Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 529

Ming people overlook the earth.

Knowing that the white thing under his feet is just a part of the slug fairy's body.

Among the psychic beasts.

Slug has Naruto, almost the strongest defense.

In the original book.

Tsunade scatter slugs.

Each slug covers a Konoha villager or ninja.

Payne couldn't kill even a small slug after one move of the super-large Shenluo Tianzheng.

Its ability to resist blows has reached an abnormal level.

In the official formula book, words such as [unable to kill], [immune to everything]... are used to describe it.


In the official formula book, there are often a lot of bragging.

For example, the rice fairy and sushi fairy in District 11, and so on.

Amaterasu's description is even more "burn everything".

But we all know that Amaterasu is the flame of "benevolence".

Just like Hao's fireball technique is also very "merciful".


Everything has a degree.

The slug fairy's ability to resist blows is explosive, but it must also have weaknesses.

Slugs are soft-bodied organisms.

no bones.

Plus can be large split.

There is no general weakness.

This is how similar to myself combined with dark chakra and dark medical ninjutsu.

As long as there is some flesh and blood left, the regeneration can be completed.

In other words, almost all parts of the slug fairy must be shot.


next moment.

Mingren soared into the sky and flew towards the sky at high speed.

With the help of dark chakra, Yufeng travels through the air.

1000 meters...

5000 meters...

10,000 meters...

20,000 meters...

Mingren continued to climb.

The first thing to emphasize is that the human beings in this world already know that the earth is not the center of the universe.

The stars in the sky may be planets one by one.

This is something people in the world of Naruto understand.

Konoha even has a department called the "Astronomy Department", and there are ninjas who specialize in stargazing and astronomy.

Yunyin Village later developed a space-time chakra cannon that can destroy the moon with one blow.

It can be seen that their research on astrology is not very superficial.


They probably know that there is an atmosphere above the surface.

And the atmosphere from the inner island outside.

It is divided into troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

Ming people keep climbing.

It broke through the troposphere of about 16 kilometers and came to the upper stratosphere.

Stand here, overlooking the earth.

Flying this high is not just about increasing the travel and making another impact.

It is also to confirm the size of the Holy Land of Wetbone Forest.

At this time, Mingren has completely gathered the entire ground in his eyes, like looking at a regional map.

Nod slightly.

I roughly understand the size of the wet bone forest.

And the body of the slug fairy is entrenched in the entire wet bone forest.

Swamps, underground, mountains, plains... everything is the shadow of its body.

That is.

To kill the Slug Fairy is almost equivalent to blowing up the entire Wetbone Forest.

There is no need to lock on a specific target, just crash towards the Wetbone Forest.

next second.

Mingren, who was full of arrogance, burst out with all his strength.

The body crashed toward the ground at a speed that was hard to discern with the naked eye.

And faster and faster, this time, completely broke through 10 times the speed of sound! ! !

Not long after the first shock was over.

The second impact is here! !

Just when the five great powers were on the sidelines watching the killing from a distance.

Asuka led people to clean up the remnants and completely destroyed Konoha.

The silent battlefield is opened up here.

A black line descended from the sky.

It's like a sharp knife splitting the sky and the earth into two.

The black line fell vertically at an astonishing speed.

The final destination is naturally the center of the Wetbone Forest.

Because the speed is too fast.

During the whole process, the slug fairy couldn't hear any movement.

But with its wisdom that has lived for thousands of years, it fully understands what this black line means.

This blow was like a comet hitting the earth.

Accelerated by the dark chakra and its own power.

Mingren's falling speed has reached an unbelievable level.

Because the speed was too fast, even Mingren himself was blurred, like a traveler traveling in time and space.

All he could see was the strange scene around him and he retreated rapidly.

in an instant.

The world was divided into two by the black line, and Mingren slammed into the exposed white body of the slug fairy.

With this collision, the world was silent.

Then, there was an earth-shattering explosion.

Boom boom boom boom boom...! ! ! !

The earth collapsed like dominoes.

The terrifying shock wave started from the center of the wet bone forest and swept in all directions.

The shock caused by this collision directly spread hundreds of kilometers away before the shock wave dissipated slowly.

With the impact point as the center, everything in the entire Wetbone Forest was completely destroyed.

A scene like the end of the world appeared in front of my eyes.

The three holy places are so fragile in front of the collective wisdom of mankind.

Smoke and dust soared into the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun.

A huge mushroom cloud enveloped the entire area.

The strong vibration spread even more far away.

The terrible explosion and shock aftermath lasted for half a minute before stopping.

Under such impact.

In the wet bone forest that was completely destroyed, the body of the slug fairy was finally completely exposed.

It slowly crawled out of the body from everywhere, and finally presented the entire Leviathan-level figure in front of Mingren...

450. Trample Tsunade underfoot

"Amazing human beings..."

The soft voice sounded, but it was no less than thunder on the ground.

Slug Immortal's cold tone indicated that she wanted to talk to Mingren.

Just speak.

Just blow away all the smoke and dust in the Wetbone Forest.

Ordinary people would be shocked to death by the sound just by hearing it.

at this time.

Akito who finished the impact action slowly floated up.

Most of the body surface was broken.

After all, with such kinetic energy and impact, even Mingren himself would be destroyed by this force.

With the surge of dark chakra.

Musculoskeletal noise.

The massive amount of energy is helping Mingren quickly recover from his injuries.

With strong regenerative power and near immortality.

Ming people keep regenerating.

And even if he was injured like this, Mingren didn't care at all.

Because... the slug fairy in front of him is undoubtedly the enemy of mankind, and the strongest enemy he has ever encountered so far!

Let her continue to proliferate, and it will only become a disaster for the whole world in the end!

Mingren will never allow her to destroy the Pan-Union of the Land of Rain that she personally created!

Watch the white waves roll beneath your feet.

A cold light flashed in Mingren's eyes.

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