Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 588

Kankuro's surprise attack team found the reconnaissance team that destroyed the group.

They are fighting Didara, Scorpion and others.

The war is imminent.

Had to... stop Madara.


Ai slammed the table hard and immediately denied the matter.

"If you fall into Madara's hands..."

Sensing Ai's aura, Naruto directly entered the golden body mode.

"What a powerful Chakra!"

Onoki, Terumi Mei, and I love Luo Qiqi were surprised.

"Brother, let's go to support! I guarantee that the two of us will be fine~?!" Kirabi comforted from the side.

Ai looked angry: "Stop talking nonsense! This is a war to protect you, if you are captured by the enemy..."

"The world will end? Iruka-sensei has already told me."

Naruto said loudly and seriously.

"I can't stand and watch everyone get knocked down! Even if we win this war, if everyone dies in the end, then there's no point...I don't want things to be like this!"

60,000 Ninja Alliance vs 100,000 Baijue.

No matter how you look at it, your side is at a disadvantage.

"But it's still far better than the destruction of the world!"

Ai also raised his voice.

"Everyone thinks this way, that's why they insist on sacrificing their lives to protect you!"

The two argued.

Ai entered the rapid mode and moved in front of Naruto in an instant.

Going to speak with fists.


Uzumaki Naruto quickly backed away.

But Ai is like a shadow.

And he punched out, hitting the arm that was raised to block.

boom! !

With a bang, Uzumaki Naruto flew backwards: "So fast...! I can keep up with my speed in this mode! And the fist is so powerful, if it is hit directly, it will be over... ..!"

After drawing a certain distance, Uzumaki Naruto stopped and immediately shouted: "Grandma Tsunade, you understand my thoughts! I will stop this war!"


Tsunade was silent.

Gaara, Ohnoki, and Terumi Mei are also watching the changes.

On the surface, it is calm and expressionless.

They were surprised that Naruto could keep up with Raikage's speed.

"I haven't seen such a fast ninja since Emperor Yuyin... However, your speed is still far behind him..."

Ai said.

"Your father, Namikaze Minato, died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, proving that he failed to deal with Nine-Tails. But you... the son, didn't learn any lessons!"


Uzumaki Naruto lowered his head.

He thought of his father's death, and also thought of his kidnapped mother.

Ai's words went straight to the core.

Namikaze Minato died while facing the Emperor.

Then, as his son, he will also be killed by the emperor in the end!

"I will never say that about my parents!"

Uzumaki Naruto raised his head and stared at Ai viciously.

"The Fourth Hokage did not fail!"

"Stubborn! Then I will kill you on the spot... use Kyuubi's death as a delay to prevent the enemy's plan from being realized!"

Ai raised his fist.

Naruto Uzumaki's hands form the seal of the doppelgänger.

boom! ! !

In the nick of time.

Kirabi ran over and blocked Ai.

With bare hands...he blocked Ai's full blow.

At this time, Ai was still angry and didn't realize this.

Long ago.

Kirabi, who is the younger brother, has already surpassed him.

"Brother, in this case, it's not bad for me to die as the eight-tailed one! I can also destroy the enemy's plan! In order for Naruto to be able to go to the battlefield, I decided to invest my life!"

"Uncle Bi..." Naruto looked at the figure standing in front of him in surprise.

"Bi, why did you help Uzumaki Naruto?!" Ai was puzzled.

"Brother, even if you touch the other party with your fist now, can't you understand my mind?"

Ai was taken aback by Kirabi's words.

Immediately, he fell into memory.

Kirabi is the younger brother who is not related by blood.

I thought the selection of the AB combination would fail.

But in the end...Kirabi came out on top.

The righteous brothers and sisters grew up together.

Get stronger slowly.

Even the previous Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Brubi admired him immensely.

Then came Bruby's funeral.

Kirabi appeared on the spot with a unique posture.

He gradually became famous when he was young.

Become a well-known AB combination in the ninja world.

And then...Kirabi was less than 10 years old.

Soon, Eight-Tails was transplanted into Kirabi's body.

Time flies... in the blink of an eye to the age of 15.

It's also Kirabi + Ai, this pair of brothers, played against Namikaze Minato for the first time.

While Kirabi rescued Ai, he forced back Minato Namikaze.

Let Namikaze Minato not have the courage to stab him.

In fact, at that time, Kirabi's strength had begun to surpass that of Ai.

Later, at the age of 15, 16, 17... Kirabi and Namikaze Minato played against each other many times, and neither won nor lost.

Ai didn't realize what Namikaze Minato said at the time.

What is the most important thing for Injuriki?

That's... the sun of the heart.

After the third generation of Raikage died, Ai imprisoned Kirabi in Yunlei Gorge, which was another step that he didn't understand.

"Whether it's me or Naruto, we know very well that we will never fail!"

Kirabi and Ai used the Thunder Plow Hot Knife at the same time, and the two started a duel.

Kirabi didn't even use a tailed fur suit.

Just using normality, it surpasses Ai.

This made Ai extremely shocked, and at the same time, he understood that the "important thing" that Bu Rubi, Namikaze Minato and others said at that time was the sun in Jinzhu Riki's heart.

At this moment, Ai understood what was the most important.

For Renjuriki, it is the sun in his heart.

And for "Sun", that is...believe in the power of Jinchuriki!

Kirabi: "Everyone has a sun in their heart, the sun in my heart is my elder brother! And in Naruto's heart... there are two!"

"It's dad and mom!"

Naruto clenched his fist and placed it on his chest.

"Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina? They should be dead..." Ai frowned.

"Father left Nine Tails and the sealing technique in my heart, and my mother helped me, so I got the power of Nine Tails..."

Naruto looked at his hands.

Then, he raised his head and threw a blockbuster at everyone.

" mother...isn't dead!"

Everyone: "!"

504. Slug Immortal and Konan's Fall

The distant Yuyin Village.



Any sound was gone, and consciousness went blank.

Don't know how long it lasted...

When Xiao Nan recovered.


There was the sound of rain.

The rain in Yuyin Village continued to fall, and all the sights and sounds in reality returned.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the dark body technique is still echoing.

They fought continuously for two days and two nights.

Xiaonan's consciousness has been blurred.

Barely cheer up.

Emperor Yuyin seemed to be indefatigable, and continued to use the dark body technique.

"The level of dark chakra...has been raised too much...already...enough..."

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