Toto Otsutsuki did not hesitate, and walked in first, while Yakumo Kurama and Kurumi also followed closely behind Toto Otsutsuki.

  "Will it be the virtual circle or the soul world? The space node that can be found so easily should not be hell." Toto Otsutsuki thought to himself as he looked at the deep space passage.

  To be honest, he didn't even know where the other dimension opposite was. Although he knew a lot about the original book, he really came to this world.

  He is still a little unfamiliar, such as spaces everywhere!And thinking of hell, Toto Otsutsuki couldn't help frowning slightly.

  The hell in the world of the god of death is a very strange place, and now Totoro Otsutsuki is indeed a little afraid of this world.

  Especially Aizen and Yohabach, who have an immortal body and a terrifying scheming!

  And Youhabach has the ability to be omnipotent and omnipotent!

  And hell, this is a forbidden place derived from the rules of the world, that place is extremely strange.

  However, hell is also an extremely hidden space, and it should not be so easy to enter.

  Shaking his head, Toto Otsutsuki temporarily put these mixed thoughts behind him.

  The space passage is not long. After the three walked out of the space portal, a vast scene came into their eyes!

  Endless desert!

  What I saw in my eyes was nothing but sand, and an ancient and ancient breath rushed towards my face.

  I don't know how long this desert ocean has existed. Except for the simplicity and desolation, there are no words to describe it.

  "It turned out to be a virtual circle... that's all, although there is no trace of it, it is acceptable." Otsutsuki looked at the yellow desert, shook his head after hesitating slightly, and gave up the idea of ​​opening another dimension to leave. .

  In fact, in his thoughts, what he wants to go to the most is the soul world, he has the ability to read the minds of others.

  So as long as you find a god of death, you can know the current time.

  But the virtual circle is not too bad, he is still very interested in some characters.

  He didn't hesitate to take so little time to try his luck and see if he could come across it.

  "What an interesting place, father, there are no stars." Kuang San looked around curiously, a barren and barren land.

  Without any living breath, it gave her the feeling that it was like a real place of death!

  Moreover, in the dark night sky, there was not a single star, only a round of bright moon arcs against the sky, exuding a cold and dead breath.

  Such a strange place made Kurumi, who was here for the first time, very interested.

  "The atmosphere here is very uncomfortable, and... eh?" Kurama Yakumo frowned slightly, and the dead and desolate atmosphere of the virtual circle made her a little unhappy.

  But Kurama Yakumo had just finished speaking when he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

  And Otsutsuki Toki and Kurumi also raised their heads as if feeling a little bit.

  In the direction they were looking, a little bit of smoke was rolling up, and it seemed that something was running towards it.

  "What is this?" Kuang Sanxianxuan's three hook jade slowly rotated, and her insight allowed her to clearly see the figure running wildly in the smoke.

  After seeing it clearly, Kuang San couldn't help but feel a little weird. She didn't know how to describe it.

  "Sure enough, although it is a soul body, we who have chakra and pupil skills can also see these voids." Toto Otsutsuki stroked his chin slightly and thought to himself.

  Then he looked carefully at the ghost that was running in front of him, and there was a glimmer of light in his pupils.

  The white python is virtual, but I don't know if it is the one in my memory.

  If so, the time can be narrowed down to a certain extent.


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Chapter [-] They are not creatures!

  At this moment, the smoke and dust are not far from the three of Otsutsuki Sheren, and from here, the three of them can see these two 'animals' very clearly!

  Yes, in the eyes of Yakumo and Kuang San, these two ghosts are indeed very similar to animals.

  It seems that the white python in front is escaping for his life, and the one chasing after the white python is a rhino!

  While some parts are a little different, especially the face, both the white python and the rhino wear huge masks of white bones.

  However, the general body shape is indeed not much different from the memory of the two girls.

  "There are no life fluctuations, they are not living things." The saddle horse Yakumo's face was slightly condensed, and the six-gou jade reincarnation eyes flickered slightly, looking at the two frowning brows that were chasing and chasing softly.

  The eye of reincarnation is the eye of God that controls the power of life and death, and is extremely sensitive to the breath of life.

  These two big guys made Kurama Yakumo feel no breath of life at all!

  This also proves that they are dead!Or rather, the souls of the dead?

  But it seems to be somewhat different from the soul of their world.

  "It's really interesting, the outside world is really interesting." Kurumi licked his lips, revealing a sinister smile.

  She was even more excited.

  "It's not really a creature, but it can also be said to be a creature, a soul body of another form." Toto Otsutsuki shook his head with a light smile and gave a simple explanation, the mysterious Tensei flashing in his eyes.

  Because that white python has been caught up by the rhinoceros!

  At this moment, the rhinoceros was emptied, its four hooves ran wildly and jumped heavily, and stepped down towards the white python!

  The size of the rhinoceros is far larger than that of the white python, such a terrifying ton, if you really step on it.

  Bai Python Xu can be directly slaughtered!

  Bai Python Xu naturally also noticed Rhinoceros Xu's movements, the eyes under the mask flickered slightly, and he finally chose to move sideways to avoid it.

  She is still a snake after all, how could she be as fast as a four-legged rhino.

  Being caught up was also what she expected.

  Rhino's huge body stepped on the desert, and suddenly a huge smoke was stirred up, and in a blink of an eye, a pair of scarlet eyes lit up from the smoke.

  Rhino Xu slowly walked out of the smoke, and a pair of eyes full of violence and ferocity stared at Bai Python Xu.

  "Wongka, do you have to be immortal?" Seeing this, Bai Python could not help but grit his teeth and questioned. Unexpectedly, Bai Python's voice was very clear, and naturally had a strange charm.

  Originally, Bai Python Xu just wanted to come out for food, but I didn't expect Wengka, who has been keeping the water from the well, suddenly attacked her!

  As for why...

  "Sunsun, you understand, in this area, you are the only one in Achucas who can deal with it better." Onka's fierce eyes flickered, and then a low and hoarse male voice sounded.

  The virtual circle is a world that belongs to the jungle of the weak!

  One moment you killed someone else, the next moment you may be killed by another person!

  The bloody law of the jungle has been most clearly reflected here, virtual, such a creature!

  Because in essence, the emptiness is the beast, which is the fall of the human soul, the low-level emptiness, without wisdom, will only kill each other, and there is no so-called human nature!

  Of course, when Void evolves to the level of Achucas, wisdom will awaken again, but the cruelty inscribed in the bones is still a small part of Achucas!

  "Damn..." Sun Sun couldn't help but grit her teeth when she heard the words, of course she understood why Onka attacked her.

  But she was not reconciled, she finally evolved to Achucas and gained wisdom!

  Are you going to fall here?

  Hearing this, Otsutsuki Sheren couldn't help but evoke a smile, and sure enough, it was Sun Sun!

  In the original book, one of the subordinate officers who followed behind Tia Halibel, the thirty-blade of the Void Night Palace, the snake girl.

  At this moment, it is obvious that she should have not met Harribel yet, so the time can be roughly estimated.

  It is impossible to know when Harribel and Sun Sun met, but it can be ruled out at least a hundred years before the plot.

  The next step is to meet Balegang, the king of the virtual circle at the moment, so that the time can be calculated more accurately.

  And in the time when Otsutsuki Totoro pondered.

  "Jie Jie Jie... Don't blame me, Sun Sun, blame yourself for being weak." Wengka smiled gloomily, his hooves digging into the ground, and the huge horns shining with cold light in front of the mask were facing Sun Sun.

  Yes, weak!

  The cannibalism between the virtual is unavoidable, because they are creatures that can evolve by devouring the remnants of their compatriots!

  It's nature, it's instinct!

  Wengka gathered up his strength, sprinted with four hooves, and charged towards Sun Sun quickly!

  As for Sun Sun, she couldn't help but show a look of despair. She was attacked by Onka before, and she was already injured.

  Originally, her strength was not as good as Wengka, let alone at this moment.

  "¨¨It's true, being weak is the original sin."

  At this moment, a faint laughing male voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the two.

  "Who?!" Wengka slowed down slowly, his huge and ferocious head constantly looking around, trying to find the source of the sound.

  At the same time as the voice sounded, an extremely strong sense of danger emerged in his heart.

  That creepy icy feeling came so unexpectedly!

  So Onka didn't want to attack Sun Sun anymore, but wanted to find out the source of that sense of danger.

  "Where are you looking?" Otsutsuki Sheren floated quietly (Li Qian's) above Wengka, with a golden light lingering on his fingertips, and his dark red robe was gently blown by the breeze.

  "You..." Wengka heard it clearly this time, and hurriedly raised his head, but what caught his eye was a dazzling golden beam.

  "" Wengka's fierce eyes slowly became dull and dull, and he spit out these words subconsciously.

  Until he died, he didn't know who the voice was!

  As soon as the words fell, Onka's entire huge body suddenly and smoothly divided into two halves, and the blood splashed red the surrounding yellow sand!

  Datong Mushe's face was calm, and he slowly fell to the ground and stepped lightly to the front of Sunsun, who was dumbfounded, showing a gentle smile.

  "Are you ok?"


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