Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 479

Kakashi's eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"With the help of a few of you masters, Naruto's improvement speed will definitely be very fast..."

in the next half month.

Naruto will use Itachi, Payne, and Konan as opponents.

Practice hell.

Use this to deal with the big event half a month later.

"Then let's start tonight!"

Naruto shouted energetically.


same moment.

The distant Yuyin Village.

The Ming people came to the black prison.

Staring at the many dark weapons floating in front of him.


First release the whirlpool Kushina.


It's Uchiha Mikoto!

Before the action in half a month comes, let's get back the interest from the two of them!

400. Kushina, Desired but Unavailable


In the dark prison.

From time to time there is the sound of bubbles.

There are many dark weapons floating in it.

In addition to being used to maintain the operation of the air fortress, they can also provide dark chakra for the enchantment of the hidden rain village below.

At the same time, it is also convenient for Ming people to carry out various dark chakra experiments.

As a human body was released from the life support tank.


She knelt on the ground slumped, and let out a low voice like someone who fell into the water: "Ho~~~~~~~~~~!"

After trying to take a few short breaths.

Kushina woke up from the nightmare.

It has been nearly 4 years since the last time it came out.

For the past four years, she has spent in a half-dream and half-awake state.

This feeling of not being completely unconscious brought about unbearable extreme mental torture.

Kushina, who was wet all over, regained her breath for the first time.

He staggered and tried to get up.

——But of course it failed.

Her physical health is fine.

Purely because of four years of not walking, a strange sense of mismatch between consciousness and body manipulation.

Tried multiple times.

She finally stood up, and staggered in front of Mingren.

Kushina's eyes were filled with sorrow.

At this time, she was already wearing the Fox Lady cheongsam from last time.

She spoke slowly, begging in her eyes: "My child..."

Being a mother.

Kushina is more competent than Mikoto Uchiha.

When the former realized that her husband had passed away, she immediately shifted her focus to the child who was still alive.

On the other hand, the latter, the husband sings and the wife follows, in her heart, her husband is heaven.

Looking at Kushina who was weeping.

There is only coldness in Mingren's eyes.

Kushina has no idea what kind of person her child has become after 4 years.

The self-proclaimed son of destiny, the king of mouth escape... There is no need to repeat these things.

It is also a matter of course to pay off the debts of the children and the mother.

Facing Kushina's question, Akito's eyes continued to be indifferent, and he didn't answer a word.

Kushina quickly realized what was going on.

She knelt and sat down tremblingly, and soon began to eat the original chicken takeaway brought by Ming.

Obviously, being locked up for such a long time, it is only natural to have something to eat first.

Although the nutrient solution in the life tank can guarantee her vital signs, people always have to eat, right?

Hearing the sound of Kushina eating, and seeing her appearance, Akito just stood there with indifference.

for a while.

In the black prison, apart from the sound of bubbling from the life support tank, there is only the sound of Kushina sucking on the original chicken takeout...




For a long time, for a long time.

Ming people are not ruthless people.

Knowing that a person has not eaten for a long time, they should eat more liquid food instead of solid food.

"Drink more porridge."

Ming said kindly.

The so-called cold-faced and hot-hearted is probably the case.

A large amount of thick porridge was swallowed by Kushina, she opened her eyes wide and tried to swallow.

In order to learn about her son earlier, she... endured everything.

Wait until you are full.

Kushina coughed for a moment, then looked up at Akito.

"come on."

Mingren walked on the sofa beside him and sat down.

And Kushina stood on the side like a secretary.

Akito began to tell her what happened in the ninja world during the four years, and Naruto Uzumaki's past.

While talking.

While playing with the fox tail on the cheongsam.

The white and precious fluff is coiled around Jiushina's waist like a lady's decoration.

For four years, Jiu Xinnai's voice and appearance have not changed.

The wet beauty came out of the bath, and because of Mingren's casual touch, all the water droplets were shaken away for her.

At this time, Kushina maintained the attire of 4 years ago.

A red cheongsam with slits clearly outlines a seductive and perfect figure.

Compared with Ye Cang, her long fair legs have a different style.

A head of bright red long hair, combined with a beautiful face, is even more pleasing to the eye...

Or maybe it's because the sad child has become such a person.

After hearing the news, Kushina covered her mouth with one hand, breathing heavily.

Maybe even she can't imagine how her child Naruto can do all kinds of unimaginable things like that...

Of course, Kushina understands, fully understands.

After all, she is Mrs. Naruto, a standard Konoha ninja.

And when she heard that Sasuke also attacked Akito, her eyes widened involuntarily.

In the dark prison, the line of sight is dim.

Kushina still doesn't know that Uchiha Mikoto is also here.

I heard that my best friend's child had caused such a big disaster.

She couldn't help but worry.

For this, she is willing to...


Akito grabbed Kushina's wrist, and then pushed it aside.

Jiuxinna fell down in response, and collapsed on the ground, revealing a seductive figure.

Mingren, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at her indifferently.

That cold gaze made Kushina's body tremble slightly.

Because he was too scared, Kushina subconsciously made the pre-print of the release of the water escape ninjutsu.


Of course Mingren wouldn't do anything to her.

In fact...

Even though Kushina became a dark weapon and a prisoner, the two did not cross that "final step".

In the past, it could be said that doing so was punishment.

But then, and now...

Looking at Kushina's appearance, even if he crossed that step, it would not be regarded as punishment at all.

I am afraid that Jiu Xinnai himself did not realize the expectation contained in her eyes.

After all, a woman is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty...

Although she maintains her appearance of 24 or 5 years old, Kushina has reached this age after all.

In addition to the past... She has watched Mingren punish Orochiji and Yuhihong with various thunderous means many times.

All kinds of unimaginable scenes have never been seen before.

It was something she couldn't even imagine when she was with Namikaze Minato.

It can be said that Mingren helped her open the door to a new world.

But Mingren still didn't make the last move to Kushina.

Or... Kushina already knows her own expectations, but she just doesn't want to admit it and doesn't want to admit it...

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