"I have already admitted defeat, why don't you leave?"

"You have already admitted defeat, why don't you let me go?"

Oonoki: ( ̄,  ̄)...

[The leader of the Akatsuki organization is so shameless, he is standing next to you, but he pretends to be stupid and asks me...]

Nagato: ( ̄_, ̄ )...

[The third generation Tsuchikage is really worthy of his reputation. He has admitted defeat but still wants to deny it. He is really shameless...]

"My granddaughter Kurotsuchi is right beside you now. You can take that brat Deidara with you.

I just hope you can leave quickly and don't go back on your word, otherwise... our Iwagakure Village will be destroyed!"

"Ohnoki, you know I'm not talking about Deidara and Kurotsuchi, but the two people that your Iwagakure ninja sneaked into our Akatsuki base and captured... To be precise, one person and one sheep.

I advise you to hand them over quickly, otherwise don't blame us Akatsuki for not showing you mercy!"

Seeing that Grandpa Ohnoki was unwilling to hand them over, the eyes of all the members of Akatsuki suddenly turned cold, and they quickly prepared to fight again.

Unexpectedly, the next sentence of Grandpa Ohnoki made them stunned.

"When did I send the ninjas from the village to your base to capture people?"

Onoki was stunned for a moment when he heard what Nagato said, and then asked back in confusion.

"... Didn't you find out that Deidara and Kurotsuchi joined the Akatsuki organization, so you captured them from our base and threatened us to exchange Deidara and Kurotsuchi?"


Before you attacked my Iwagakure today,

I didn't even know that Deidara, the evil disciple, kidnapped my granddaughter and joined your organization,

I didn't even know where your organization's base was...

How could you possibly send people to your base to capture people?!"


For a moment, both sides stood there awkwardly, staring at each other.

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization understood that the people were not captured by the Iwagakure Village, and they had found the wrong place.

Grandpa Ohnoki also understood.

It turns out that these people came to the Hidden Rock Village not to attack the village for Deidara, but because they thought that the ninja sent by the village had captured their people.

Nagato/Ohnoki: [I feel that today's battle was unfair...]


After a long silence, Grandpa Ohnoki narrowed his eyes slightly and asked a key question.

"Who told you... that we captured people in the Hidden Rock Village?"

[Ah~ this...]

The people in the Akatsuki organization looked at each other, and they didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

You can't tell Grandpa Ohnoki that they gathered together to guess, right?

Just because of a common guess, they came to the door, and after the key, they found that they had wrongly accused someone...

Does the Akatsuki organization have no face? !

"It's him!"

In the end, Naruto's brain turned quickly, and he was the first to raise his hand and point at Deidara who was still being chased by the yellow earth.

"Yes, it's him!"

Everyone pointed at Deidara as if they had been pardoned.

In order to maintain the face of the organization, we can only make Xiao Di suffer a little more...

[Humph! As expected... it's this evil disciple again!

First he kidnapped my granddaughter and raped her;

Then he framed them at will, causing a war between these people and our Iwagakure Village...

It's my master's misfortune, it's all because of my blindness! 】

Old man Ohnoki silently made a big note for Deidara in his heart.


"Is it really not the person you arrested?"

Nagato still asked unwillingly.

"If I say it's not true, then it's not true!

If this was really done by our Iwagakure Village, I won't deny it;

But we didn't go to your base to arrest anyone, so where did we get people to hand over to you?!

By the way... where is your base?"

At this moment, Nagato felt that his mind was as messy as a ball of paste. He opened his mouth and almost told the location of the Akatsuki base according to what Grandpa Ohnoki said.


Fortunately, at the critical moment, Naruto spoke up in time to end the topic.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's leave here first. The most urgent thing should be to hurry up and find talents in other places...

Grandpa, that...

I'm sorry about what happened today. We'll leave now~"

After saying that, Naruto signaled everyone with his eyes, and then turned around and was about to leave.

Although Grandpa Ohnoki was regretting that he didn't get the specific location of the Akatsuki base, Naruto who jumped out of the team also attracted his attention.

The boy, estimated to be about seven or eight years old, had the same hair as Deidara.The yellow-haired man who looked unpleasant no matter how he looked at him had three whiskers on his face...

The next moment, Grandpa Ohnoki blurted out.

"Boy, are you Uzumaki Naruto of Konoha?!"

Uzumaki Naruto, Konoha's Nine-tailed Jinchūriki;

His appearance features had been placed in front of Ohnoki's desk a few years ago, how could he not recognize him?

As for the rumors about him being a "demon fox"...


It can only fool the ignorant villagers in Konoha Village.

As long as you leave Konoha Village, any normal person will not believe such nonsense.

The funny thing is that the Konoha high-level officials who made up such rumors are still complacent, thinking that they have protected the true identity of the Nine-tailed Jinchūriki very well...

"Who is Uzumaki Naruto? I don't know him. My name is Kurosaki Ichigo."

Naruto said without turning his head and changing his expression.

"It's important to find someone. See you later, old man."

Naruto suddenly quickened his pace and led the Akatsuki organization away from the Hidden Rock Village.

Only Kurotsuchi was still standing there, looking at Grandpa Ohnoki with worry.

Ohnoki, who took on the strongest move of Whitebeard, was seriously injured. There were cuts all over his body, big and small, and he was bleeding non-stop.

Seeing Kurotsuchi's worried expression, Grandpa Ohnoki felt relieved.

Sure enough, his precious granddaughter still loves him...

"Hey hey hey~ Wait for me!"

Deidara rode a giant bird and flew past at a high speed, chasing the direction where the Akatsuki organization left.

"Grandpa, take good care of your injuries. I will come back to see you when I have time~

Brother Deidara, wait for me!"

Kurotsuchi turned around decisively to chase Deidara.

Ohnoki: (╬▔皿▔)╯! ! !

Huang Mao and the like really shouldn't exist in this world!


"Father, why did you let them take Kurotsuchi away? That's your granddaughter!"

"This is Kurotsuchi's own choice. Besides, if these people insist on taking Kurotsuchi away... we can't stop them with our current strength."

"But that little bastard Deidara is also in that organization. He has already given Kurotsuchi to that person...

How can you still push Kurotsuchi into the fire pit?"

"Don't worry, Kurotsuchi is fine."

Just now, Ohnoki was excited and fell into a rage. Now that he calmed down and thought carefully, he knew that this was impossible.

He watched Deidara grow up.

Although this little monkey always makes him angry, he is not bad by nature and can't do such beastly behavior.

"Hmm? Hmm... It's good that you're fine, it's good that you're fine."

Huang Tu suddenly felt a big stone fall from his heart, and the whole person returned to his former capableness.

"Father, since Kurotsuchi left with them, does that mean he has chosen to betray the village?

We need to make her traitorous ninja public and offer a bounty..."

Pa! ! !

Grandpa Ohnoki slapped his silly son on the back of his head.

"Did you cause my precious granddaughter to be hunted by those bounty hunters?!

Listen to me, as long as I am still the Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi will be a member of the Hidden Rock Village at any time!"

"Oh, I see.

Does the traitorous ninja status of Deidara need to be revoked?"

Pa! ! !

The back of Kurotsuchi's head was stabbed again.

"When did I ever say that I would revoke that brat's traitor status? Not only can I not revoke it, I will also double his bounty!

... But remember to mark it, it must be alive.

Also, in my name, send a message to Konoha's Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Just say that Uzumaki Naruto from their village has joined an organization called 'Akatsuki'..."

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