Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 482

Because of the grief and indignation in my heart, the source of strength is endless.

As the number one genius of the Hyuga Clan.

Needless to say, Hinata Neiji's talent.

In the original book, it was the Hyuga clan and Konoha who dragged Neji down, causing him to have no progress for 4 years.

Apart from being able to punch soft fists, the eggs are useless.

And Ning Ci in this world, surrounded by many masters, his strength is naturally improving by leaps and bounds.

Just like the Ninja period back then.

According to the official formula book value, Neji is far ahead of everyone, even ahead of Gaarana.

Neji, whose basic stats have skyrocketed, has entered the Kage class.

In the official novel "Itachi Shinden", there is a character who is a mixed blood of the Hyuga clan that has been diluted for many generations.

It is such a bloodline, part-time Konoha Jonin and Konoha Anbe.

Hang Uchiha Shisui + Young Itachi and beat them.

Uchiha Shisui turned on the kaleidoscope Sharingan before making a comeback.

From this, we can know what kind of talents and potentials the blood of the Hyuga clan will have if they are well developed.

That is.

In terms of basic abilities, the Hyuga clan has absolute dominance.

But it's a pity that this ninja world is full of walls and blood.

The Kage-class line has started, and the blood of the Hyuga clan is not enough to see.

To some extent, the Hyuga clan can also be said to be masters of vegetable abuse and gods of ponds.

As for the Reincarnation Eye thing.

It has nothing to do with the Hyuga clan.

It needs the blood body of the Otsutsukimoto family to be fused.

At least not currently available to Neji.

But even though there is no Otsutsukimoto family blood.

Neji has the dark chakra.

As long as the hatred for the branch bloodline is maintained in the heart, Neji's power will continue to skyrocket.

"Neji has accepted "Dark Medical Ninjutsu"..."

Hinata Risei spoke slowly.

Dark medical ninjutsu is a modification of the human body.

From the level of 1%, it can be transformed to the level of 100%.

It sounds like cosmetic surgery, but it's pretty much the same.

"In the meantime, we're trying to remove the caged bird print..."

Shennong took over the conversation.

What happened next, it was inconvenient for Hinata Nichizai, who is a father, to say.

"Fortunately, we succeeded."

It is heard that the medical team led by Shennong conquered the seal of the caged bird.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

If this is the case, wouldn't the entire branch of the Hyuga clan be liberated?

However, Shen Nong, who is a fun person, of course wants to have a little fun, he smiled slightly: "Unfortunately, Ning Ci's eyes are ruined..."

Everyone: "..."

Neji's eyes... gone?

403. Yuyin Everyone: For the Emperor

"This is also a good thing for Neji."

Shennong knocked on the table.

"So what if you don't have white eyes? Can't you become a strong man without blood?"

All the people present at the scene, except for a few, were not all people without blood.

"Blood is a help to some, but a hindrance to others..."

Ning Ci hated the Zong family.

If that's the case, then he is not eligible to be removed from the cage.

But at the same time, after Neji learned the truth about Uzumaki Naruto's lineage theory, he also hated this unfair and corrupt world.

The hypocritical and smug faces of the bloodline theorists are what he hates the most.

It is for this reason.

Shennong will help Ningci conquer the seal of the caged bird.

"But this means Xiao~Ningji has to start practicing from scratch."

Lingo Yu Yuli sighed.

Is it worth wasting 4 years?

"You underestimate us too."

Shennong raised his eyebrows.

"Although Neji's white eyes are ruined, some functions are still preserved because of the "dark medical technique"..."

Dark Medical Ninjutsu.

In other words, human wisdom is such an "unreasonable" thing.

Just as the ancients could not imagine, humans can go to the moon.

It is also unimaginable that human beings can be close to each other through mobile phones and the Internet.

Although the removal of the seal of the caged bird destroyed the white eyes, it preserved the "function".

"The current Neji relies on the "mind's eye"! "

Shennong solemnly announced a major breakthrough.

With the mind, Neji doesn't have to be afraid of illusion.

It can be said that all visual illusions will not work on him.

After all, a person without eyes still looks at each other.

"Guys, there's an emergency TV show that I suggest you watch..."

Just then, the screen lights up.

The person who walked in outside turned on the TV.

On the LCD screen, a piece of news is being broadcast.

The former Two-Tail Jinchuriki of Yunyin Village is suspected of killing many dignitaries from various countries during the Five Kages Conference. At present, there is sufficient evidence...

I saw the wooden man locked in a cage.

Four ninjas from Caoyin Village were sticking charms around them.

Apparently, Yumuren will be escorted to the "Ghost Lamp City" in "Caoyin Village".

"This guy did it? No way..."

Ye Cang frowned, thinking about the past.

With Yumu's character, it is impossible to do such a foolish thing.

She is a female ninja who can fight Akatsuki alone for the sake of Yunyin Village.

Although a bit reckless, at least his mind is clear.

Ye Cang: "There is obviously something hidden in it."

When Ye Cang guessed about this, Hanzo nodded beside him: "That's right, it should be a conspiracy."


Everyone looked at Hanzo in unison.

As the oldest ninja in Yuyin Village.

He is also a character who grew up in the age of Senju Hashirama, the god of ninjas.

Sanshoyu Hanzo has sufficient experience and knowledge reserves.

In the original book, this can be known from the fact that Hanzo recognized Nagato's reincarnation eyes at a glance.

"With Yunyin Village's protective personality, it's impossible to hand over the Yumu man so easily."

Hanzo smiled.

With the in-depth research and practice of the dark chakra technique.

He is now able to control the spell freely.

"Think about it... Yunyin Village is the most domineering ninja village in the ninja world. When this happened, the first reaction must be to beat it up..."

Day to day difference: "..."

Yes, it's about the Hyuga Clan's death incident.

Hanzo: "It is also because of this cohesion that there is not a single traitor from Yunyin Village in the "Akatsuki" organization. "

This is really admirable.

So, what kind of conspiracy is this?

"I don't know if you have heard of the "Box of Bliss". "

Hanzo said a noun.

Box of Bliss...?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously not listening.

——Except for Ye Cang and Ringo Uyuri who are also older.

Lin Yuyuli: "Ha, I heard it's a mysterious box, a treasure belonging to Caoyin Village."

Ye Cang shook his head: "More than that, it is said to be a weapon from the age of the Sages of the Six Paths."

Ye Cang, who used to be the hero of Shayin, has performed countless missions, and his experience is naturally guaranteed.

"That's right."

Hanzo nodded approvingly.

in the Legends.

In the Age of the Sages of the Six Paths, there was a weapon called the "Box of Bliss".

As long as you throw enemy soldiers into the box, they will be transformed into your own soldiers.

"The Kingdom of Grass once relied on this weapon to almost unify the ninja world, but... in the end they failed, and almost caused the Kingdom of Grass to perish, so that for 1,000 years, the country of Grass was seriously injured. Recovered...even reduced to the "weakest" small country. "

the weakest.

It refers to the land of rain, the land of dragons, the land of bears, the land of snow... these small countries with ninjas.

The Country of Grass ranked first from the bottom.


The Country of Grass was forced to accept the humiliating treaty.

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