Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 474

Obviously want to see the final death of this old dog.


Uchiha Obito fell from the sky and stopped Danzo in front: "I want to get Shisui's Sharingan..."

He said.

Although Uchiha Shisui's kaleidoscope doesn't work on Akito Tianhe.

But still an absolute treasure.

Danzo, who had no escape, his trembling body quickly calmed down.

At the last moment, he inexplicably had the courage.

He tore open the front of his chest and activated the final forbidden technique.

S-level sealing technique... Li Sixiang seal!

This is a spell that can seal and devour the matter in the entire space.

What's so powerful is that it will most likely even work on people who use time-space ninjutsu!

" careful!"

Obito Uchiha was the first to drill into the ground.

Obviously, he didn't want to try himself in the state of divine power, whether he would be instantly killed by this technique.

At last......

Naruto famous scene staged.





Less than a tenth of the bridge was sealed.

395. Uchiha laughs wildly at the Four Masters, Sasuke's grief and anger

At this time, Sasuke's thinking is currently at the level of "get rid of Koharu and Mitomonyan, and avenge his family and clan".

In the original book, I met Itachi later.

Plus the Fourth Ninja War.

Start thinking about further meaning.

He begins to realize... the reactionary nature of the world's corrupt, backward system.

And wants a revolution, executes Five Kages, becomes emperor, and establishes a new order.

It can be seen that Sasuke is the most advanced revolutionary.

However, because Sasuke took the script of the male second, he could only admit his mistake in the end. The character OOC was successfully escaped by Naruto Uzumaki.

As a result, it became a character that the audience did not recognize at all!

Pronounced as Sasuke, written Danzo No. 2.

And Uzumaki Naruto naturally became Sarutobi Hiruzen No. 2.

The two are bright and dark.

One is responsible for hypocrisy.

One does the dirty work.

The only that there are far fewer people doing the dirty work.

In the end, Sai was all washed up and went ashore and became an official official Y.

However, Sasuke became more and more smeared. He did the work of Danzo, the institute, the institute, and all the root members alone, and he couldn't go home all year round.

No way, too busy.

Who understands the pain of middle-aged man 007's fortune.

Glancing at Danzo's body, Sasuke looked at Akito again.

He knew that at this moment, he couldn't beat Tianhe Mingren.

This has been confirmed in the previous Five Kages Conference.

However, Sasuke still had a question in his mind.

"You had countless chances to kill me and Uzumaki Naruto, why didn't you do it all the time?"

No matter how blinded by hatred...not to mention that Sasuke was not completely blinded by hatred.

He was still thinking calmly and rationally.

This is what Sasuke was wondering about.

"You'll understand later."

Mingren put away his knife and the team by the way, intending to leave with Asuka and Ying.

"In addition, after experiencing your brother's incident, you should understand that what you hear may not be true, and what you see may not be true, and language... is something that can deceive people. "


Sasuke opened his eyes slightly.

Naturally, I thought of Itachi's life.

With Ming's departure.

Sasuke was lost in thought.

The thing about whether the mother is still alive... the murder of the father... other things...

Sasuke decided.

After you have more powerful power, go to Tianhe Mingren to ask for clarification.

"Sasuke, your eyes can't see clearly anymore."

Obito noticed the dimness in the focal length of Sasuke's eyes.

It is judged that he has begun to gradually lose his sight.

In fact...

After Sasuke grabbed Kirabi's tentacles, he began to have blurred eyes.

"I'll take Danzo's body first..."

After speaking, Obito disappeared with Danzo's body.

At the scene, only Sasuke... and Xianglin were left.


Kaoru ran out and hugged Sasuke's arm.

"You are so awesome~ You were so handsome just now~."

Xianglin said so, but in fact he had other thoughts in his heart.

Sasuke's dark thoughts and chakra were no longer the Sasuke she knew.

so icy...

"Why...why are you shaking?" Sasuke asked.


Just when Xianglin was about to explain.

A figure quickly approached here.

"Sasuke, I want to go with you, I want to leave Konoha!"

Sakura appeared here.

Another Naruto scene unfolded.

Haruno Sakura who was able to leave the village with Sasuke 3 years ago.

Now, he has embarked on the old path of Nohara Lin.

That is... "the will of fire is above all else".

Rin Nohara would rather die in the hands of Kakashi than protect the village.

It can be seen that in her mind, Kakashi's position is not as good as Konoha's.

After three years of growth, Sakura, whether she has a bond or is more considerate of others...

What came out of her heart was that if she killed Sasuke at this moment, everything would be over.

Therefore, in her mind, Konoha \u003e Sasuke \u003e companion Uzumaki Naruto and others.

under the influence of the environment.

Or under the guidance of Tsunade.

Sakura...has begun to transform into a true will of fire Konoha ninja.

"The soil of evil breeds evil people."

Mingren, who was about to leave, stared at this scene and murmured.

One cherry blossom is transformed today, and thousands of cherry blossoms will be transformed tomorrow.

There will be tens of thousands of Nohara Lin born.

This is not the individual's fault.

It is the wrong value orientation of the entire regime.

It's like people in a capitalist society, it is inevitable that everything is aligned with money.

This is shaped by the environment and transformed by the real PUA.

Then, Kakashi arrived.

And said a classic line.

"Sasuke, let me say this one last time, don't be bound by revenge."


Sasuke laughed out loud after hearing Kakashi's speech.

The famous scene of Uchiha laughing wildly at the Four Masters, Sasuke laughing wildly, unfolded at this moment.

The translated down-to-earth saying is...

Kakashi, you made me laugh.


In Sasuke's laughter, how much grief and indignation, how much desolation, how much no one can understand?

Sasuke doesn't know whether others know.

But Hatake Kakashi and Haruno Sakura, they definitely don't understand.

"Bring Itachi... Take my family! My clansmen back!! Then I will stop!!"

Sasuke yelled angrily.

Kakashi's next sentence was another classic: "Sasuke...I don't want to kill you."

And saw the sad and angry Sasuke.

A more classic thought came to Kakashi's mind: "I was actually affected by "Madara" to such an extent..."

"Sakura, get out of here."

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