Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? It's Just Garbage Chapter 598

She will always exist in this world in this form.


With the instillation of Mingren's power.

The spell lit up slightly, exuding a radiant light.

Under the control of Mingren's will.

The technique has changed slightly.

I saw...a new mark began to be drawn above the technique.

Seems like a comment.

Heaven... River... Ming... People...!

Four words, one stroke at a time, were written on it.

so far.

Proclamation of ownership is achieved.

"Nohara mine!"

Mingren announced.


Dead silence.

Complete silence.

There was really no sound in the forest at this time. . .

Ye Yuanlin stood on the spot, her hands trembling slightly as she pinched the hem of her clothes, and her body trembled accordingly.

This shameful PLAY made her want to find a hole in the ground.


For the future of ninja world.

For the possibility of Konoha's restoration.

Nohara Lin, who inherited the will of fire, forcibly endured it.


Nohara Lin said in her heart.


The only one she's sorry about is Kakashi.

On the other hand, Obito Uchiha...

Why do so many excessive things.

If it weren't for Uchiha Obito, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

The will of fire gave birth to you, Obito how could you do this. the true portrayal of Nohara Lin's heart.

It is also the thought possessed by every Konoha ninja brainwashed by the will of fire.


Uchiha Obito stood there blankly, without blinking his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Perhaps it is the complete collapse of the three views.

Or to be furious to the extreme is to be calm.

next second.

Inhale yourself with Kamui.

Obito Uchiha disappeared without a trace.

Another moment.

The six human pillars puffed up the smoke, and were psychically transported to the position they should return to by the eyes of reincarnation.

Obito Uchiha came and went quickly.

Maybe... he'll take the time to think about what's next.

By the way.

Control the six tailed beasts, start to accumulate chakra, change from 5% bottomed out to 100%.

At that time, the full state will fight again.

"Lin, let's go too."

Ming Ren embraced Nohara Lin.

next stop...

It's the real "Uchiha Madara".

As a rare big boss in Naruto.

It's really worth meeting for a while.

513. Uchiha Madara debuts! Wake up gas!

Back to half an hour ago...

Southeast of the Frost Kingdom.

Gaara and Onogi's 4th Regiment.

"Psychic art!"

Dou remote controlled the second generation of Dokage Mure, and cast a psychic.


A coffin appeared on the ground.

"Heh heh heh... This is my trump card."

Click, click, click...!


The coffin suddenly cracked open.


A large amount of smoke burst and gushed out.

Kicking the coffin to pieces, a figure grabbed the edge of the coffin and walked out slowly.


Dou Control Wu squatted on the ground, staring at this figure who looked quite upright.

"Finally... that brat Nagato, it seems that he has grown a lot."

"I didn't expect the next person to be summoned would be..."

Wu regained consciousness and stared at the legendary domineering figure.

"Hee hee hee... The guy who uses the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil understands war very well. I didn't expect that even you would be used."

"I remember you were."

Uchiha Madara looked at Wu and recognized his identity.

Then, Uchiha Madara stared at his hands.

"Reincarnation in dirty soil? Isn't it a natural technique of reincarnation?"

There is a slight problem with the plan.

Uchiha Madara took a step forward, stepped onto the top of the rock, crossed his arms around his chest, and looked down at the densely packed ninjas: "It says "ninja" on the forehead...but the ninja equipment is unique to the Five Great Nations. …”

"We are at war. The opponent is the combined forces of the five major powers." Wu explained.


Gaara and the others also talked about it.

"So, this guy in front of us is the real Uchiha Madara?!"

Naruto's shadow clone, staring at that figure with thousands of ninjas.

Wearing battle armor from the Warring States Period, with long black hair.

Arms around chest, mighty.

There is a pair of scarlet Sharingans inlaid in the eyes.

"And the guy we thought was Madara before, is it actually someone else?!"

Gaara: "It should be like this..."


"That's it..."

Uchiha Madara understood a little bit.

"It was that guy Obito who made it happen, there should be some small calculation... But the whole thing didn't go according to his plan, and I was resurrected in this form..."

Uchiha Madara looked disdainful.

"Who is reincarnating with dirty soil?"

"have no idea."

As soon as Wu just said this sentence, he was controlled again by Dou.

"I'm a bag."

With a single hand seal, the main body is thousands of miles away in the northern part of the Iron Country.

"I'm assisting him [Obito]."

"He actually came to talk to me through the reincarnation of the filthy soil, what a yin and yang guy."

"Your dirt reincarnation is specially made."

Dou laughed.

"I made you look like you were in your prime."

"The heyday?"

Madara Uchiha's cheeks darkened, his eyes staring at his pocket.

"You bastard... how do you know how strong I was in my prime!"

Dou smiled: "So, please let me see... the legendary power of the Uchiha clan."

The two talked, exchanging praises.

call out!

Gaara's sand moves over.

Dodge a dodge to avoid.

Uchiha Madara jumped directly from the rock and fell into the field.

"Fire escape...!"

"He's going to attack!" Naruto yelled.

Everyone immediately took a posture of alert.

Ohnoki: "Don't look directly into his eyes!"

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