Chapter 3 Brother-in-law, sister, she misses you ([-])

  Otsutsuki Sheren's eyes flashed slightly when he heard the words, and then he slowly turned around, and a group of people came into view.

  Among them, a figure wearing an orange maple leaf kimono was staring at him with a pair of pure and flawless white eyes.

  The emotions in his eyes are very complicated.

  "Little Hana? You've grown up." Toto Otsutsuki was silent for a while, then tilted his head and looked up and down at Hyuga Hana, and smiled gently.

  That's right, the only person who can call him brother-in-law is the sister-in-law Hinata Hana.

  Three years later, the girl who was not very tall at the time has grown a lot. She has a fair face and black hair, and she looks very beautiful in an orange kimono.

  "..." Hinata Hana pursed her lips slightly, her white eyes glowing slightly, looking at Toto Otsutsuki.

  He still has that handsome face, gorgeous black robe and red cloud robe, and his gentle temperament is exactly the same as three years ago23.

  Still so elegant, but...

  "Totoro Otsutsuki, as a wanted criminal in Konoha, why are you here at Konoha?" Hyuga Neji took a step and said in a deep voice, as for the brother-in-law whom Hinata Hana just called.

  He was directly ignored by him, and he didn't want to study the relationship between Otsutsuki and Hinata Hinata.

  After all, he is a branch of Hyuga, and it is his responsibility to protect the sect, and other matters of the sect are not within his scope of consideration.

  "Just watching a play, what? You want to fight with me?" Otsutsuki Sharen shook his head, smiled faintly, and glanced at the group of people.

  In the Twelve Ninjas, only Neji and Sakura were present, Naruto was nowhere to be seen, and Hinata and Shikamaru were absent.

  Thinking about it, he should have gone out to perform a mission. As for the rest of the characters, Otsutsuki Sheren was too lazy to take a look.

  "Konoha ninjas are definitely not people who are greedy for life and fear of death." Hyuga Neji replied in a deep voice, his white eyes opened, and the blue veins protruded beside his eyes, and he took a fighting posture.

  He is a very rational person, and he also understands that when they go to fight Toto Otsutsuki, they will definitely hit the stone with the egg.

  But at this moment, they have no way out and other ways.

  "It's a great remark. If that's the case, Ye Cang, go play with them." Toto Otsutsuki chuckled after hearing the words, pondered for a while, and said slowly to Ye Cang.

  Twelve Ren, except for the future Sasuke and Naruto, in his eyes, the rest are basically no different from ants, and their strength is too weak.

  In the words of Madara Uchiha, the mere gravel is not half as good as me!

  This is the case with Toto Otsutsuki, who is completely uninterested, but it is not very suitable for them to disturb him while watching a play.

  Then it was time for Ye Cang to teach them a lesson.

  "Apart from those little guys, you can play with the rest." Then, as if he remembered something, Toto Otsutsuki pointed at Ningji and reminded Ye Cang, and then turned his head to look at Tsunade's battle again. .

  Ye Cang's scorching escape is very powerful. If she accidentally kills Neji and others, then Sasuke's invasion of Konoha in the future will be a little less fun.

  Speaking of which, Totoro Otsutsuki is also helpless, who made Hokage most of the plot in Konoha?

  The Konoha deal was miserable, and he didn't want to go to Konoha all the time.

  "Yes." Ye Cang was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and Asahi walked slowly towards Ningci and the others.

  And as she moved, fiery fireballs slowly formed behind her.

  Burning Escape. Over-steaming to kill!

  This is Ye Cang's best application for Zhuo Dun. In fact, over-steaming is very flexible. It's not just the shape of the fireball, but the shape of the fireball is the most convenient way to use it.

  "Everyone, be careful, this person is very strong!" Hyuga Neji shouted to the people behind her, staring blankly at the woman wearing the Akatsuki robe.

  The cold and stern aura on the other side made him a little uneasy.

  Hinata Hanako glanced at Ye Cang, gritted his teeth, and prepared to cross Ye Cang very quickly, running straight towards Toto Otsutsuki.

  She has a lot to ask Toto Otsutsuki!

  Ye Cang glanced at the girl lightly, his eyes flickered slightly, but he still did not stop.

  It seems that the relationship between this girl and Toto Otsutsuki is not normal. Ye Cang's IQ is not low, so it's fine to pretend not to see it at this time.

  "Miss Hana!" Hyuga Neji was startled and was about to say something when several fireballs suddenly enveloped the sky above them.

  And Ye Cang's figure did not know when it had come to them. Following her attack, the scorching fireball fell at the same time, and a Konoha ninja was directly swallowed by the fireball!

  "Damn!" Hyuga Neji scolded secretly, but he could only turn around to deal with Ye Cang. As for Hinata Hana, he could only pray that Toto Otsutsuki would not attack Hinata Hana.

  "Sister-in-law, it's not what a qualified ninja should do to underestimate the enemy." Otsutsuki Tototo also noticed Hinata Hana, and teased with a gentle smile.

  He still likes Hinata Hana, not to mention, he doesn't feel any hostility from Hinata Hana.

  "Is my brother-in-law my enemy?" Hyuga Hana pursed her lips after hearing this, and then asked 393 in return.

  Although Toto Otsutsuki is Konoha's enemy, Konoha is Konoha, she is her, she is Konoha Ninja, but does this have anything to do with whether she and Toto Otsutsuki are enemies?

  In her heart, no matter how Otsutsuki Tototo treats others, but his kindness to herself, Hinata Hana has always been in her heart.

  She has always believed that he will become her brother-in-law!Three years ago, she always remembered what he said to his sister, Hinata Hinata!

  "You little girl can be tricky, but she's really grown up." Otsutsuki Sheren was stunned when he heard the words, then slowly walked in front of Hinata Hanako, rubbing her little head and said warmly.

  Hinata Hanako's remarks really showed her attitude towards Toto Otsutsuki, which was still the same as it was three years ago.

  "Brother-in-law, elder sister... I've missed you for the past three years." Hinata Hana felt the touch and temperature coming from the top of her head, her pure white eyes flickered slightly, and she lowered her head and whispered to Toren Otsutsuki.

  The smile, tone, and actions are all the same as before.

  Sure enough, the brother-in-law is still the same brother-in-law, no matter how he treats Konoha, he still treats himself the same.


  (Kneeling and begging for flower tickets, darlings, ask for support and ask for your own custom wow)

Chapter 4 Be your brother-in-law's little lover~ ([-])

  "Hinata..." Otsutsuki Totoro said silently, and then whispered softly, saying that it was almost time, and it was time to pick up Hinata Hinata.

  Hinata Hinata is the wife he has long recognized. I believe that the meeting of the five major powers will start soon, and the war will break out in full.

  Hinata Hinata really had to make arrangements earlier.

  "Sister, she...the past three years have often been sitting alone in a daze..." Hinata Hana lowered her head and said softly to Toto Otsutsuki, her voice a little low.

  It has been three years since Otsutsuki Toru and Orochimaru attacked Konoha together with Orochimaru, and even killed the three generations of Hokage, and then disappeared until now.

  Hinata Hinata has been sitting alone in a daze since three years ago, looking melancholy. Of course Hinata Hana understood why.

  Because Hinata is missing him.

  "Really... the time is approaching, don't worry, I will treat your sister well." Otsutsuki's eyes flickered slightly, and then he rubbed Hinata Hanako's hair with a gentle smile.

  Hinata Hinata is the wife he believes, so naturally he will not bear her.

  "Well, I believe brother-in-law, brother-in-law, are you really a member of Akatsuki's organization now?" Hinata Hana nodded cutely, showing a smile, very beautiful.

  Of course she believed in Toto Otsutsuki, she felt that Toto Otsutsuki really cared about her sister.

  And Otsutsuki Totoki is so strong, with his protection, no one can hurt his sister, right?

  But then, Hinata Hana tugged on the gorgeous black-bottomed red cloud robe on Otsutsuki Totoro and asked curiously.

  She also heard about the Xiao organization. After all, she is very talented, and her strength has improved a lot in the past three years. The relationship with Naruto and the others has also passed, so she knows a thing or two about Xiao.

  However, she didn't have much disgust towards Akatsuki. She was born in a wealthy family of Hyuga and was raised as a successor, and her sense of belonging to Konoha was far less than she imagined.

  And although she looks weak on the outside, she is strong and proud in her bones, and she has a worship mentality for the strong.

  Therefore, she was more curious about her brother-in-law becoming a member of Xiao's organization.

  Xiao organization, after all, is still very mysterious now.

  "Well, what's the matter.¨?" Otsutsuki nodded, he was very patient with this beautiful and lovely sister-in-law.

  "I heard that the Akatsuki organization is a group of people who do all kinds of evil. How can my brother-in-law join such an organization?" Hinata Hana asked with pure white eyes.

  Although it can be said that Toto Otsutsuki killed hundreds of people three years ago, that incident has been automatically filtered by Hinata Hana.

  She never thought that her brother-in-law was a villain, there must be a special reason for her brother-in-law to do this.

  Hinata Hana thinks so.

  "No, Hana, there is no absolute good and evil in this world. It's nothing more than a difference in position, bottom line, and goals. In fact, Akatsuki also exists for peace, or it's said that no one will believe it, but the truth is. in this way."

  Toto Otsutsuki shook his head and said with a chuckle, his eyes flickered a little, it was a sarcastic look.

  Do nothing wrong?

  Stop making trouble, the guy who claims to be righteous is the real sadness.

  How can there be any real right or wrong in this world?Everyone thinks their persistence is the right one, right?

  The goal of Akatsuki's organization, although the process is extreme, the goal is indeed world peace, whether it is the original Yahiko, the later Nagato, and the last Obito.

  All for peace!

  Yahiko advocates the understanding between people, Nagato wants to use fear and pain to make people aware of pain and desire for peace, and Obito wants to create a fantasy world where there is only happiness.

  On the contrary, the Five Great Ninja Villages always only care about their own interests. If it wasn't for the fear of Akatsuki, they would never have been tied together and fought side by side.

  "Che~peace... How can there be any peace in this continent?" Contrary to Otsutsuki's expectations, after hearing his words, Hiyaka Hana frowned delicately and retorted with a pouting lip.

  Although he is not very old yet, Hinata Hana also understands the current situation of this continent.

  Since the establishment of the ninja village system, the villages have been fighting endlessly for resources for decades.

  Although it has been a long time since the truce, but if there is a chance, the horn of war will sound again.

  Peace?There can only be a short truce on this continent, where can peace come from?

  "My sister-in-law surprised my brother-in-law?" Toto Otsutsuki glanced at Hinata Hanako in amazement, but the girl looked very open.

  "But I'm wrong. Peace is not too far away. Is my sister-in-law going to make a bet with my brother-in-law?" But then, Toto Otsutsuki looked at the flawless Hinata Hana carefully and asked with a smile. road.

  "Bet? What kind of bet does my brother-in-law want to bet?" Hyuga Hanako was stunned when he heard the words, and then raised his face and asked with interest.

  Toto Otsutsuki still had to make a bet with her, and she really aroused a little interest.

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