Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 557


same moment.

In the northern part of the Iron Country, a distant mountain tomb.

"I'll go and capture Eight and Nine Tails later." Yao Shidou said.

"What do you want to do?"

Uchiha Obito has put on a brand new white mask and holds a Uchiha fan.

In order to deal with Xiao Nan and Itachi, he prepared some things.

"This is a good opportunity to build our mutual trust, and there is a guy named Yamato next to Naruto, he is the target of my experimental subject. If you don't let me go, give me a little bit of whiteness, so that it won't hinder Let's go to the resurrection of the ten tails."

Dou laughed.

Black and white: "..."

"You seem to know a lot of things. It seems that Orochimaru is secretly conducting research." Obito narrowed his eyes, feeling that Yakushitou was becoming more and more difficult.


He adjusted his glasses.

"Why is Bai Jue the main force in our war?"

Hei Jue couldn't help asking: "How much do you really know?"

"Hehe, as long as I rely on the research materials and knowledge I have collected, I can actually strengthen Bai Jue's combat effectiveness, but the premise is."

Kabuki didn't answer the question directly, but looked at Obito.

"Would you like to take me there..."

Uchiha Obito was silent, thinking for a moment: "If you can catch Nine-Tails later, I will give you a white sword, come with me..."


The two entered the deepest base of the mountain tomb.

Incomparably empty underground.

A gigantic statue of a freak sits here.

"This is...the heretic golem."

Dou murmured, looking up at this terrifying monster with a height of more than 100 meters just in a sitting position.

A ferocious black stick full of spikes protruded from the body of the Golem of the Outer Way.

When there is no tail beast chakra, it needs to absorb vitality and chakra to control it.

But now that there are seven tailed beasts, there is no need to use this method.


Uchiha Obito reminded that the real thing is below.

Following the stairs, the two came to the base of the heretic golem.

Here is a thick tree root.

Multiple arms and half of a man's body emerged from it.

"He is the first Hokage Senju Hashirama..."

Uchiha Obito introduced.

"To be precise, it was cultivated from the flesh and blood that was captured in that battle... so it has no consciousness, but what I want to show you is the following..."

The deepest and darkest underground.

Standing on the cliff, Yao Shidou suddenly opened his eyes wide.

At a glance, there are densely packed, almost invisible human figures standing on the ground.

"It's really an astonishing amount!"

The pharmacist looked shocked.

"How much... how many are there?"


Obito Uchiha broke out the numbers indifferently.

100,000 for nothing!

Every Baijue's combat power is comparable to that of Chunin!

According to the scroll sent back by Kisame.

The number of ninja coalition forces is only 60,000.

These white tricks are enough to deal with them!

In the original Naruto.

Five Great Nations + Iron Country + Small Countries + Wild Ninjas.

All combat forces add up to a total of 80,000 people.

This world is because of the existence of Ming people.

Konoha was destroyed, and many small countries joined the Yuyin Pan Alliance.

So...the number that can be summoned becomes 60,000.

To be precise, there are tens of thousands of iron country warriors, plus tens of thousands of ninjas, and finally sporadic wild ninjas and ninjas from several small countries.

"However, there are risks in doing so."

Obito shook his head.

"Making so many has almost exhausted the Tailed Beast Chakra in the Golem of the Outer Way..."

this moment.

Uzumaki Naruto's wisdom-reducing halo worked.

Before a battle, the villain boss always cuts himself for no reason.

Then use this disabled state to deal with Uzumaki Naruto.

For the original Payne Invasion, Payne first put a super-sized Shenluo Tianzheng to make himself half disabled.

Another example... Uchiha Obito made 100,000 white zealots, which consumed the chakra of the seven tailed beasts in the heretic golem. Empty blood and empty blue go to Uzumaki Naruto.

Another example...Uchiha Madaramen picks up Hachimonkai, half-death himself, and in an unrecovered state, he faces Naruto and is beaten repeatedly. In the end, he couldn't think of a way to weaken him, so he just came to a black heart...and so on.

"If the resurrection of the ten tails is delayed, the plan will be postponed. So... I hope to keep as much tailed beast chakra as possible."

Uchiha Obito raised his palm as a gesture.

"I understand." Pharmacist nodded, "Then, let's start."

Target..."Reincarnation Eye"!


Take control of Didara and use the clay bird.

He and Obito Uchiha stood on it.

He intends to directly break into the country of rain and the lair of the Akatsuki organization base.

There is the beginning of dawn.

It is also the birthplace of everything.

Xiaonan and Itachi are hiding in that place!

476. The Fourth Ninja World War

Uchiha Obito and Orochidou left soon.

The spies of Yunyin, Yanyin, and Sandyin.

According to the information raised by the samurai of the Iron Country, they found the northern part of the Iron Country...that is, the mountain tomb area here.

As the perception ninja performed the perception spell, they soon made an amazing discovery.

"This amount...this is...!!!"

The perceiving ninja with a horrified face was sweating profusely.

"We must tell this news to Raikage-sama!!"

After detecting 100,000 Baijue.

The reconnaissance squad retreated like a breeze...


Yunyin Village, Turtle Island.

Sakura held the stone in her hand, feeling a little dazed.

"Sakura, throw that thing away! Be careful...!"

Yamato said solemnly from the side.

Who knows what the emperor gave.

"It doesn't matter......"

Sakura shook her head.

From her superb medical ninjutsu, it can be seen that this is a stone with strong vitality and healing effect.

Just starting to feel a little cold.

The dark wounds and strains left on the hands during the practice in the past seem to have been healed.

It is worth mentioning that Naruto World has microscopes.

There are also DNA sequencing machines.

Sakura thought, if there were those instruments here, the structure of this thing would be analyzed more accurately.

Of course, Naruto's side is more important now...


Sakura put away the stone and ran over immediately.

The Rachel held by Kakashi finally dissipated.

"Wake up! Naruto... wake up!"

In a daze, Naruto opened his eyes.

All he could feel was a splitting pain in his head.

"No problem, I just passed out just now."

Sakura checked and confirmed Naruto's physical condition.

On the other side, Motoi received an instant message from Raikage.

He was slightly startled and walked away immediately.

The news caused by the 100,000 Baijue made Lei Ying act early.

The 4th Ninja World War... Preparations begin!


Naruto sat up startled, looked around, but naturally couldn't find Kushina's shadow.


Naruto clenched his fist and slammed it on the ground.

Obviously his mother was right in front of him, but he could only watch her being taken away.

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