"Kirino! here, here!" At the entrance of the station, Ayase waved and shouted in this direction, Kanako and Ran beside him had been waiting for a long time, and the four members were just Kirino.

"I've been waiting! "Trotting over, Kirino is in a very good mood and said, God is really on his side, fortunately Ayase's itinerary has changed, otherwise if there is a conflict with tomorrow's party, Kirino really has to make a choice.

"Ale, Kino-chan seems to be in a good mood today, is something good happening?, or is it a boyfriend!?" Lan teased in a teasing tone.

"I'm having fun with everyone today, I love you. This level of ridicule is fearless for Kiri, and he directly smiled and said the reason for his good mood, and the straightforward and bold words made the three of them blush, after all, Kiri's "five-four-zero" voice is not small, and many pedestrians around him have looked at it with strange eyes, and many people are even full of pity, as if they are sorry for the four little beauties who are Lala.

"Really, Kirino, let's go, I don't want to be looked at like a monkey. Kanako urged.

"Yes, yes!" A group of four people left the station directly, because Ayase made a detailed plan for everyone to play this time, and also deliberately investigated whether there were new stores or new clothes around the area, so there was Ayase leading the team all the way, and everyone was very happy to talk and play, after all, most of the time everyone can only get together at school, and other weekends rarely get together to have their own schedules, so every time they get together, everyone cherishes this happy time, because it will be one of their best memories in the future。

On the other side,Kyosuke at home is looking at the picture in the computer with a crazy face.,I thought my sister went out to play with friends.,Today I can be liberated.,It's okay to do something you want to do or take a good rest.,But before leaving,,Kirino arranged a new game strategy for him.,Be sure to ask him to at least achieve more than half of the progress.,Otherwise, break up directly.,The relationship between the two will return to the original situation.。

For the killer weapon offered by Kirino,Kyosuke said that he knelt down directly.,Because according to Kirino's reason,If Kyosuke and himself don't have more common topics, then the two will have no progress.,Although this reason is far-fetched, Kyosuke can't refute anything.,Of course, in addition to this hard requirement,Kirino is not without the goal of giving Kyosuke incentives.,That is, if Kyosuke can clear this game once today.,You can do whatever you want to Kirino tonight.,Until Kyosuke is satisfied.,Punishment and reward go hand in hand.,Kyosuke has to work hard for this little game.,For this. , Kyosuke dared to swear that he had never worked so hard and nervously in the past when he was preparing for high school.

Fortunately, I was asked to play some related games in the past.,For the homework in front of you,Kyosuke doesn't know anything about it.,But the progress is too slow.,According to the current speed, it is estimated that Kyosuke will not be able to pass for two days of sleepless play.,Unlike half of the love 18X plays,This game comes with a lot of detailed strategies and levels like treasure hunting.,It's a drain on your brain,It's impossible to pass the level quickly with other games.。


"Kirito, are you there?"

"It's you, my sister is out"

"Ah, it's my brother.,It's using things again.,It's a strange fetish.。 "

"I'm being forced!? I know you're joking, but it's still a little unpleasant. "

"I'm really sorry, my brother, is there any trouble, if you don't mind, you can talk to me, maybe I can give you some advice for reference. "

"That's it..."Originally, I didn't want to pay too much attention to the friend who was marked as Saori Bajina's screen name, but the other party was Kirino's Internet friend, so Kyosuke had to talk to her more, but now he was stumped by a game, and the other party should obviously be an expert in this area, and maybe he could ask her for help.

"Uh-huh,I see.,It's the first version of the labyrinth adventure.,In the world, this version of the game is also one of the classics in 18X.,Estimated by your ability brother.,I'm afraid it's barely possible to complete half of it in one day today.,Not to mention clearing the customs.,But,Just,You beg me to ask for the right person.,I'll send you a text.,There are a lot of strategies and routes in it.,I can only help you get here.,If Tongtong's is back.,Remember to let her contact me.。 "

"I'm grateful! I'll tell her..." Breathe a sigh of relief,Kyosuke quickly clicked on the receiving file,Less than a minute,The strategy text on the desktop is received.,Open the text.,Although it's a dense text and number description.,But it's very clearly classified.,Every route and detail description has.,With this cheats in hand,Kyosuke's confidence soared.,Immediately start the game strategy.,Especially at the thought of being able to do whatever you want to your sister after clearing the customs.,Kyosuke's mood became extraordinarily excited.。

It's different from the progress of the snail just now.,With the help of cheats,Kyosuke's speed has increased greatly.,It's like a motorcycle for a BMW.,The speed is rising.,All kinds of CG beauties and related H scenes in the picture were brought into Kyosuke and Kirino two.,Once addicted to it,Time flies quickly.,When Kyosuke completed the last level.,After the picture entered the end,Kyosuke breathed a sigh of relief.,A look of excitement first saved the progress.,And then start watching the CG picture at the end.,And the sky outside has been completely dark.,The clock has gone to nearly six o'clock.,A game actually took more than six hours of its own. ,This is still with the help of cheats.,If you've been alone, you really can't clear it in such a short time.。

"My own choice, you don't need to say more. "Back home,Kirino is a little unhappy.,It's still very fun to play with everyone this afternoon.,The main reason is that Jeres is this goods.,When I went to the toilet halfway.,With Ayase.,Jerles, this guy actually instigated himself 2.0 to give Ayase.,And then cultivate it into his own reserve.,Said to respect your own choice.,But in the case of his refusal, he even wanted to take Ayase in person.,If it weren't for someone else going into the toilet and Kirino was going to be forced to die.,I'm afraid it's easy to get it with Jerles's ability.,At that time, it was estimated that friends with Ayase couldn't do it.,Although the task is very important.,Kirino doesn't want to be broken by Jerles like this to break his daily life. It's too tiring.

"Women really have long hair and short knowledge...", all the way to be preached, Geres is very helpless, but Geres really don't dare to bet, or follow Kiri's own will, the time to save is really to force Kirino to be anxious, the demon seed that he has cultivated with great difficulty will be in vain, maybe he will be finished, for the future grand cause, Geres really can't afford to gamble. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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