Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 542

Naruto Uzumaki began to sweat on his forehead.

Because he has realized something.

Everyone has a dark side that they don't want to show to others.

Uzumaki Naruto... naturally has such a side.

And the deepest darkness in his heart, the Uzumaki Naruto of this world...obviously, hates the emperor.

"That guy destroyed the village."

Darkness Naruto looked at the deity.

"Killed a lot of people. He... and the ninjas of the Yuyin Alliance under him..."

Dark Naruto talked endlessly about the painful experience of the past.

He spoke of Konoha's destruction.

Speaking of Jilai, he was also beheaded for public display.

Speaking of...all the past.

Bit by bit, accumulate from the very beginning. After a long time, the hatred has become as high as Mount Sumeru and as deep as the sea.

"How do you plan to resolve these hatreds?"

Darkness Naruto grinned, smiling.

Can't overcome the hatred in my heart.

There is no possibility of controlling the nine-tailed chakra at all.

In the end, it will only become a monster that loses its mind under the influence of the Nine-Tails Chakra.

Naruto of this world.

Encountered a completely different problem.

Konoha was destroyed, and most of the people were dead.

For the rest, treat him as a savior.

So... Naruto Uzumaki of this world has no need to hate the exiles.

On the other hand, the object of his hatred not only destroyed everything.


"You will never be Hokage again."

The Dark Naruto laughed.

"After all, the village is gone... That guy, ruined your dream."

Uzumaki Naruto: "!"

Naruto Uzumaki's biggest dream is to become Hokage.

Now, that dream is out of reach.

become an eternal regret.

"I'll knock him down."

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fists and shouted in a low voice.

"Then... rebuild Konoha!!"

"That's right, that's it, hate it, hahaha!"

The Dark Naruto laughed.

"But... establish Konoha? What are you thinking, haven't you seen the news... That guy has taken the entire Fire Nation into his hands. Under his leadership, the people will live Do they really want to go back to the period when Konoha ruled? Everyone calls the "Rain Country" the "Heaven on Earth"... At that time, for those who have lived a good life For the people of the Land of Fire, you are the villain. "

Darkness Naruto took a step forward, pointing at his own head.

"Think about it...the truth about the Uchiha clan. Will people love such a Konoha?"


Facing the questioning of Dark Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto was at a loss for a moment.

The greatest hatred in his heart was exposed by the dark Naruto

I'm's the past that I can never go back to.

is not recognized now.

It is a future that cannot be created.

"I...fear that guy will lead people to live a better life...because then, Konoha and Hokage would not need to exist..."

Uzumaki Naruto murmured.

This is the deepest fear in his heart.


Soon, Uzumaki Naruto withdrew from the meditation of the real waterfall.

"Naruto, what's the matter?" Yamato asked quickly.


Uzumaki Naruto didn't say a word, with his head down, like an old man, he left here slowly.

"I think... Naruto needs to think about it."

Kakashi patted Yamato on the shoulder.

Through Naruto's heavy expression, Kakashi understood.

Perhaps, the practice of the real waterfall is not so easy to achieve.

462. Asuka's First Kiss, The Reverberation of Negative Emotions

New Konoha.

Dark underground.

Where there is light, there is shadow.

In the past, part of the old nest of Log Village Dan Zanggen has been transformed into a prison.

"The enchantment was arranged by me personally, it can resist the attack of the Tailed Beast Jade..."

"It uses the energy of Ankbandian Sky Fortress, and the power needs to be considered by His Majesty..."

"Except for the guards at the entrance, the prison is a fully automatic unattended serial barrier plan..."

Asuka narrated items one by one, slowly passing by the scene.

Next her task.

Based on "New Konoha", the "Negative Emotion Absorption Technique" is deployed throughout the Fire Kingdom.

This is a huge project.

After all, the land of fire is more than ten times larger than the land of rain.

It took a lot of engineering and effort to do that.


After Asuka absorbed 20 million strands of negative emotions, his strength increased dramatically.

It can separate countless water bodies at the same time, and carry out the artistic description at the same time.

This is a national project of a big country.

It is also the best time and means for Asuka to test its own strength and adapt to these forces.

"Asuka, thank you for your hard work."

walk down the aisle.

Mingren said to Asuka.

Thinking about it carefully, nearly 18 years have passed since the two met.

Because of the relationship between Dark Chakra and Dark Medical Ninjutsu, Asuka's voice and appearance have not changed.

Still maintaining the appearance of a 16-year-old girl.

Matter determines spirit, and spirit can also affect matter.


The change in Asuka's heart is much smaller than that of normal-growing peers. still the girl I saw in the past.


The passage of actual time, is real.

Asuka's introverted personality and childhood experiences, as well as restraint...

Let her hide her true thoughts all the time.

Don't dare to think about marriage if you haven't accomplished your great career - this is a sentence Ming people often say to others.

The purpose is to evade the people's demands for their Majesty's marriage.


To a certain extent, Asuka might also be considerate of this and bury her feelings deep in her heart. Only maintain the status quo with the status of subordinates and work contacts.

Reported everything.

The words stopped, and the atmosphere fell into silence.

Mingren and Asuka walked in front, and Immortal Slug followed behind.

The atmosphere just became more and more peaceful.

After a while, after Asuka leaves, he will start to describe the art of absorption.

This is necessary.

It is also to stabilize the rule of Fire Nation.

Extracting the negative energy of an entire country will reduce the fire of resistance to freezing point.


Mingren suddenly spoke.

"Let's... hold hands."


Asuka froze, not waiting for her to react.

Mingren stretched out his hand and grabbed Asuka's catkin.

The white fingers felt cool and smooth.

Asuka stiffened, a little... at a loss.

The accident happened so quickly, I'm afraid she didn't expect it.


The slug fairy followed behind, not knowing what she was thinking, but at the moment no one paid attention to her thoughts.

Mingren ignored the existence of the slug fairy and just held Asuka's hand.

As time passed, Asuka's stiffness gradually softened.

She relaxed a little.


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