Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 526


Xiaonan turned pale with shock.

"Nagato, you can't...!"

Nagato: "Xiaonan, stop talking...I'm already too tired...I am scarred and scarred, like a decayed old man. We... can never go back to the past , and it is impossible to look into the future..."


Xiao Nan was silent, his eyes darkened.

"Senior brother, what is he going to do!!" Naruto couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Those who have the eyes of reincarnation can use all the techniques of Payne's six realms. In addition... there are also techniques that exist outside the world of life and death. The pupil power of Nagato can use the seventh power that controls life and death. It's Payne's technique. It's heretic."

Xiaonan murmured.

boom! !

Yama was summoned along with hell.

It opened its mouth and body, and spewed out a lot of light.

These rays of light attached to the body of the deceased one after another, and at the cost of Nagato's own vitality, he used heretic techniques to revive everyone present!

Watching the dots of light falling like torrential rain.

Not only Konoha.

Even Yuyin fell into consternation.

"what is this?"

Everyone murmured.

The body of the person who should have died quickly burst into white light, and the broken body began to return to its original shape.

Shima Immortal, Fukasaku Immortal, Mumu Gongdao, Moonlight Gale, Uzuki Xiyan...

Even Hatake Kakashi, Parker...!

Be it human beings or psychic beasts, they are all revived in this heretical rain!

And with a ray of light thrown into the four scarlet sun formations on Yuyin's side.

Suddenly hit Nohara Lin.

The body of Nohara Lin who was hit also began to glow.

She stared at her hands in amazement.

Immediately, Nohara Lin's body exploded into bursts of debris.

The reincarnated body began to become a real living person!

Lin Nohara... her heart, which had been stagnant for 17 years, started beating again.

Boom! Boom! Boom...!

Feeling the surging blood, smelling the air, and recovering breathing, Nohara Lin froze in place for a moment.

Heretics, reincarnation natural art, the resurrection condition set by Nagato is "the whole Konoha".


Nohara Lin also belongs to Konoha's ninja, at least in her heart, she is still that Nohara Lin.

Therefore, Nohara Lin also enjoyed the resurrection effect and became a living person!


The gap between the underworld and the world.

"Well, it seems that you have had a hard time."


The father and son were having a conversation.

"But no matter what the result, you have tried your best, and now I can understand your thoughts...For you who violated the I am proud!" Kakashi said in one breath the present conclusion.


Hatake Sakumo's eyes widened, filled with disbelief, surprise, and...relief.

"Thank you...Kakashi..."

Getting forgiveness is the salvation of the soul.

In the next second, a white beam of light broke through the darkness.

A bright light shone on Kakashi's body.

"It seems that you shouldn't be here yet, there are still some things you have to do."

Hatake Sakumo said.

"It's really great to be able to talk to you, thank you for forgiving me, so that I can leave with peace of mind...Finally, I can go see your mother..."


Kakashi snapped his eyes open.

Next to him was Ding Ji who had rushed over, and Ding Zuo who had also been revived.


"Hoo... hoo..."

Nagato, who had finished using the outsider, lowered his arms.

The long hair representing the vitality of the red whirlpool clan turned white as a result.

This foreshadowed his imminent death.

And before that...

"Naruto, fighting will bring death, scars, and pain for both sides. The more precious the person who dies, the less able to accept death... and think that the other party can't die at all... ..”

This is Nagato's last remonstrance.

"Especially...your generation who doesn't understand war, but there is nothing you can do about it. Some people want to find the meaning of death, but they can only feel the pain and the hatred that they don't know how to vent... ...death like rubbish, hatred that lasts forever...incurable wounds...this is war..."

Nagato lowered his head.

"Naruto, this is something you have to face in the future...Whether it's the book or you, it feels like...someone has arranged things in advance...It's not It's just...what real gods do...that's the end of my mission. should...really be able to.. ...."

Find the answer to peace...

Nagato passed away without being able to say those words.

"Xiaonan, Madara may come to snatch Nagato's eyes next. "

Itachi suggested.

There is no time to be sad, or to say that I have experienced countless lives and deaths.

Whether it is Itachi or Konan, they can easily suppress their emotions.

"Senior Sister Xiaonan, Itachi, come with us to Mount Miaomu!" Uzumaki Naruto suggested.


Itachi shook his head.

"Just like Madara attacked Konoha 17 years ago, if we go to Mt. Myogi together, he will be there waiting for us."

So... it has to be separated.

"If Madara wants to start the ninja war, he must get the eyes of reincarnation, as long as we keep the eyes..."

He'll just throw a mouse at the mouse and keep trying to get this thing.

Therefore, the eyes of reincarnation cannot be destroyed immediately, otherwise Madara will do something insane.

An orderly evacuation began soon.

Some chose to stay.

The other group of people planned to go to Mt. Miaomu.

in the process of evacuation.

Itachi and Konan guarded Nagato's body to prevent Obito Uchiha from attacking in the dark.

And Uchiha Obito could only squint his eyes, peeping in the distance.

Because he knew he was no match for Itachi.

Itachi Uchiha is too dangerous.

He used Izanagi twice, how many more times can he use it?

And...he still seems to have the cards.

This is also the reason why Obito dare not act rashly.

In fact, Itachi's "Ten Fist Sword" is specially reserved for Obito...

447. Continue to Destroy Konoha, Empress [Fog] Asuka

"Enable that."

far away.

Ying, who was inside the enchantment of the four red sun formations, put her arms around her, stared at the Konoha people outside, and said coldly.

She couldn't wait any longer.

And that... refers to the "Rain Hidden Pan-Alliance Backup Plan".

That is to say, when Mingren is away, the "second person" is in charge, and the corresponding duties are performed "temporarily".

This is a backup plan and a test.

Because if an empire is maintained by only one person, then the empire does not have absolute stability.

Once the dragons have no leader, the empire will fall apart.

The death of Senjujuma, which triggered the first ninja war is an example.

Of course, Yuyin Village will not let that kind of thing happen again.

The Congress of Rain tells the world.

This pan-alliance has absolute dominance!

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to stand up for someone who can lead the audience.

And what are the qualities that that person...needs?




No! Those rotten things have nothing to do with Yuyin!

"Let's vote."

With the withdrawal of the Four Scarlet Sun Formation.

Asuka was also unambiguous and directly decided to start a referendum.

Everyone present has the right to vote.

"I give up."

Kushina raised her hand and gave up directly.

Then, he pulled Nohara Lin back.

Although the two did not know each other's identities, Kushina more or less guessed that Anbu was also Konoha's ninja.

But Ying, Asuka, and Hanzo didn't bother about reincarnation and Lin's identity.

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