Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 516

boom! !

A white light pierced the plain.

Shura Dao collapsed, shattered.

Then, Mingren pinched Hell Dao Payne's head with his bare hands.

Before the other four Payne could move, he crushed his brain.

The three Payne who rushed forward.

They are the animal realm, the human realm, and the hungry ghost realm.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

As soon as Tiandao Payne raised his hand, he suddenly cast a spell to interfere with Mingren's movements.

He did interfere, but it was no different from Shen Luo Tianzheng who was blowing in the breeze.

The human world sticks out the palm, as long as you touch it, you can use the soul extraction skill.

Hungry Ghost Road also stretched out his palm, as long as he touched it, he could absorb chakra.

Face the attack of three Payne.

Mingren took a deep breath: "Get out!!!"

A huge sound wave flew out.

The three affected Payne twisted instantly.

This is an optical illusion created by air being affected.

But the powerful force that accompanied it passed through the eardrums of the three of them without any hindrance and reached their minds.


In an instant, the three Payne fell to the ground, silent.

With just a loud roar, their eardrums were shattered, their brains were hemorrhaged, and they became vegetative on the spot...

436. Darkness·Sky Obstacle Shaking Star!

Although Payne Liudao is a corpse, it is completely different from ordinary corpses.

They possess all the mechanisms of living beings.

Otherwise, in the original book, it is impossible to be blind to see that Payne is a dead person.

Tsunade, Sakura, Shizune's medical ninjutsu can't detect that Payne is dead.

It wasn't until later that Yamanaka Haiyi guessed the truth about the dead from the mind of the living.

Reincarnation eyes are special eyes.

Cooperate with the control of six abilities.

Not only can it give magical incorruptibility.

Its pupil technique can also make the dead have all the characteristics of the living.


When the serious injuries and death mechanisms of some living people appear on the body of Payne's six realms, they will also be "knocked down"!

Three downed Payne, cerebral hemorrhage.

If there is a problem with the head, naturally it will not be able to control the body.

After all, they were the Six Paths of Payne, not the wooden dolls manipulated by the puppeteers of Hidden Sand Village.

After killing three Payne.

Mingren looked at the last Heavenly Dao.


Itachi Uchiha still stood aside calmly.

Waiting for the best shot time.

His motto is...everyone has a weakness.

So, Mingren Tianhe's weakness is...

Itachi, was thinking about this.

Of course, in the past half a month, and even in the past 10 years from the night of the genocide to the present, his years have not passed in vain.

In fact, Itachi already has several targeting plans.

But not yet.

It would be the best if we could find flaws in his duel with Nagato and Naruto.

Tiandao Payne did not hesitate at all.

Dodge and leave the place at the first time.

While retreating, Tiandao clasped his hands together.

hum! !

A pitch-black ball condensed from his palm.


was thrown into the sky.

"Earth Explosion Star!"

The black ball exuding a black halo is a massive, high-density chakra sphere.

The gravitational force it creates is enough to condense an artificial celestial body with a diameter of more than 200 meters here.

At this time, Nagato is in a full state, and Xiao Xianrou's youthful appearance is 100% full of blood.

Therefore, the scale and power of the Earth Explosive Star that was displayed doubled.

The terrifying black ball quickly lifted into the sky.

An invisible barrier blocked the space around Mingren.

In the original book.

After Naruto Prince learned the golden body mode, his movement speed surpassed that of the fourth generation of Raikage.

In theory, as long as you run out of the range of the Earth Explosive Star.

In fact, Prince Ming couldn't get rid of the influence of Earthburst Star.

In the TV animation, there is also an original plot. Konoha was wrapped by Earthburst Star. Even Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God would fail, unable to fly out, and thus trapped to death by the Earth Explosive Star.

Although some viewers don't approve of this plot.

But it does not hinder Nagato in this world, who can do the same thing.

In fact, Earth Explosion Star does have this effect.

A heavy barrier surrounds and resists.

Within a radius of 200 meters, it has become an inescapable blockade boundary.

boom! !

The earth shattered, and countless gravels flew into the sky.

An artificial celestial body is soon formed.

This is also the first time Nagato has performed this move openly in front of everyone.

This scene was broadcast live on the TV.

Seeing the gradually forming and expanding artificial stars, Terumi Mei and the others couldn't help but widen their eyes, feeling incredible.

Because obviously, this is beyond the means and abilities that normal ninjas can exercise.

This is also the first time the ability of Samsara Eyes has been exposed to the public in the ninja world!


Hanzo and the others looked up.

Watch as celestial bodies form rapidly.

They have no worries in their hearts.


"Master is invincible!" Ying murmured.

Whether it is Samsarayan or Sharingan, they will be annihilated by Master!

next second.

In the eyes of everyone.

The ground beneath Mingren's feet shattered.

The whole person began to fly towards the air.

face this situation.

Mingren just watched quietly as he rapidly approached the sphere.

And finally... patter.

It was very easy to stand on the Earth Explosion Star.

"It turns out that this is what it looks like when you look down on the earth from the Earth Explosion Star."

Mingren looked down at his surroundings.

Strong gravity brings strong gravity.

This gravity is enough to overwhelm the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki with seven tails.

However, Akito with 80 points of strength has a higher "strength value" than the full Kyuubi.

Relying on its strong body, it easily resisted the weight of the artificial celestial body.


The Earthburst Star that Nagato created at this time was at least twice the size of the one that dealt with Prince Naruto in the original book.

However, the power of the Ming people is far beyond that of Prince Ming.

Face boulders flying from the ground.

With a flick of his hand, Mingren shattered the boulder into powder.

After dozens of punches in a row, Mingren still easily stood in the depression of Earth Explosive Star.

"it turns out......"

Tiandao Payne opened his eyes wide with astonishment.

Just relying on the strength of the body, he can stand firm on the earth-exploding star with extremely high gravity...

It also easily broke the oppression of the aggregated stones on itself.

Mingren not a normal human being at all!

Seeing the crowd below, Ming thought about it and had a good idea.


Mingren started to move on the Earth Explosive Star, and within a few seconds, he came to the back of the Earth Explosive Star.

Look at this huge artificial celestial body with a diameter of more than 200 meters.

Akito stretched out his hand, and the pitch-black Diablo Chakra was released.

Soon, dipped it...


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