Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 497

So...Shiki's identity is the most suitable for this diplomatic mission.

"quantity survey job?"

Tsunade frowned, a bad premonition flashed in his heart.

"Is such that......"

Shemu looked at the civil servants of Longzhi Kingdom behind him.

These officials are in charge of financial statistics.

The statistics are the real estate and the value of materials owned by Konoha residents.

So that after they leave Konoha, it will be convenient for future subsidies.

Those who intend to leave can contact Shiki.

Sheki can help them with property valuation.

"What did you say?!"

Tsunade's face pulled down in an instant.

"Longyin Village, as an ally of our Konoha, actually did something that made things worse at this time?!"

If it wasn't for Shibuki being an ordinary person.

Tsunade had already punched him to death.

"Hokage-sama, I'm sorry."

Shiki bowed slightly.

"But please understand that not everyone needs to be buried with the war... There is nothing wrong with escaping..."

Shibuki shook his head.

as a child.

Shibuki, who saw his father murdered by thieves with his own eyes, developed a personality of avoidance.

It took many years for this personality to be repaired.

But even so, he can measure the mood of ordinary people and timid people.

"I think ordinary people don't need to pay for the war between ninjas. This is what I say from the bottom of my heart as the leader of Longyin Village and from the perspective of ordinary people."

Because he is an ordinary person, he used to be a ninja, and later he was the village chief.

Shiki, who has a triple identity, has a clearer perspective on things.

It's the ninja's business to fight to the death among ninjas.

There is no need to involve ordinary people.


Shibuki changed the topic.

"Master Hokage talking about allies is ridiculous."

Longyin Village has reached an alliance with Konoha.

The flesh was cut by a Konoha soft knife.

One knife at a time was slashed at Longyin Village.

As a result, the ninja establishment in Longyin Village was greatly reduced, and the scene of "Naruto OVA: The Battle Hidden in the Deep Waterfall" finally appeared.

In the dignified Longyin Village, Konoha ninjas are required to perform some small tasks.

"If Konoha's definition of allies is to lie on them and suck blood, then we have nothing to say..."

Shiki faced the Tsunade Hime who was a ninja, and he didn't hesitate at all.

He once drank the water of heroes and almost died in order to protect the village. He is not afraid of Tsunade's aura at all.

"Morality is with us. Sorry, we will insist on property valuation for the villagers of Muye Yin Village."

After speaking, Shibuki stood up.

"We are just ordinary people. According to the alliance agreement, it is completely legal to stay in Konoha for a long time."

After speaking, Shiki led the people away.


Tsunade clenched his fist and smashed the conference table with one punch.

She didn't expect that Mingren Tianhe would make one move after another.

Now start cutting with a blunt knife.

Soon after.

Konoha has a large number of residents leaving again.

Sheki completed the property valuation for them and told them that they could get equivalent subsidies after the war.

And this time... most of those who left were middle class.

Look at the departure population report in your hand.

Tsunade's face was ashen, his hands were shaking with anger.


The countdown to Konoha's destruction is 3 days.

Ming people initially deciphered the box of bliss.

Through testing, the box can withstand bombardment with a force of more than 80 without breakage.

In order to destroy Konoha, the Ming people also prepared some big killers.

one of them.

There is a means of improving one's strength in a short period of time.

With that move, Mingren successfully shook the indestructible Box of Bliss.

Enlightenment is a product of the box of bliss.

The essence of the box of bliss is to give birth to enlightenment.

As long as humans are filled in, it is like melting a block of broth to obtain a rich collection of negative emotions.

This kind of thing is similar to dark chakra.

Can be absorbed by the wise.

So... all the negative aura contained in the box of bliss was absorbed by Ming people.

This also allowed Mingren's body and strength to reach 80.

It is also the starting point of Bamen Dunjia·Eighth Gate.

At this time, Mingren can create an attack similar to Xixiang with just a wave of his hands and feet.

The shooting speed has reached an astonishing 8 times the speed of sound.

The physical strength has also been greatly improved because of absorbing all the negative emotions in the box of bliss.

And the box of bliss, which has temporarily lost its negative emotions, no longer gives people an ominous feeling.

But people know.

Just keep throwing live people into it.

The functionality of the Box of Elysium will be activated again.

With the squirming of the ghost bud Luo technique.

The blue transparent gum completely covers the box.

Supplemented by supreme power.

The Ming people successfully reduced it to the size of a Rubik's cube.

From the outside, it is a cube with relief.

But there is a different space inside that can capture living people.

As for the material of the box of bliss.

It should be the creation of Six Paths Yin Yang Dun.

Played with the box of bliss.

Mingren returned to Yuyin Village, ready to completely attack Konoha next.


Hanzo, Asuka and others will all be dispatched.

Only "irrelevant" people such as Ye Cang and Loquat Shizang were left behind in Yuyin...

418. First Blood, the Killing Begins!

The countdown to Konoha's destruction is 2 days.

The latest generation of airships in the Land of Snow, which has been flying for a day and a night, has arrived in the Land of Fire.

Inside the airship.

aboard all operatives.

This time to destroy Konoha's action plan.

Lead by Ming people.

Sanshoyu Hanzo, Asuka, Ying, Shennong, Beiliuhu, Hinata Nizashi, Hinata Neiji... and others were the assistants.

The accompanying reporter from the Country of Rain was responsible for recording the footage.

"With one's own strength, the whole Konoha is about to be swept away. This is the power of Master Master." Ying stared at her master with fanaticism, and couldn't wait for what was going to happen next.

Konoha has always had the title of the head of the five great powers.

But now, Mingren is about to completely crush them with the power of a ninja god.

How thrilling this process will be.

The unprecedented battle will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of mankind.

Seeing the look of anticipation on everyone's face.

Mingren said lightly: "After we reach the sky above Konoha, we will issue a public opinion declaration first. When the time is up, we will carry out the destruction plan."

This time, everyone has their own mission.

For example, Neji's task is to distract the Maitkai team.

The task of Hyuga Nizashi is to confront the Hyuga Clan.

Birds are tasked with perception.

...All kinds of task arrangements went through everyone's minds.



The airship arrived in the sky near Muye Yin Village.

Then slowly descend.

With the opening of the hatch.

Mingren walked out slowly.

Behind him, Asuka and others accompanied him.

In the original book, members of the Akatsuki organization can go without food for six days and six nights when they remain motionless and seal the tailed beast with spells.

After Kadotsu and Hidan sealed the second tail and the third tail, they immediately started fighting with the Asma team is an example.

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