"Lin Ling, you came just in time, there is something that needs your help. In the conference room, the Son of Heaven looked at Lin Ling solemnly, and now there were only the two of them and two bodyguards in the room, a total of four people present.

"Tell me what? Lin Ling had already guessed it, but it was better to listen to what was going on first, and it would be embarrassing to say the wrong thing.

"Yesterday night... There is only a stage IV gastrulation that runs to the 32nd megalith, commonly known as Aldebaran, it is injected with steel erosion liquid into the stele, so after six days, the magnetic field of the No. 32 megalith will disappear and collapse, although the new megalith stele has begun to be replaced, but it will take nine days to complete the time, according to the analysis, three days after the collapse, the gastrulation will surge, and all the citizens of Tokyo will die or turn into gastrulation, in order to fear that the citizens will panic, we have an intelligence blockade, but after a few days, the megalith will begin to blen, there is no way to keep it hidden, more than 2,000 gastrulation creatures have gathered outside the megalith。 "The Son of Heaven said in great detail, and emphasized the seriousness of the matter, this disaster is no worse than the mass extinction caused by the V intestines, it is an absolute natural disaster-level disaster.

Listening to the words of the Holy Son of Heaven, Lin Ling raised his head and said, "So Your Highness the Holy Son of Heaven, you want me to destroy these 540 proto-gastrated creatures until the construction of the giant stone tablet is completed, right?"

"That's right, this time it's a major event related to the fate of the entire Tokyo district, I hope Lin Ling you can help us stop this disaster, and for Lin Ling, this matter should be very simple. The Son of Heaven said in a tone that changed: "Of course, we will not let you make a move in vain, for this reason, we have prepared a high reward as your reward this time, and we are willing to increase the investment of resources in the autonomous region to help your autonomous region speed up the construction progress." "

"I'm fine, but Your Highness the Son of Heaven, the citizens of Tokyo still seem to be very repulsive to our Cursed Child, is that okay? I remember seeing the news of the demonstrations in the morning, do you think I will be the kind of Mother who is disgusted by others and sticks to her face?" Lin Ling sneered, it's easy to do it if you ask for it, take advantage of the opportunity not to knock on the bamboo pole, although there is the meaning of taking advantage of the fire to rob, but the initiative is now in your own hands, and according to the current situation, the only thing that Tokyo can count on is itself, the Self-Defense Forces have almost been killed and injured in the war against Scorpio, and they are still rebuilding, and the police can use it, but the number is too small and the use is not at ease, plus the starters are all cursed children, in the face of those people who are disgusted with themselves and even want to disappear and die, will they fight with their lives to protectThis is a big question mark, and in the end, only Lin Ling is the most suitable choice.

"I'm going to calm the people down, they're just being taken advantage of. The Holy Son of Heaven is also a little helpless, after all, she can be said to be the head of state in name, and most of the real power is not under her control, and not everything can be calculated by her.

"Okay, for the sake of His Royal Highness the Son of Heaven, it doesn't hurt for me to make a move, don't forget the conditions promised, I still have one condition I hope you will agree. "nodded, indicating understanding, the Son of Heaven has tried his best to do his best, and Lin Ling is not an unreasonable person, understanding the current difficulties of the Son of Heaven.

"Whatever the conditions, as long as I can, I can agree to you. Shengtian said without hesitation.

"It's very simple, live broadcast, live broadcast when it is launched, so that the people of Tokyo can take a good look at who is protecting them? If this still can't make these stupid citizens come to their senses, then I don't think there is any need to save these hopeless idiots, it is a pure waste of time and time." Lin Ling said with a smile, this war, Lin Ling is not ready to fully participate in it, but let the Cursed Sons and the police face it together, and the role of care is enough, which is also an opportunity to give the Cursed Sons a chance to completely correct their names.

"No problem, I agreed to this condition. The Son of Heaven nodded, she could also understand Lin Ling's thoughts, in fact, the Son of Heaven did not have much expectations for whether Lin Ling could agree to this (CHCA) thing, if Lin Ling refused to make a move, the Son of Heaven would also summon the police to resist the invasion of the original gastrulation organisms this time, and then the self-defense forces that had not been completely rebuilt would also be dispatched together as an auxiliary to the battlefield, which was the only way to go to the battlefield as a last resort, and now that Lin Ling promised that everything was simple, the Son of Heaven could rest assured.

"Then let's trouble His Highness the Holy Son of Heaven to gather the police, and I will also let the people's police and garrisons of the autonomous region participate in the battle. "

"Eh, Lin Ling, aren't you participating?"

"Of course I will, but this war is their battle, I can be a nanny to take care of their safety, and watching the hardships and efforts of the Cursed Children who are desperately trying to protect Tokyo Ward, I want to see how those who still reject the Cursed Children will react in their hearts, will they change their ways? or will they become more serious? With a smile, Lin Ling left after speaking.

"Lord Saint Tianzi, do you need to be notified of this matter?" one of the bodyguards asked cautiously.

"Let's keep me informed, and bring Rentaro here, I need his help in this matter. The Son of Heaven nodded and commanded.


On the other hand, back in the autonomous region, although Lin Ling really wanted to have a loving exchange with Xia Shi as soon as possible, but it was better to deal with the things that should be done first, since the establishment of the autonomous region, Lin Ling issued the first convening order, all the police groups and garrisons of the autonomous region and the police groups in the autonomous region all went to the auditorium to assemble, and within an hour Lin Ling wanted to see everyone arrive, of course, this time was a little urgent, but the order was immediately executed.

Lin Ling was the first to go to the auditorium and sit down in the main seat, with the notice, there were policemen coming in one after another, looking at Lin Ling on the main seat was very tacit and began to sit down one by one, quietly waiting for the meeting to begin, most of the hour, the auditorium has gathered a large number of people, Ying Yin and Xiao Binet also appeared, sitting next to Lin Ling, Xia Shi also came, standing behind Lin Ling, and several Lin Ling carefully selected high-level management of the police combination also rushed over, an hour later, the auditorium was almost full, of course, there are still some people who can't get there, this is a trivial matter。

Looking at the quiet scene in front of him, Lin Ling picked up the microphone and said directly the reason for this meeting, Tokyo is going to war, the object is the army of proto-intestinal creatures, the number of enemies is more than 2,000 legions, this time they will be the main force of the war, the time has come to correct the name of the children of the damned, and the people gathered here are people with the same idea, no surprise, Lin Ling's brief explanation directly triggered everyone's enthusiasm, led by Ying Yin, everyone began to go down to prepare, waiting for the order to go out. _

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