Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 593

It is a defective product.

"The value of a series of works will be determined by the third one, Naruto, you must become a masterpiece that can erase the poor works!"

Nagato was brainwashed by the will of fire.

He resolutely didn't mention Xiao Nan's affairs, as if Xiao Nan didn't exist at all.

In a smile, Nagato's soul was sealed.

But Dou realized that these three people were invincible.

So, he controlled Uchiha Ruhino and left this place like a gust of wind.

"Hee hee...As expected of Itachi, but don't be complacent, I have another plan...through Uchiha Ruhino..."

Dou stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth.

"It's about the same... It's time to play the trump card!"

508. True False Madara, Rin Nohara's Plea

Union headquarters.

"Naruto seems to have reached every battlefield!"

Perception Ninja reports.

"Kazekage-sama and Dokage-sama's 4th unit seems to have sealed all enemies!"

"After Darui-sama's 1st troop joined with Yumujin-sama's 2nd troop, they found almost all the enemies, and they are advancing like a rainbow!"

"Master Mifune's fifth unit also has the advantage!"

"Sixth Hokage-sama and Mr. Akai's 3rd unit also has an advantage!"

"Ms. Shizune and Ms. Sakura's medical unit has also defeated all enemies!"

The news of the win kept coming.

The atmosphere at the coalition headquarters was high.

"Next, as long as we can block the "Madara" who is attacking with Renzhuli, we can concentrate all our combat power and deal with the rest of the enemy's combat power in one go! "

Lu Jiu looked at Wuying, the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

"Please, please wait!"

Qing suddenly discovered an unusual battle situation.

"Gaara Unit 4 detected the enemy...but...what's the matter with this chakra?!"


Southeast of the Frost Kingdom.

Unit 4.

"Then, what is that? Look over there!"

Following the perception of the ninja's fingerprints, everyone immediately looked up at the distant rock.

It's the Second Generation Dokage·No!

"Gara, didn't you seal him up?!"

Naruto's shadow clone shouted.

"Could it be...he split in that state long ago?!"

Onoki opened his eyes and immediately realized that the Second Generation Tsuchikage Mure had used the "Split Technique" to turn himself into two individuals.

"There is one more person!"

With the perception ninja prompting again.

Ohnoki... saw the second figure clearly: "Uchiha... Madara!"


"How is this possible?" Gaara questioned, "Look carefully...that was summoned by the Reincarnation of Dirt, since Dire Reincarnation is a technique that allows the dead to appear in this world, it means that he died long ago. "

"But didn't the headquarters say that "Madara" was coming with Jinchuriki? ! "

Temari asked.

If Madara appears here, it is the real Uchiha Madara.

What is the other "spot"...


"With soil..."

A trace of sadness flashed in Nohara Lin's eyes.

Stand beside Mingren.

She is constantly and passively informed of what is happening on the battlefield.

Slug Immortal and Xiao Nan kept sending back information.

Hanzo and others were also distributed throughout the battlefield to observe the enemy's situation.

So everyone was shocked by the appearance of Uchiha Madara.

"what on earth is it?!"

In the communication, there was a discussion.

In the face of controversy, Mingren keeps silent.

After all the voices gradually disappeared, Akito said: "The one who appeared at the 4th unit of the coalition army is the real Uchiha Madara."

Everyone: "..."

"And the one who led Jinchuriki's "Obito Uchiha"! "

Uchiha... Obito? !

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, having never heard of this name at all.

who is he?

"With soil..."

Nohara Rin couldn't help but clenched her fingers tightly.

She knows how powerful the tailed beast is.

Even her teacher... Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, can't deal with Tailed Beast.

Only with the help of Jiu Xinnai can there be a chance.

What kind of earth-shattering scene will it be if six renzhuli attack together?

At first.

Kirigakure's ninja stuffed Mitsuo into himself.

Relying on self-sacrifice, the crisis was successfully resolved.


Obito's attack is the greatest disaster.

There is Uchiha Madara on this side, Obito and Six Jinchurikis on that side.

After a day of fighting, the ninja coalition has lost more than half of it.

Keep going, there is no chance of winning at all...

Nohara Rin thought so, and finally made a decision.

"His Majesty......"

She called Ming Ren's name.

At this time, Akito remained as still as a clock, completely indifferent to Uchiha Obito, Six Jinchuriki, and the appearance of the real Uchiha Madara.

"Can you... no, I want to ask you, let me meet Obito..."

Nohara Lin believes that she must come forward to stop Obito.

Can't let him continue to destroy it.

As a standard Konoha ninja.

It is completely reasonable for Nohara Lin to make this request.

Obito Uchiha is a companion.

Hatake Kakashi is a lover.

Above them, above all, is the village.

in other words.

Rin Nohara also inherited the "Will of Fire".

At this moment, she thought that she could make a deal with the emperor and ask him to help...

"Obito Uchiha's plan is "Eye of the Moon". "

Mingren opened his mouth lightly.

"By creating a false dream, in the dream, YY shows a Nohara Lin who likes him. This is his dream. Do you...understand?"

Obito Uchiha of course likes the realistic Rin Nohara.

But he also knows.

I can't even lick until the end.

Because Nohara Rin likes Kakashi.

So... Uchiha Obito had no choice but to enter the dreamland, YY a fake Lin who liked him.


Many people will say that a fake is a fake after all.


But Obito Uchiha doesn't care if it's fake or not.

Otherwise, the "Unlimited Monthly Reading" plan will not be implemented.

The wise man said bluntly, if you go, it will be for nothing.

Since you want to die, go yourself.


Nohara Lin was silent.

The anxious expression on her face indicated her mood.

If it wasn't for Obito Uchiha back then, repeat PUA.

Obito Uchiha will not become like this.

On the other hand, Sakura Haruno drew a line with Prince Naruto early in the morning and made it clear that she liked Sasuke.

It is clear that no tragedy will happen.


Nohara Lin thinks.

She is also responsible for all this.

It was because of her "bitch" that everything got out of hand in the end...

"so what?"

Ming asked.

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