The two mercenaries fell under Chidori’s attack. Hatake Kakashi looked forward. Tomoko had already rushed towards him, the kunai in his hand flashing with cold light.

Hatake Kakashi pulled out the hand that had penetrated the enemy’s body, leaving a large amount of blood all over the floor. He took out the kunai from his ninja tool bag and quickly swung it, knocking the kunai out of Tomoko’s hand.

Immediately, Kunai swung again, cutting a deep and long gash in Tomoko’s arm.

A large amount of blood was spilled, Tomoko couldn’t help but step back, her expression turned slightly cold.

The arm is useless! In the confrontation just now, the tendons of her arms were severed by Kakashi, and she had lost the ability to move.

For a ninja, having an arm disabled is definitely a big deal. Without an arm, it means that you cannot form seals, and most ninjutsu cannot be performed.

What’s more, the person Tomoko faced was the son of Konoha White Fang, the genius Jonin Hatake Kakashi.

Kakashi didn’t take Tomoko seriously at all. Although the blow just now failed to kill Tomoko, it had already destroyed Tomoko’s fighting ability.

He chased Uchiha Mikoto again. For Kakashi, the really difficult person was actually Uchiha Mikoto.

This woman became a jounin many years ago. Even though she has not been a ninja for many years, the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan is no joke.

However, what Kakashi didn’t expect was. In just a moment, Tomoko, whose arm was crippled, caught up from behind and stabbed Kakashi with her kunai.

Kakashi easily predicted Tomoko’s movements. In front of the three Magatama Sharingan, Tomoko’s taijutsu attacks were as ridiculous as a baby taking steps.

The kunai in his hand waved again, and Kakashi left a blood line on Tomoko’s neck. With just one move, he cut Tomoko’s artery.

Tomoko felt a chill on her neck, and immediately, the suffocation in her brain spread throughout her body. She gritted her teeth so hard that all the teeth in her mouth broke.

Immediately, the kunai in her hand pierced Kakashi’s shoulder, and she took the opportunity to hug Kakashi’s body.

“That adult’s ambition is tonight! How can we… let a guy like you destroy what we fight so hard to protect! You… just go to hell with me!” Tomoko took Kaka with him. Xi threw herself to the ground, using up the last strength of her life.

Kakashi’s expression changed. The clothes on this woman’s body were actually covered with detonating charms. At a rough glance, there were dozens of them.

In terms of strength, he far surpassed Tomoko as a chuunin, but he underestimated Tomoko’s determination.

This woman, in order to fulfill the wish of the Third Mizukage, would have no bones left.


The fire from the explosion brought up a large amount of smoke and dust. Kakashi was knocked over by the aftermath of the explosion. After he rolled a certain distance, he felt that all the bones in his body were broken.

“Damn it…” Kakashi only had time to take one last look at Uchiha Mikoto’s figure before he passed out.

Five minutes later, the ANBU people arrived, but except for a few corpses and the unconscious Kakashi, Uchiha Mikoto was nowhere to be found.

Uchiha Mikoto followed the route Tomoko told her and headed to the next village as quickly as possible. There, someone picked her up and made arrangements to leave the Country of Fire.

Three days later, the comatose Kakashi Hatake woke up in the hospital. The midday sun shone into the ward, making it very warm.

Looking outside, the tree outside the ward window had lost a lot of leaves and became a little bare. It was already late autumn in the blink of an eye.

Sarutobi Asuma was sitting nearby. Seeing that Kakashi woke up, he breathed a sigh of relief, then poured a cup of hot water and put it next to Kakashi’s hand.

Seeing Kakashi in a daze, Sarutobi Asuma didn’t speak.

More than ten minutes later, the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen came after hearing the news. He was wearing a bloated Hokage robe and a Hokage hat, and he didn’t even change his clothes.

The person following closely behind Sarutobi Hiruzen was Danzo, his face was gloomy and seemed to be full of anger.

This small ward was suddenly filled with high-level officials from Konoha.

“Kakashi, what happened that night? With your strength, couldn’t you stop the people fleeing the village?” Hiruzen Sarutobi asked coldly. Now that Kakashi is awake, the most important thing is to Find out who escaped that night.

In this way, remedial measures can be taken in a timely manner.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very aware of Kakashi’s strength. Even in today’s Konoha, Kakashi’s strength is quite outstanding. It is not easy for those people to make Kakashi like this.

“That person used a transformation technique. I couldn’t see through her appearance with my Sharingan, but I had a very familiar feeling.” Kakashi sat on the bed blankly, having just woken up from a coma, his consciousness Still a little hazy.

“Is it Uchiha?” Danzo couldn’t wait to say it. Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t ask the question directly, so he did it!

“Watch your words, Danzo! Don’t doubt your compatriots in the village.” Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Danzo, but he also had doubts about this matter.

However, as Hokage, he cannot speak without scruples like Danzo.

“You think so too, Hiruzen.” Danzo ignored the atmosphere and said to himself: “You can also feel it, the Uchiha are ready to make a move. What their clan wants is not just power, but The position of Hokage!”

“Shut up!” Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted to stop Danzo. He looked at Kakashi, waiting for Kakashi’s answer.

Although Danzo was dissatisfied with Hiruzen Sarutobi, he still kept his mouth shut like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Kakashi frowned. He knew very well that once he expressed his suspicion, it would worsen the relationship between the village and the Uchiha clan. After all, that clan still had relatives of his close friend Obito, and he didn’t want to see Uchiha fall out with the village.

“Ah! If I guess correctly, the person who escaped is the wife of the Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Mikoto.” After thinking for a moment, Kakashi finally spoke.

There was no need to hide it. As long as the village did a little investigation, they would soon find out about Uchiha Mikoto’s escape.

“That’s true! Evil Uchiha!” After hearing the answer, Danzo punched the door of the ward hard, showing no trace of his hatred for Uchiha.

“We can’t make a conclusion based on Kakashi’s few words. Let Uchiha Fugaku confront him.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly. He walked outside the ward, gave an order to an ANBU ninja and then came back. .

Sarutobi Hiruzen waited in the hospital until the afternoon. In the end, he and Danzo did not wait for Uchiha Fugaku to appear, but only waited for a word conveyed by Fugaku on his behalf.

“Mikoto has stopped being a ninja a long time ago. I don’t want her to have the same ending as Uchiha Shisui. Her departure is the decision of me, the clan leader.”

Because of Uchiha Fugaku’s toughness, a few days later, the defense against the Uchiha clan was once again strengthened. If any ninja from the Uchiha clan wants to take on a mission, there must be at least one ninja sent by the village to guard them in the three-person team.

Uchiha Mikoto’s escape had a huge impact on the top management of Konoha and the Uchiha clan. However, this matter, like Uchiha Shisui’s matter, was quickly suppressed by those who were interested.

After Kobayakawa Kazuma handed over Mikoto’s matter to Tomoko, he never interfered again. He had arranged everything. As for whether Mikoto could escape smoothly, it would depend on which side, Konoha or Kirigakure, was stronger.

Recently, Kobayakawa Kazuma originally planned to visit Akatsuki Uchiha more often. This woman must have felt uncomfortable after the death of her husband and then her son.

Unfortunately, the Uchiha clan was blocked by the village, which made it difficult for Kazuma Kobayakawa to enter the Uchiha clan, so he never went again.

In order to make up for his debt to Uchiha Akatsuki, Kobayakawa Kazuma had no choice but to go to Hinata Chan’s house to kill time. Seeing that Hyuga-chan had been recuperating for several months after giving birth and her body was almost recovered, Kobayakawa Kazuma started sowing activities again.

Due to the fact that she had just given birth, Hinata Chan was not suitable for extensive activities, so Kazuma Kobayakawa mainly used the lotus position.

Hyuga-chan, who had not established contact with Kobayakawa Kazuma for a long time, seemed to have regained her previous feelings again. In just a few days, her movements began to return to proficiency.

Seeing Hinata Chan’s cute look as he rolled his eyes, Kazuma Kobayakawa was also full of motivation.

This time the baby-making activity did not go very smoothly. It took a month and a half before Hinata Chan became pregnant with the child, and Kobayakawa Kazuma naturally received a reward from the system.

Name: Kazuma Kobayakawa

Lifespan: 47 years

Chakra: 8.5 calories

Ninja Qualification: B (5/8)

Blood Succession Limit: Crystal Escape, White Eyes.

Ninjutsu: Standing Jutsu (52% completion rate), Transformation Jutsu (52% completion rate), Clone Jutsu (52% completion rate), Water Release, Kirigakure no Jutsu (43% completion rate), Water Release, Water Chaos Wave (42% completion), Sword Technique. Moon Shadow (41% completion), Water Release. Water Iron Cannon (19% completion), Psychic Technique (100% completion), True Truth Technique (completion) 7%)

, Fire Release. Dragon Fire Jutsu (11% completion), Shadow Clone Jutsu (8% completion), Fire Release. Head Hard Work (6% completion).

As expected, the successful seeding this time only increased the amount of chakra by 0.4 calories and a small amount of ninja qualifications, making the same woman pregnant. The price/performance ratio is still too low.

However, Kobayakawa Kazuma was quite reasonable. Let Hyuga-chan give birth to a child this time not for the reward of sowing, but mainly for the blood of the Hyuga clan.

If this child can inherit the blood limit of the Byakugan, maybe what will happen to the Byakugan.

During this period, Kazuma Kobayakawa had also been searching for information about Danzo in order to find opportunities for Danzo to go out alone.

Uchiha Shisui’s other eye was still in Danzo’s hand. Kobayakawa Kazuma really wanted to get that eye. By the time both eyes were together, it was almost time to return to Kirigakure Village.

“Lord Kobayakawa, Danzo has come to the embassy. Did Konoha discover something?” A chuunin fell from the roof and knelt on one knee in front of Kobayakawa Kazuma. When reporting the situation, he asked casually. made his own conjecture.

Since Tomoko left, Chuunin Daizo has taken over Tomoko’s tasks and reported the situation to Kobayakawa Kazuma on a daily basis.

“I believe Tomoko, she has the determination to defend intelligence with her life.” Kazuma Kobayakawa put on his ninja uniform and then waited for Danzo in the living room.

If Konoha really found out what he had done, the person coming would not be just Danzo.

After a while, Danzo appeared and walked into the living room with a swagger, carrying a ninja sword on his back, and two people followed him.

Seeing the person behind Danzo, Kobayakawa Kazuma was slightly startled, but then he controlled the change in his expression very well.

According to common sense, it was his first time seeing Tsunade, so he shouldn’t show any emotions such as surprise.

“Why did Danzo-sama come to my place?” Kobayakawa Kazuma asked Danzo and the other three to kneel down in front of the small table. He prepared tea and snacks for the three of them, and then began to speak.

“Someone from the Uchiha clan has defected to Konoha. Do you Kirigakure people want to make enemies of Konoha by helping Uchiha?” Danzo slapped his palms on the table, spilling tea, and looked at Kobayakawa with murderous intent. Yizhen.

“Why would Danzo-sama think so? Although we, Kirigakure, had a little friction with Konoha during the Third War, in general, our two villages are still very friendly. The defection of the Uchiha clan is your Konoha’s business, and What does it have to do with me, Kazuma Kobayakawa?” Kazuma Kobayakawa chose to play dumb. Since Danzo is willing to sit here and talk, there must be no evidence.

Otherwise, with Danzo’s character, even with Hiruzen Sarutobi blocking him, he would probably have to attack him as a jounin.

“Hmph! Among all the ninja villages stationed in Konoha, you Kirigakure and Uchiha are the closest. Who doesn’t know that you Kirigakure have been thinking about Uchiha’s Sharingan for a long time.” Danzo did not continue to ask, but just stated. Let’s look at the facts.

He knew very well that Uchiha Mikoto’s escape must be related to Kobayakawa Kazuma, otherwise, Uchiha Mikoto would never have escaped from Konoha alive.

So what if Uchiha Mikoto is a Jonin? There are quite a few Jonin in Konoha.

But the key problem is that Danzo has no evidence at all. Kazuma Kobayakawa did it very cleanly. The three people killed by Kakashi left no trace at all. The kunoichi even used the detonating charm to blow up the corpses. Broken pieces.

Kobayakawa Kazuma didn’t care what Danzo was talking about at all, but deliberately deviated from the topic and said nonsense: “I heard that the genius of the Uchiha clan, Shunshen Shisui, died in the hands of Danzo-dono. It shows that you are cruel and ruthless. . It is reasonable for Uchiha Fugaku to be afraid that you will take action against his wife.”

Faced with Kazuma Kobayakawa’s accusation, Danzo’s face darkened. Kazuma Kobayakawa was right, and Shisui died in his hands.

However, the nature of this matter is the same as that of Mikoto’s defection. Many people can guess the truth of the matter, but when faced with the real culprit, they cannot produce enough evidence, so they can only let the real culprit go free.

However, Danzo knew very well that now was not the time to argue with Kazuma Kobayakawa. He came here today for a more important matter.

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