Naruto: My clone can evolve

Chapter 43 Taking over as Daimyo

After Xuan Yue finished speaking, he threw Kato's head at the feet of the daimyo.

Seeing this bloody human head, the daimyo knelt on the ground and urinated in fear.

"A bunch of idiots who are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Xuan Yue sneered, "Mr. Onoki, I suggest that your ANBU investigate the capital flows of these famous names."

"I think we will soon find out how many bad things they have done by taking advantage of their power and status over the years."

Ohnoki was stunned and felt that Xuan Yue's suspicion was reasonable.

Over the years, he spent a lot of energy just managing the internal affairs of the Iwa Ninja Village.

As for the management of the entire Earth Kingdom, the daimyo is responsible for it. As for the details, he has no time to supervise it.

But it is an indisputable fact that the country's national power has declined over the years.

He had also thought about the reasons, but with his status, it was even more impossible for him to doubt the daimyo.

"Loess, follow Xuan Yue's words and investigate carefully." Ohnoki said slowly, "These big names should be put under house arrest first, and don't kill them."

"Yes!" Huang Tu accepted the order and quickly led people to escort the daimyo down.

Three days later, news came from the Anbu of Iwagakure Village.

All ANBU members mobilized to investigate the movements of the Earth Kingdom Daimyos over the years.

Just the reports describing the evidence of the crime were piled up in every corner of the Tsuchikage's office.

It is not uncommon for daimyo to use their power to oppress local people and make profits from it.

What's more serious is to cross the Tsuchikage, buy with money, directly control the ninjas in Iwagakure Village, and participate in violent actions.

Ohnoki stayed up almost all night after reading all the files.

He didn't expect that it would be these famous names that have hindered the development of the Kingdom of Earth for so many years!

I thought that they just had the greedy nature of businessmen, but I didn't expect that they had secretly infiltrated a lot of power into the village.

And the one who ended it all was the Thousand Shadow Phantom Demon that he had wanted to kill.

"Old man Onomu, after reading this, you should have woken up, right?" Xuan Yue smiled playfully and appeared in front of Onomu.

Ohnoki stood up and bowed his head sincerely towards Xuan Yue.

"Xuanyue, I, the Tsuchikage, am really incompetent."

"I have made the people suffer so much, even if I die, I can't make up for it!"

"Thank you. If you hadn't woken me up, I would still be stubborn!"

Xuan Yue waved her hands and said, "I'm not doing it for you, it's just that those famous names pissed me off!"

Onoki sighed. Said: "I didn't expect that they even wanted to get the power of Iwa Ninja Village. What happened in Tanyin Village before was because I failed to manage my subordinates well."

Xuan Yue smiled slightly and said:

"From now on, our monthly organization will officially take over the government affairs of the Earth Kingdom."

"Ohnoki, of course you can continue to be your Tsuchikage, but you must exist as a vassal of the Moon Organization."

Onoki nodded and said with a smile: "If the Earth Kingdom can follow a reliable person like you, I can feel at ease at my age."

Xuan Yue waved, and Yagura walked in from the door.

"As for the government affairs of Earth Kingdom, I will leave it to Yagura to manage for the time being."

"After all, he is the former Mizukage and has some experience in governance. If there is a better candidate in the future, I will consider it."

In this way, Xuan Yue can completely control the power of the entire Earth Kingdom through Yagura.

It will be of great help in completing the great cause of his "month" organization in the future.

After doing all this, Xuan Yue returned to the gorgeous suite prepared for him by Ohnoki, planning to have a good rest for a few days.

"Open the reputation mall!"

Currently, Xuan Yue's reputation points have accumulated to 700,000 points.

You can now purchase more artifacts and evolution materials.

[Uchiha Itachi three-piece set of 80,000 points]

Xuanyue purchased this set without hesitation and equipped his Susanoo with the eight-foot mirror, ten-quan sword, and eight-piece magatama.

In this way, he mastered the power of sealing, the power of rebound attributes, and the ultimate long-range attack method.

With the remaining 600,000 reputation points, Xuan Yue has her eye on something else.

[Super Shadow Evolution Challenge Key 500,000 points]

"It seems that if you want to evolve to the super shadow level, these 500,000 reputation points must be spent." Xuan Yue secretly said.

Evolving to the Super Shadow means a stronger upper limit of strength, more powerful ninjutsu and chakra strength.

Without hesitation, Xuan Yue clicked on the purchase and held a silver-white long-handled key in her hand.

But I just don’t know how to use this challenge key.

"The host can open the challenge door anytime and anywhere by turning the key in the air." The system prompted.

It was late at night, so it was the perfect time to do this.

Xuan Yue slowly turned the key in the air, and then he heard a strange "click" sound.

As if a lock had been opened, a luminous door appeared out of thin air.

Xuan Yue walked into the door and felt that she was in another space.

This is a huge and magnificent arena, and the sky is filled with stars like the Milky Way.

He was in the center of a circular platform, surrounded by a large group of people.

The system prompt sounds:

"To evolve to the super shadow level, you must defeat the guarding masters of each clone in turn."

"In this mental space, all enemies are fictions of the system and not themselves."

"But the enemy's strength is no different from mine."

Xuan Yue looked around at the faces around her, and they were all powerful and capable people among the Hokage.

And he must defeat them in turn before he can evolve successfully.

"Warning host: Failure in this challenge will lead to death and physical and mental destruction. Do you want to continue?"

Xuan Yue took a deep breath, reluctant to let the child catch the wolf, and yelled: "Come on!"

The system made a strange sound, and then prompted: "The Super Shadow Challenge Begins!"

"The first level, Melting Escape Clone."

"Opponent: The Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Zi! Limited ability: Only Melting Release can be used!"

A purple figure flashed out, and Lao Zi's face looked covered in mist, which was very different from his own.

However, the melting chakra mode is genuine.

Xuan Yue instantly felt that all her other abilities were blocked, and only Melting Escape was available!

"I see, are we going to compete in terms of hard power?" Xuan Yue said with a smile, "Come on!"

Lao Zi roared angrily, and the Melting Chakra Mode was activated!

Fists that were like lava rained down on Xuan Yue!

Xuan Yue also turned on the melting chakra mode in an instant and fought with Lao Zi!

For a moment, the physical skills of the two were inseparable, but Xuan Yue seized the opportunity and ducked behind Lao Zi.

"Molten Escape. The art of burning river rocks!"

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