Contact determination

“Shado Ryo Chunin?”

Yoshinai, who was waiting for Nachao at home with Xianglin, looked in surprise at the person Nachao brought back.

As a zhongnin in the medical department, as a medical ninja who has been in charge of the hospital for a long time, Ryo Shato has no less contact with him than with tourists.

And unlike the high-level tourists who “disdain to bully” her, Shato Ryo’s memory for Fangnai can be described as dark. When he was in the hospital, he often shouted, scolded and shoved. He can definitely be ranked as the most hated medical ninja by Fangnai. top five!

How did he come here?

Shato Ryo also looked at Yoshina in shock.

The mother and daughter Fangnai, whom Cao Ninja Village was looking for so hard, are in this kind of place? !

What Mingchao didn’t know was that although the rebels in Cao Ninja Village appeared to have a slight advantage recently, the actual situation was very bad.

In short, Kusanagi Village is sick.

The name of the disease is ‘Lack of Fanny’.

In the past six years, the ninjas of Kusanagi Village can heal no matter what kind of injury they have suffered, so they are more and more daring to fight, kill, and desperately. The average strength is not as good as that of the Omura ninja, but all of them are ruthless and worthy Any opponent!

But now? Without Fangna and her daughter, even the most elite part of the medical ninja has left with the tourists, and even a little injury is troublesome.

After several battles, these ruthless people suddenly no longer know how to fight, and they dare not fight desperately.

Morale is getting lower day by day!

If it is delayed until Caohualiu’s reinforcements arrive, there is no need to fight this battle. It is better to surrender directly.

This is how tonight’s food burning operation started!

“I brought them out from Grass Ninja and traveled all the way here. Aunt Fangnai was also seriously ill and relied on the treatment of tourists to recover.”

Mingchao’s words made Ryo Shado understand why he met Mingchao here. He wondered whether he should call it unlucky or lucky.

He also heard Mingchao say: “Please apologize to Aunt Fangnai for what happened in the past.”

What? Sato Ryo was taken aback, apologizing?

Are you kidding me, apologizing to Fang Nai?

For a moment, he seemed to have been greatly humiliated, and even briefly forgot about the situation where he couldn’t help himself, and a mocking expression appeared on his face.

Then Mingchao’s expressionless gaze gave him a chill in his heart, and his thoughts turned, thinking of Mingchao’s role as Fang Nai’s daughter’s tutor.

Oh, so it was to trick this woman?

He barely opened his mouth, but Ming Chao kicked him in the crook of his leg. He staggered and knelt down on the ground, angrily saying, “Ming Chao! You?!”

“I have never understood what kind of mentality you all have. Aunt Fangnai’s unique ability has saved the lives of so many ninjas. Why is it not worth thanking and apologizing for the life-saving grace? Even after I thanked her, I would As a laughing stock after dinner?” Ming Chao asked.

“You…Are you serious?!” Ryo Shato didn’t dare to struggle to stand up, but raised his head and looked at Mingchao with an extremely ridiculous look.

“Of course I’m serious.”

“Your…does Master You know this kind of thing?! You bastard…”

“Tourists will know sooner or later.”

Shato Ryo remained silent in horror!

If it’s a disguise, it’s too much of a fake, right? As for doing this? !

And if it’s not a disguise, then… wouldn’t it mean that everyone, including Mr. Youren, was deceived by Mingchao? It doesn’t make sense! Why would anyone pity a tool? !

His heartfelt astonishment and bewildermentIt was clearly written on her face, making Fangnai sigh:

“Forget it, Mingchao, let’s kill him.”

“He, no, they, the ninjas of Grass Ninja Village will not apologize. Even if you apologize under your compulsion, they will never apologize from the bottom of their hearts!”

“Shut up! Stupid woman!” Sha Huliang regained his composure and exclaimed, “Mingchao, stop making such jokes! I still have information, by the way, I still have information to hand over to Mr. Youren immediately!

Anbu who went to set fire to Luye City was just a cover on the surface. Qiu Ye and Yokota Osamu probably sneaked into the city in person, and they wanted to ambush Kusanagi Ninja and Youren! ”

Ming Chao ignored him, and said, “Sorry, Aunt Fangnai, I took it for granted.”

Ryo Shato was stunned, could it be…

He didn’t dare to sit still, so he jumped up and shot at Xiang Lin, trying to catch the hostage, but just as he jumped up, Ming Chao volley kicked his temple, flew out, and crashed into the wall!

26 days ago, Mingchao used sand to captivate Shato Ryo’s eyes, and kicked his temples and feet until he was almost unconscious. But today, Mingchao’s kick put him in a dying situation!

He lay limp in the ruins of bricks and tiles, pleading with pain on his face, Mingchao asked again: “Apologize?”

“I said… I said…”

“Your head is broken, and you can only be saved by biting Aunt Fangnai. What should I do?”



Why do you ask me? What you should be asking for is Aunt Fangnai, the idiot of Cao Ninja Village!

So Mingchao made him completely brainless!

Fangnai, who had seen the big wind and waves, was not afraid of such a bloody scene at all. She didn’t even look away from Xianglin, and showed a knowing expression.

She doesn’t know Ryo Shato, but she can tell that he makes mom and brother Mingchao unhappy!

That’s damn it!

Fang Nai rubbed Xianglin’s head, and said: “Actually, I don’t blame him, Mingchao, this is not his problem, but the ninjas in the entire Kusanagi Village really don’t treat people who have no power as human beings. Can appear I’m really surprised that you are an outlier, Xianglin and I… are very lucky.”

Mingchao shook his head slightly, and told Fangnai and Xianglin what happened just now.

Thinking of the information Sha Huliang said before his death, he looked in the direction of Luye City again, to set fire to Luye City? What a dead end.

“Go if you want.”

Fang Nai suddenly said.

“Huh?” Ming Chao was taken aback.

Fang Nai smiled softly and said, “You are a kind child. Knowing that there are ninjas in the nearby villages and towns going to kill and burn food, and you have the ability to help them, how can you be indifferent?”

Mingchao: “…”

No, Aunt Fangnai, I was thinking about something else just now. You misunderstood me. I am a kind person, but I am not ‘so kind’.

How can I save everyone by myself?

“Brother Mingchao, go, I will take my mother to hide it!” Xiang Lin also said.

Mingchao was funny, and found himself being framed for no reason. I said that I never thought about saving those irrelevant people, would they be disappointed?

I shy away from worrying about them and don’t go to them. Will they blame themselves? And having said that, Ming Chao thought of those weeping and kowtowing people just now, and really wanted to go to the nearby villages and towns to take a look.

“Okay, I’ll use my shadow clone to protect you first, and the main body will go to the surrounding towns to have a look. I think they may have acted at the same time. It may be too late for me to go. If it doesn’t work, I will rush over to meet you and leave immediately. ”

Mingchao made a shadow clone, leaving the main body.

The small town next door is not far away. With Mingchao’s speed, he only took five minutes to make the journey. When he arrived, he immediately heard various voices.

The howling of a woman whose husband died.

The cries of children whose father died.

The sound of raging fire that couldn’t be extinguished no matter how hard you fight.

There was also the sinister laughter of the Kusanagi ninja who searched from house to house separately, and found that the food left over for more than five days was ruthlessly murdered.

The thick darkness is mixed with blood.

Ming Chao’s expression was in a trance for a moment.

He suddenly discovered that he might really be as Fang Nai said, a particularly kind person…compared to the ninjas in Kusanagi Village.

Gradually, his dislike for Cao Ninja Village is no longer simply sympathy and anger for what happened to Xiang Lin in the anime and the situation he saw with his own eyes. , want to kill them!

This scene made him lose some hesitation.

In fact, there’s no need to be too timid about Shisui sending Yoshina’s mother and daughter to Konoha or revealing her identity.

Difficulties can always be overcome.

Chakra mobilized into the brain, Mingchao sat on the main seat of the duel field, immediately sealed and used the shadow clone technique, let the clone sit on the main seat, and he himself went to sit on seat 012.

“Invite player 001, log in!”

Contact determination

“Shado Ryo Chunin?”

Yoshinai, who was waiting for Nachao at home with Xianglin, looked in surprise at the person Nachao brought back.

As a zhongnin in the medical department, as a medical ninja who has been in charge of the hospital for a long time, Ryo Shato has no less contact with him than with tourists.

And unlike the high-level tourists who “disdain to bully” her, Shato Ryo’s memory for Fangnai can be described as dark. When he was in the hospital, he often shouted, scolded and shoved. He can definitely be ranked as the most hated medical ninja by Fangnai. top five!

How did he come here?

Shato Ryo also looked at Yoshina in shock.

The mother and daughter Fangnai, whom Cao Ninja Village was looking for so hard, are in this kind of place? !

What Mingchao didn’t know was that although the rebels in Cao Ninja Village appeared to have a slight advantage recently, the actual situation was very bad.

In short, Kusanagi Village is sick.

The name of the disease is ‘Lack of Fanny’.

In the past six years, the ninjas of Kusanagi Village can heal no matter what kind of injury they have suffered, so they are more and more daring to fight, kill, and desperately. The average strength is not as good as that of the Omura ninja, but all of them are ruthless and worthy Any opponent!

But now? Without Fangna and her daughter, even the most elite part of the medical ninja has left with the tourists, and even a little injury is troublesome.

After several battles, these ruthless people suddenly no longer know how to fight, and they dare not fight desperately.

Morale is getting lower day by day!

If it is delayed until Caohualiu’s reinforcements arrive, there is no need to fight this battle. It is better to surrender directly.

This is how tonight’s food burning operation started!

“I brought them out from Grass Ninja and traveled all the way here. Aunt Fangnai was also seriously ill and relied on the treatment of tourists to recover.”

Mingchao’s words made Ryo Shado understand why he met Mingchao here. He wondered whether he should call it unlucky or lucky.

He also heard Mingchao say: “Please apologize to Aunt Fangnai for what happened in the past.”

What? Sato Ryo was taken aback, apologizing?

Are you kidding me, apologizing to Fang Nai?

For a moment, he seemed to have been greatly humiliated, and even briefly forgot about the situation where he couldn’t help himself, and a mocking expression appeared on his face.

Then Mingchao’s expressionless gaze gave him a chill in his heart, and his thoughts turned, thinking of Mingchao’s role as Fang Nai’s daughter’s tutor.

Oh, so it was to trick this woman?

He barely opened his mouth, but Ming Chao kicked him in the crook of his leg. He staggered and knelt down on the ground, angrily saying, “Ming Chao! You?!”

“I have never understood what kind of mentality you all have. Aunt Fangnai’s unique ability has saved the lives of so many ninjas. Why is it not worth thanking and apologizing for the life-saving grace? Even after I thanked her, I would As a laughing stock after dinner?” Ming Chao asked.

“You…Are you serious?!” Ryo Shato didn’t dare to struggle to stand up, but raised his head and looked at Mingchao with an extremely ridiculous look.

“Of course I’m serious.”

“Your…does Master You know this kind of thing?! You bastard…”

“Tourists will know sooner or later.”

Shato Ryo remained silent in horror!

If it’s a disguise, it’s too much of a fake, right? As for doing this? !

And if it’s not a disguise, then… wouldn’t it mean that everyone, including Mr. Youren, was deceived by Mingchao? It doesn’t make sense! Why would anyone pity a tool? !

His heartfelt astonishment and bewildermentIt was clearly written on her face, making Fangnai sigh:

“Forget it, Mingchao, let’s kill him.”

“He, no, they, the ninjas of Grass Ninja Village will not apologize. Even if you apologize under your compulsion, they will never apologize from the bottom of their hearts!”

“Shut up! Stupid woman!” Sha Huliang regained his composure and exclaimed, “Mingchao, stop making such jokes! I still have information, by the way, I still have information to hand over to Mr. Youren immediately!

Anbu who went to set fire to Luye City was just a cover on the surface. Qiu Ye and Yokota Osamu probably sneaked into the city in person, and they wanted to ambush Kusanagi Ninja and Youren! ”

Ming Chao ignored him, and said, “Sorry, Aunt Fangnai, I took it for granted.”

Ryo Shato was stunned, could it be…

He didn’t dare to sit still, so he jumped up and shot at Xiang Lin, trying to catch the hostage, but just as he jumped up, Ming Chao volley kicked his temple, flew out, and crashed into the wall!

26 days ago, Mingchao used sand to captivate Shato Ryo’s eyes, and kicked his temples and feet until he was almost unconscious. But today, Mingchao’s kick put him in a dying situation!

He lay limp in the ruins of bricks and tiles, pleading with pain on his face, Mingchao asked again: “Apologize?”

“I said… I said…”

“Your head is broken, and you can only be saved by biting Aunt Fangnai. What should I do?”



Why do you ask me? What you should be asking for is Aunt Fangnai, the idiot of Cao Ninja Village!

So Mingchao made him completely brainless!

Fangnai, who had seen the big wind and waves, was not afraid of such a bloody scene at all. She didn’t even look away from Xianglin, and showed a knowing expression.

She doesn’t know Ryo Shato, but she can tell that he makes mom and brother Mingchao unhappy!

That’s damn it!

Fang Nai rubbed Xianglin’s head, and said: “Actually, I don’t blame him, Mingchao, this is not his problem, but the ninjas in the entire Kusanagi Village really don’t treat people who have no power as human beings. Can appear I’m really surprised that you are an outlier, Xianglin and I… are very lucky.”

Mingchao shook his head slightly, and told Fangnai and Xianglin what happened just now.

Thinking of the information Sha Huliang said before his death, he looked in the direction of Luye City again, to set fire to Luye City? What a dead end.

“Go if you want.”

Fang Nai suddenly said.

“Huh?” Ming Chao was taken aback.

Fang Nai smiled softly and said, “You are a kind child. Knowing that there are ninjas in the nearby villages and towns going to kill and burn food, and you have the ability to help them, how can you be indifferent?”

Mingchao: “…”

No, Aunt Fangnai, I was thinking about something else just now. You misunderstood me. I am a kind person, but I am not ‘so kind’.

How can I save everyone by myself?

“Brother Mingchao, go, I will take my mother to hide it!” Xiang Lin also said.

Mingchao was funny, and found himself being framed for no reason. I said that I never thought about saving those irrelevant people, would they be disappointed?

I shy away from worrying about them and don’t go to them. Will they blame themselves? And having said that, Ming Chao thought of those weeping and kowtowing people just now, and really wanted to go to the nearby villages and towns to take a look.

“Okay, I’ll use my shadow clone to protect you first, and the main body will go to the surrounding towns to have a look. I think they may have acted at the same time. It may be too late for me to go. If it doesn’t work, I will rush over to meet you and leave immediately. ”

Mingchao made a shadow clone, leaving the main body.

The small town next door is not far away. With Mingchao’s speed, he only took five minutes to make the journey. When he arrived, he immediately heard various voices.

The howling of a woman whose husband died.

The cries of children whose father died.

The sound of raging fire that couldn’t be extinguished no matter how hard you fight.

There was also the sinister laughter of the Kusanagi ninja who searched from house to house separately, and found that the food left over for more than five days was ruthlessly murdered.

The thick darkness is mixed with blood.

Ming Chao’s expression was in a trance for a moment.

He suddenly discovered that he might really be as Fang Nai said, a particularly kind person…compared to the ninjas in Kusanagi Village.

Gradually, his dislike for Cao Ninja Village is no longer simply sympathy and anger for what happened to Xiang Lin in the anime and the situation he saw with his own eyes. , want to kill them!

This scene made him lose some hesitation.

In fact, there’s no need to be too timid about Shisui sending Yoshina’s mother and daughter to Konoha or revealing her identity.

Difficulties can always be overcome.

Chakra mobilized into the brain, Mingchao sat on the main seat of the duel field, immediately sealed and used the shadow clone technique, let the clone sit on the main seat, and he himself went to sit on seat 012.

“Invite player 001, log in!”

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