Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 488

Along the stairs, the wooden man was forcibly taken below.

A spacious underground cave appeared in front of him.

What is even more shocking to Yumu... is the pile of bones in the corner of the cave! ! !

There are still many corpses on it, decomposing, or not long dead.

So, here it is...! ?


"Oops, Ninao Jinchuriki was brought in..."

A member of the flower group, Dragon Tongue.

Relying on connections, he left the cell in the middle of the night and followed him secretly.

The interior of Ghost Lamp City is not monolithic, and the Flower of Grass also has people acting as guards inside.

That's why Dragon Tongue can sneak in and act so smoothly.

She saw with her own eyes that the wooden man entered the castle tower.

Apparently, the odds are too bad.

What to do, damn it...

Dragon Tongue thought so.

A black shadow appeared quietly.

With the extremely fast shot, raindrops of attacks passed over the guard Changdonggua and others.

Without saying a word, these guys were knocked out.

"It's you?!" Dragon Tongue opened his eyes wide, looking at the blind Neji.

"Hurry up and go in and rescue."

Without saying a word, Ning Ci rushed into the castle tower.

"Hello!" Dragon Tongue whispered, and could only follow quickly.


At the same time, Yuyin Village is not far away.

Above the sky, a fortress in the air.

In the middle of the night, Guren, who received Neci's reply, quickly passed the corridor.

She wants to report the news to His Majesty the Emperor.

Wuwei and the four cadres fought against the wooden man.

This happens to be the best time to go out.

Not only can it expose the true face of Caoyin Village.

The countless corpses under the ground can also be used as evidence.

more importantly......

The existence of the wooden man is a necessary condition for launching an attack.

Honglian walked towards the black prison, took a deep breath, and passed through the barrier.

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as she passed through the barrier and entered the black prison, she immediately heard some crashing sounds.

Honglian was slightly taken aback.

Akito was seen grabbing Uchiha Mikoto's hair.

The latter kneeled on the ground with his hands tied behind his back by ropes.

And Mingren, at this moment, was beating her with a li.

Uchiha Mikoto screamed in pain, while Kushina, who was dressed as a fox girl, was trembling, breathing heavily, and watching this scene with a look of fear.

The violent dark body art swallowed Uchiha Mikoto like a sea wave.

Even though he saw the beating of Mingren a few days ago.

However, this time today is even more... scary.

Uchiha Mikoto was beaten almost to the point of death, and the screams were endless.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Guren swallowed and reported immediately.

"Ningci sent back news..."

Guren quickly explained what happened.


Mingren nodded.


Following Mingren's fierce attack, the dark body technique was finally performed.

Uchiha Mikoto also let out a desperate cry.

The constructed water escape defense technique fell apart in an instant.

Chi Chi Chi! !

Scattered water splashed everywhere.

Facing the power of up to [78], what's the use of water escape ninjutsu no matter how strong it is.

Defeating Uchiha Mikoto with one blow, Akito walked straight outside.

Honglian immediately followed.

And obviously, Kushina needs to clean up the mess.


Jiu Xinnai's legs trembled slightly, and she also used the water escape defense just now.

Because it was only the aura of Mingren's attack that affected her.

She stared at her best friend with dull eyes, and in her heart there was nothing but apology besides the fear of Mingren.

"Sorry... Mikoto..."

Kushina stepped forward, quickly carried Miqin into the bathroom, and helped her clean it.

Then, put it into the survival tank...

Looking at the best friend who closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Jiu Xinnai's mind is full of the tyranny of Mingren Tianhe in the past few days.

As she thought about it, she became even more frightened.

So, I immediately walked to the table and opened the drawer.

Needless to say, I put on the Chakra torture device...

409. Box of bliss

"The box of bliss, which breeds enlightenment, drives enlightenment, and finally enlightens..."

The wooden man was taken to the operating table.

On the opposite side, there is a heavy stone door, which looks very huge.

And there is a weeping relief on it, and engraved with such a line of text.


In the next second, Wu Wei, who was wearing white gloves, slammed several palms.

With the sound of chakra passing by, the Yumu figure on the operating table had been hit.


"I opened up your meridian." Wuwei said.

There is a kind of ninjutsu that matches with Fire Escape and Sky Prison, and its name is "Krass Shadow Flow · Explosive Palm".

It is the Taijutsu copied by Caoyin Village based on the Hyuga Clan's soft boxing method.

It is different from the soft boxing method that seals off acupuncture points.

The function of the Grass Shadow Flow Explosive Palm is to reversely open the acupoints, expand the meridians, and make the chakra in the body uncontrollable.

The trigger mechanism of the Fire Escaping Prison Art is that once the subject mobilizes the chakra, the chakra will go berserk and finally burn.

at this time.

The chakra in the wooden man's body became fully active, but because of the effect of the sky prison technique, it became powerless instead.

"Hmm...can't gather strength..."

You Muren only felt sore and weak all over, and couldn't lift his arms at all.

"In order to trigger the Chakra of Jinzhuli, you must first unlock the technique of the sky prison."

Nothing to say.

"Four cadres, now I have to concentrate on performing the spell."

As the four cadres strengthened the seal, Wuwei began to unlock the sky prison technique for the wooden man.

And waiting for the wooden man, the chakra in the body will be completely extracted...

boom! !

A large amount of dark breath gushed out from the wooden man's body in an instant.

Then, flew to Shimen.


The wooden man let out a miserable scream.

The memory of the Chakra being extracted by the Akatsuki organization in the past came to mind again.

At this point, she experienced almost exactly the same thing.

Yukito was formerly Ninao Jinchuriki.

After being taken away by the second tail, he survived by relying on the dark be precise, "zero tail".

At this time, Wuwei's operation of seizing Chakra is equivalent to taking Zero Tail from Yumu's body.

The vast chakra is like rivers, like lakes and seas.

Because of the breeding of a large number of negative emotions in the wooden man's heart, it became even higher.

"The amount of this chakra... Renzhuli is really amazing."

Wuwei sighed.

At this time, he and the four cadres didn't know yet.

The chakra gushing out of the wooden man's body is not the tailed beast chakra at all...

But with the removal of the fire escape and sky prison technique.

It also means that the wooden man has the ability to move.

"Fire Rat Jade!!"


A dark fire burned on her fingers.

In the next second, it turned into a beating afterimage and rushed towards Wuwei.

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