Chapter 796 The imperial doctor was dressed in black, his face was bitter, and he couldn’t help playing the pipa on both legs.

“Imperial doctor, my concubine is unwell, what is going on?” King Zhou glared at the imperial doctor below.

Hearing that, the imperial doctor and sister-ji exchanged their eyes, “Knowing the king, the lady’s illness, according to the old man’s inference, was caused by the attack of qi and blood!”

“Huh?” King Zhou raised his eyebrows lightly, “Qi and blood attack the heart? What do you mean?”

“It was someone who was shocked to the empress who gave birth to this disease.” said the imperial doctor.


King Zhou looked at Daji and asked: “Ai Concubine, what fright have you been recently??”

Hearing this, Da has been silent.

A batch of Zhou Wang anxious.

After a while, Sister Ji hesitated and said: “My lord, my concubine dare not say…”

“I dare not say anything!”

The king’s voice was loud and angry.

“This Chaogang is a lonely Chaogang, and this world is a lonely world. What does the lonely say? You don’t need to be afraid, but it doesn’t hurt to say that it’s all for you!”

Daji nodded. “My lord, a few days before my concubine, a few days ago, my concubine encountered a spoiler. Ji Chang’s son Bo Yikao broke into the concubine’s room.”

As he talked, Daji started crying again, and Pear Blossom was pitiful with rain.

“Is there such a thing?” Feng Wang was furious, “Is this Bo Yi test reversed? A lonely woman dare to touch it!”

“Yes! Boyi has a heart-warming test of sex, King, you must be the master of your concubine!”

twenty three.

After refusing Daji’s temptation, Bo Yikao has been uneasy and has a foreboding that a catastrophe will happen.

At this moment, a slave came in, “My son, the king wants you to go to the brother.”

Bo Yikao frowned and said to himself: “Is it here so soon?”

After speaking, he immediately repaired a book, put it on the chopping board, and walked out directly.

There is no fear at all.

After a long time, Bo Yikao walked into the treasure hall.

Sitting above King Zhou, Daji next to King Zhou coldly looked at Bo Yi.

“Humph! Fox!”

Boyi Kao directly cursed.

“Bo Yi test! What are you talking about?” Da Ji exclaimed angrily.

“I said you are a vixen!” Bo Yikao said.

As if knowing that the time of death was approaching, Bo Yikao was no longer afraid.

“Bold! Boyi test, you quickly kneel down to Gu!” King Zhou angrily scolded.

Boyi knelt down on one knee, “See the king!”

“Okay, you Boyi, you dare to molested the empress! I think you are brave, are you ready to go the other way?” King Zhou scolded angrily.

“My lord, I don’t know what you mean?’’

Bo Yikao looked up, with doubts in his eyes.

“Huh! If you have the courage to do evil, you don’t have the courage to admit it!” King Zhou cursed.

“Come here! Pull down Boyi test for me and divide it by the torture of burning!” King Zhou said.

As soon as the voice fell, two guards approached Bo Yikao.

Boyi retired them and said to King Zhou, “Great King, you can kill me, but you have to tell me why?”

“Why? You dared to break into the room of your mother, this crime is enough for you to die a thousand times and ten thousand times1” King Zhou said angrily.

“Breaking into the Niang Niang Niang Niang’s room for a while, Boyi Kao said, “My lord, I didn’t! This Daji turned black and white, it is clear that she tempted me first! After being criticized by me, I felt upset and came up with this plot to frame me. Me! My lord, please tell me!”

Boyikao looked at King Zhou earnestly.

King Zhou turned a deaf ear, and said coldly: “Get out and put to death!”

“The King!”

Daji screamed.

Bo Yikao and King Zhou looked at her in surprise.

“I love concubine, what’s the matter?” King Zhou asked.

“My lord, did you let this little man die so easily? My concubine has been tortured recently. When Daji was halfway through his words, she started to cry.

King Zhou’s heart was anxious.

“Then what do you think of Concubine Ai? Or let him be divided into five horses?” King Zhou suggested.

Dividing the corpse by five horses means using five horses to hold the head and limbs to tear off a living being. The punishment is extremely cruel.

“No! Not enough! King, I want this villain to be broken into pieces!” Da Ji said at last.

In an instant, Boyikao seemed to suffer thunder.

At this time, Ji Chang was reading ancient books in the room.

“Ji Chang, the king said that you have been worrying about the important affairs of your family and the country all day, and you have worked so hard. He brought you this rabbit-free ball.

The guard brought up a plate of meatballs.

“Yeah! Thanked the king for me!” Xi Bochang said.

A hint of warmth rose in my heart.

The meatballs are still hot, smelly and mouth-watering.

So Xi Bochang took two pieces with chopsticks and put them in his mouth, chewing carefully.

When he ate the third ball, his heart suddenly became sad. The tears streamed.

“Why?” Xi Bochang couldn’t understand.

At this moment, there was the sound of footsteps in the vault room outside the door, and a guard rushed in with running and climbing.

“Knowing King Hou, Young Master”

“The son, he was executed by the king!”

The words of the guard stabbed Xi Bochang’s heart like a thousand needles.

Suddenly even the world dimmed.

Xi Bochang stepped back and slumped directly on the chair, tears wet the clothes on his chest.

“Hurry up and tell me the truth, how did he die?”

The guard immediately replied, “Master Hou, the son has been broken into pieces.”

“Missed corpses?

Xi Bochang accidentally caught a glimpse of the meatballs on the table, and suddenly all the clues were connected, and a chill made him cold from beginning to end.


The plate fell to pieces on the ground and the meatballs fell all over the floor.

“Zi Shou, I, Ji Chang, are at odds with you!”

I was born in Hedong Township, Lufeng. This small piece of land nurtured me. My mother is a short woman, because she used to work in Shimoda, the wind and the sun, and her skin was slightly dark. She has short hair that is more than fifty years old. I think this short hair is as old as her age. I have seen her ID photo more than 20 years ago, and it is also short hair, but it was longer at that time

It’s shorter now.

Before I talk about my mother, let me talk about why I wrote such an article, praising maternal love like this, and too many people have written an article titled “My Mother”. I am not happy to write.

Since graduating from the Teachers College, I returned to my hometown to teach, and I have never been to a far place again. When school students are on vacation, I copy books in the empty neighbor’s house. This neighbor’s family and I are relatives. The house is taller and nicer than my house. In the past, there were two elderly people living in this house.

Very rarely come back. I like to be quiet. My parents are well-connected. At night, people from the village come to sit at home and stop by. So I move to a neighbor’s vacant house. This empty house has three floors. The door is closed at night, and when the lights are turned off, it is very quiet, and it seems that even the barking of dogs is weak. I have lived in this empty house for three years.

I always go to the neighbor’s empty house early after dinner. When I was young 007, I imagined being a writer and bought a few books. I naturally stopped having such unrealistic dreams when I was old. No one wants to give it away. Once, I planned to give a few novels in my hand to a younger generation who was more pleasing to the eye. I was sitting with that junior

Drinking tea in the living room and talking about reading, he should have read a lot of books. Seeing that he loves to read, I thought that maybe I could give him the book, went into the back room and took out the book, then walked over and handed it to him. Unexpectedly, he looked at me blankly and said:

“What’s wrong”

“Give it to you. I bought these books when I was young, and I don’t read them.”

“Haha!” He suddenly smiled.

The surrounding air is a little bit embarrassed.

He glanced at me contemptuously and said, “There are still people reading physical books these days?”

In the future, I will never talk about books or culture-related topics with others, and I will no longer give books to others. But because I had many dreams when I was young, my dream was to be a writer. In order to be a writer, I also bought a few books and developed the habit of copying books. I have maintained this habit to this day. So every day I am bored in an empty house, and nobody can

When I was speaking, I started to copy the book. I didn’t have any purpose. I copied anything. I didn’t remember the content after I copied it. If I remembered it, I would deliberately forget it. In this way, my life passed in the process of copying the book. Gradually grow old.

One day, I just started copying a book. After copying more than two hundred words, my phone rang. I picked up the phone to connect. It was my mother who called. My mother said that a person was at the door of my house and that it was my classmate who came to me. I couldn’t help but get nervous, because I haven’t contacted anyone for more than a year, and of course no one will come to me by name.

I asked my mother if it was a male or female, but my mother didn’t answer, just let me go.

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