Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 574

It was the blue-haired girl who came with the emperor in Turtle Island at that time.

"Hey, since the other party is ready to greet him, we'd better go in a little more generously."

Orochiji took the lead and walked towards the inside...

491. Long Aotian, the protagonist monster named Uzumaki Naruto

The vast underground hall.

Mingren stands here.

After the leveling of Tudun, it became a square and empty place.

Four huge braziers burned in the corners for illumination.

The ten spells of the "Ten Sealed Barrier" are pasted in ten places to strengthen the defense.

Mingren stood on the steps, looking down at the people standing in two rows below.

"Before welcoming them, I want to say one thing."

Following Ming Ren's opening, everyone focused their attention.

"Naruto a very special guy."


Everyone nodded slightly, expressing their understanding.

Son of the Fourth Hokage, Disciple of Jiraiya, Half Uzumaki Bloodline, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Son of Mt. Miaogi's Prophecy...

A series of identities and bloodlines stacked together.

Making him the ultimate suture monster of identity and lineage.

"It's just an appearance."

Mingren looked at them.

"Naruto Uzumaki has a bloodline and inheritance far more powerful than this."


Everyone opened their eyes slightly.

I thought this ultimate suture monster was the ultimate.

But I didn't expect... Uzumaki Naruto has a more powerful hidden identity... or blood? !

"Thousands of years ago, the Immortal of the Six Paths had two sons."

Day to day difference: "..."

"One is called Asura, and the other is called Indra."

"The two brothers had a dispute over the succession of the Ninja sect founded by the Sage of the Six Paths, and ended up fighting."

"Although both brothers died in the end, and their souls went to Hades. But their Chakra stubbornly reincarnated and possessed other people..."

In the Ming people's narration, the history of thousands of years ago is displayed in front of everyone.

Chakra is reincarnated.

Just like the rebirth of the Tailed Beast.


"Even if the two reincarnations die, this chakra will continue to be reincarnated...and Naruto Uzumaki is the "Asura Chakra Reincarnation" of this generation. "

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Because... this is incredible.

The identity of Uzumaki Naruto actually involved the Sage of the Six Paths 1000 years ago, this is really...

Hanzo sighed: "No wonder His Majesty has been paying attention to that Uzumaki Naruto."

Ying snorted coldly: "Is it the ultimate bloodline theory? Whether it's the son of the Immortal of the Six Paths or something... I will smash him with my own hands!"

"Of course, that's just one of them."

As Mingren spoke again.

Everyone was stunned.

Could it be... Uzumaki Naruto has more exaggerated things besides the reincarnation of Chakra, the son of the Sage of the Six Paths? !

"Naruto Uzumaki is the "protagonist". "

Mingren dropped another blockbuster.

"Translated, it is called the son of prophecy, the savior, the savior... In short, everyone has read the street stall ninja novels..."

This is a ninja world.

Of course there will be various ninja novels and literary works.

There's even a ninja movie going on.

For example, the Fengyun Princess movie series filmed by Fenghua Xiaoxue, which absorbed various elements of ninjas.

"The protagonists in ninja novels often have various peculiar behaviors."

"For example, although the protagonist is seriously injured, he will never die."

"The protagonist is in deep trouble, but there is always a way to solve it."

"The enemy usually has a high IQ, but when facing the protagonist, his intelligence will suddenly drop."

"The logic of the protagonist is obviously nonsense, but the enemy kneels down and changes his mind, expressing that he wants to be a new man..."

"No matter how many times you are knocked down, the protagonist who is blood-locked will stand up..."

"...There are so many things that illustrate the extraordinary characteristics of the protagonist's identity, and Naruto Uzumaki is a "protagonist" in a certain sense. "

Everyone was silent.

They take a while to digest properly.

Because this is really too unbelievable.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Mingren naturally knew what they were thinking.

This time Naruto Uzumaki ran here to rescue Tsunade.

It is a good proof.

Let Hanzo and the others fully understand how terrifying a monster like the "protagonist" is.

After all, ninja fiction in this world is still underdeveloped.

last life.

Mingren, who has read countless web articles, novels, movies, animations, games..., is familiar with everything the protagonist has.

You can tell a bunch of protagonist laws with your eyes closed.

"Also, even if the protagonist fails, he will still say things like 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor... and rise again in the future... Forget it, for a while You can experience it well.”

this time.

Ming decided not to make a move.

Instead, let everyone be slapped in the face by Uzumaki Naruto, and recognize the reality as soon as possible.

This is necessary.

Because only in this way, they will understand what the enemy they will face in the future.

Uzumaki Naruto is also good.

Swirl noodles are also good.

Parallel worlds, universes, countless spaces.

There are countless characters with "protagonist" status and luck.

If you can't recognize this in advance, will die miserably one day.


With the sound of footsteps.

Orochi Ji stepped out of the shadows first.

Next, there are Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi, Eight-tailed Kirabi.

Uzumaki Naruto with an angry face didn't rush forward immediately.

There was no screaming for the first time.

After all, he has grown a lot and matured a lot.

Throughout Naruto Uzumaki's protagonist's path.

Probably the Long Aotian template can be applied.

Of course, it was Long Aotian who was in the middle of his family.

Long Aotian, the second generation of immortals, wandered in the world, experienced the blessings of working as a ninja, and finally revealed the story of his life and pride in the world, breaking the boundaries with the mud legs, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

It looks great and upright, but it is actually a bunch of black spots.

And it's kind of dark.

This is completely in line with the setting of Long Aotian in the early days.

——That is to say, it looks quite normal, but in fact, if you taste it carefully, you will find a very terrifying truth... this kind of.

"Hey, Emperor, we haven't seen each other for a long time..."

Orochi Ji spoke first, as an opening remark.

She looked around and found that all the masters of Yuyin were here.

But Big Snake Ji didn't panic at all.

Because she knows.

If all the masters are fused and packaged together, they are no match for Tianhe Mingren alone.

The scariest thing on the scene was Emperor Yuyin himself.

He is smart, calm, intelligent, powerful...

More importantly, he has an unimaginable bloodline.

Is the strongest "bloodline" owner.

"Big Snake, are you looking for death?"

Mingren opened his mouth lightly.

For everyone, courting death is courting death in the normal sense.

But for Big Snake.

court death......

It was using various methods and dark body techniques to beat her to death.

As a result, Big Snake Ji's complexion changed, her expression became stiff, and the hatred and fury she held back almost gushed out.

Even more frightening.

Because of this sentence.

It was just a word from Emperor Yuyin.

She involuntarily prepared the preliminaries of the water escape ninjutsu.

Mentally can resist.

But the body...can't lie.

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