Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash

Naruto lineage theory? Just Trash Chapter 81

Everyone looked at Uchiha Fugaku together.

Uchiha Fugaku immediately froze in place: ""

And at this time.

Sarutobi Hiruzane, Tenju Koharu, and Shimura Danzo are no longer calm.

The three of them suddenly opened their eyes wide, flashing many complicated emotions.

There was shock, fear, and even... killing intent.

The thoughts came and went quickly.


The three senior officials calmed down.

Danzo said nonchalantly, "Well, I agree."

Turning to bed Xiaochun also nodded: "I also agree."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the expressions of the two colleagues, and then looked at Uchiha Ruho: "Ruho...then I will have to work hard for you..."

"Thank you Hokage-sama!"

Uchiha Ryukyou knelt down on one knee and bowed deeply.

Immediately got up and left the tent.

Uchiha Fugaku also nodded slightly, turned and left.

The surprised comments of Jiraiya and others echoed in the camp.

Orochimaru showed even more curious eyes.

Wait until everyone leaves.

There were only three people left in the camp, Sarutobi Hiruza, Zanju Koharu, and Shimura Danzo.

"Unexpectedly...the Uchiha clan, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan appeared again." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun looked unhappy, with murderous intent on his face.

"These evil Uchihas always give people the feeling of a time bomb..." Shimura Danzo said in a deep voice.

Back then, Second Hokage Senju said it.

The Uchiha clan is an evil clan.

The more extremely evil, the stronger the pupil power.

And the kaleidoscope Sharingan is synonymous with extreme evil.

"Send Uchiha Ruhō to Yuyin, and let others collect information about his eyes."

Danzo continued.

Once Uchiha turns on the kaleidoscope.

The risk factor increases exponentially.

Even the three of them in the upper echelon did not dare to act rashly.

Danzo: "Fortunately, he has just opened his eyes, and he will not be able to become a climate for a while..."

Zhuanxing Xiaochun: "But even so, you have to be careful of the pupil technique attached to the kaleidoscope Sharingan."

When the two talked, it was as if they were guarding against enemies.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned: "Uchiha... is our comrade in arms."

"Sarutobi, you are too naive. Don't forget what the Second Hokage said."

Turning to bed Koharu choked Sarutobi Hiruzak with a single word.

As long as the name of Senshou Banjian is mentioned, Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately has nothing to say.

Because, even if he is the third Hokage, it is impossible to disobey the ancestors.

"In addition, if all the Uchihas know about Uchiha Ruhuo's open eyes, Konoha may lose control inside..."

After turning to bed, Koharu worried about Konoha's future.

Because once the Uchiha family Kaleidoscope Sharingan owners increase.

It is very easy to usurp power and subvert the entire village.

"There will be a way."

Danzo said softly.

23. PUA succeeded, Honglian surrendered

Yuyin Village.

That night, 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Guren yawned, and lifted the thin blanket covering her body.

Sleepy-eyed, she looked outside.

There was a sharp whistling in his ears.

It seems... Tianhe Mingren is still insisting on practicing.

However, Hanzo was seriously injured, so would it be useful to sharpen his gun in the face of battle?

With such doubts.

Honglian slowly walked out of the door and went to the backyard.

Because the practice will disturb others.

Ming has already changed his residence.

Moved directly from the surface to the ground.

That is to say, in the original book, Jiraiya and Penn Liudao fought against each other in a similar space.

There are many pipelines and waterways extending in all directions.

The open underground is very suitable for long-distance movement.

Guren came to the entrance and looked at the vast underground space.

I saw Akito Tianhe holding the Taidao he got from Uchiha Kiyomi.

Suddenly, he slashed at the wooden target dummy in front of him.


It's as easy as chopping tofu with a knife.

One clean break.

After returning to Yuyin Village, in addition to adapting to physical strength.

Akito did not forget Uchiha Kiyomi's sword.

It's a well crafted, but not very scarce weapon.

It is very convenient to hold in your hand.

With his own strength and speed, plus this thing, the destructive power has increased by more than 10 times.

The only flaw is that it is too powerful.

It is easy to appear in the original work.

Danzo Kunai stabbed Susano's operation.

The strength of the elderly Shimura Danzo is absolutely not 10.

Even if intercolumnar cells are transplanted, there will be at most 8-9 days.

in other words.

With a wave of his hand, let the Taidao cut a hard object, and the Taidao will fall apart in an instant.

This is why the third generation of Raikage, Akai, Tsunade and others do not use sharp weapons.

With their strength, sharp objects are no different from paper in their hands.

The same is true of Ming people now.

The solution is also simple.

Just learn "Chakra Flow" and attach Chakra to it.

It can easily enhance the strength and lethality of weapons.


The advantage of dark chakra lies in its extensibility.

Whether it is teleportation or shaping.

Both have great advantages.

With the instillation of ideas.

Black chakra emerged from his hand.

Stretching to the top of the Taidao.

next second.

The black shadow shuttled back and forth between more than 100 targets.

A streak of black sword light surged in the air.

Because the figures moved so fast, they seemed to be connected together.

Like streaks of black light, it cut the target into countless pieces.

Then it was blown into the air by the blown air current.

within seconds.

100 dummies declared completely broken.

In the flickering light of the knife, Hong Lian could feel the stern sharpness even from a long distance away.

Honglian couldn't help being dizzy for a while, as if being stabbed by the light of a knife.

Then, Tianhe Mingren stopped.

Just when she thought it was over...

The other party clenched the Taidao with black chakra shining again, and then, the wrist and the blade instantly became afterimages.

laugh! ! !

A supersonic slash sounded.

Coupled with the enchantment of dark chakra, the hardness and sharpness of the blade are doubled.


The supersonic tachi waved from the air set off a shock wave.

The first shock wave is like a short-distance wind.

Then, the second, third, fourth...

In Honglian's sight.

Mingren Tianhe's right hand has completely turned into a fuzzy shadow.

His right hand launched a supersonic slash with unimaginable speed.

The next moment.

Countless black saber auras were superimposed together, striking forward like a storm.


The frightening sound of tooth acid friction and cutting sounded.

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