon?"

Terumi Mei: "This guy...becomes more of a monster..."

Whether they believe it or not, the facts are right in front of them.


Lei Ying looked at Mingren solemnly.

The broken arm lay quietly on the ground.

There was only the sound of spraying blood at the broken arm.

"When was it shot?"

After all, Raikage does not have a kaleidoscope Sharingan, even if the physical activity and nerve transmission are raised to the extreme, there are still angles that cannot be noticed.

This scene reminded him of the scene where he fought against Namikaze Minato back then.


Even if it is Namakaze Minato, it is impossible to move so fast!

Darui: "BOSS!!"

Xi: "Master Raikage!!"

The two immediately came to Lei Ying.

Darui pulled out the blade, stood in front of Raikage, and aimed at the terrifying man in front of him.

Xi immediately used medical ninjutsu to treat Raikage.

"Raikage, now...I am stronger than you."

Akito held the Taidao and turned around slowly.

Ying and Asuka also walked out from the exit of the meeting room in a leisurely manner.

"My fist is bigger than yours, do you have anything to say?"

Since you use your set of thinking, it doesn't matter if I fight back with this.

In your self-righteous and self-righteous cognition of life philosophy, your self-esteem will be completely smashed.

What else do you have to say?


Admiral Mifune silently raised his arms, signaling his subordinates not to move rashly.

And obviously.

The astonishing scene just drew his sword and cut him.

It has also surpassed the imagination of the warriors.

The samurai who had honed their saber skills since childhood and set out towards the realm of the unity of human and saber were completely shocked on the spot by this saber.

After merging will, means, strength, speed... together.

It is a knife that goes forward without any hesitation and cuts everything.

Mifune took a deep breath and couldn't help sighing: "If there is a title of sword master in the ninja world, must be His Excellency the Emperor..."

one knife.

So the warriors were convinced.

Looking at the entire country of iron, no one can reach the realm of Tianhe Mingren in terms of the ultimate sword skills.

"The country of iron is a neutral country, and samurai are professions that lose allegiance, but after I unify the ninja world, this situation will change..."

Mingren said to the warriors.

These words, Mifune and others heard the meaning.

Obviously, Tianhe Mingren intends to include the Kingdom of Iron in his pocket. At that time, the object of allegiance of the warriors will naturally become the emperor.

Xi, who was treating Raikage, looked at the mirror-smooth fracture, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth: "It can cut Raikage-sama's Lightning Dunk armor and stronger body in two... Ninja world, is it true?" Can it be further improved?"

I thought Raikage-sama was the limit of a ninja.


"What, do you still want to fight?" Mingren asked again.

"Bastard, don't underestimate Raikage!"

Ai growled angrily.

But the next moment.

He felt a chill behind him.

Mingren appeared behind him.

Darui and Xi didn't even have time to react, and probably didn't even notice.

Ai turned his head sharply! Mingren disappeared directly, and then appeared "behind" him again.


This teleportation is the same speed.

It has surpassed Raikage's extreme speed mode.

In terms of strength and speed, Mingren completely crushed Raikage.

This frightening speed made Onogi and Gaara's eyes dignified.

"Your Excellency's eyes... are exactly the same as me before." Gaara suddenly said such a sentence.

Like hating everything.

What Ming people the world's corrupt system and the theory of blood lineage.

"If there is a person who lives in Shayin Village, one day, he sees his companions killing people with knives and robbing him. He goes forward to stop him, but his companions laugh at him and tell him that this is reality. How to deal with it?"

Akito asked Gaara a question.

We are all leaders, so it makes sense for me to ask this question.

"This person should leave his group of companions. When a wicked person challenges the conscience of a kind person, it doesn't mean that the kind person is at fault, but that the character of the wicked person is distorted."

Gaara replied.

Terumi Mei narrowed her eyes: "It's really... simple..."

This sentence does not contain derogatory meaning, but simply appreciates that Gaara has not been completely polluted by the world.


Mingren nodded.

"This is the current situation in the ninja world. A group of villains are above most people. You are constantly challenging my conscience, and it happens that I still have some strength. Isn't it normal to make changes?"

Akito stared at Gaara.

"Except for the time you fought Didara, how long has it been since you fought, Kazekage. The endless office documents, and the intrigues of the upper-level elders of Sand Yin, have you become like your father, and then waited until a certain time?" One day, he also started murdering heroes, so sophisticated..."

The official novel "The Secret Biography of Gaara".

Gaara's transformation came shortly after the Fourth Ninja War.

Just spend time with a group of Shayin high-level elders every day and forget the feeling of fighting, is foreseeable that one day they will become greedy for profit.

This is essentially a system error.

"The soil of evil will only breed evil people, understand."

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