The only thing is that the two of them are very close.

Recently, Haruno Sakura feels a lot of pressure.

Although she finally persuaded Hinata to be her sparring partner, something unexpected happened:

Hinata's appetite is really too big!

Hinata's appetite is really too big! !

Who would have thought that a petite girl who is half a head shorter than herself can eat half a deer in one meal?

You should know that the deer of the Nara family are not petite creatures like sika deer. A male deer weighs more than 600 kilograms.

Excluding bones and inedible parts, each deer can produce 400 kilograms of meat on average.

I can't even finish a leg in a day, but Hinata can actually eat one every day!

Although eating one is a bit exaggerated, the meat left every day is less than 20 kilograms.

Sakura even regretted agreeing to provide Hinata with two meals.

But it is impossible to go back on her word, who makes Hinata so cute.

The little money earned by her father, a Chunin, through missions is definitely not enough to feed Hinata.

Sakura can only go out to hunt with tears in her eyes every day.

She transforms into a deer and mixes into the herd, and casts illusions on the lone deer, so that it runs out of the forest and hits a tree.

But deer have been missing for eight consecutive days, and no matter how stupid the Nara family is, they should have reacted.

Since yesterday, the Nara clan has added people to watch over the deer in the forest.

It is basically impossible for Sakura to mix into the herd again.

However, Sakura is not without preparation.

Sakura has already thought of a countermeasure after learning about Hinata's appetite for the first time.



While Sakura was daydreaming, Hinata suddenly hit her abdomen with a Bagua Palm, and Sakura flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

The sudden pain made Sakura's mind go blank, and she even lost consciousness for a moment.

Sakura felt as if her stomach and intestines were being kneaded by a huge hand, squirming wildly; her stomach seemed to be churning, as if countless bugs were running around in it!


After a while, Sakura bent her waist and supported the wooden stake to vomit wildly; Hinata next to her was gently patting her back to help her breathe.

"I'm sorry, Sakura-chan, it's all my fault..."

Hinata apologized to Sakura, and she didn't expect that her attack would be so powerful.

After more than a week of getting along, Hinata's name for Sakura became more intimate.

"It's okay, Hinata-chan, it's my fault. I shouldn't think about other things during sparring."

After the restlessness in her stomach calmed down, Sakura comforted Hinata with a pale face.

Hinata, however, was deeply remorseful for hurting her friend.

Since Sakura cooked for her, her strength seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and her chakra volume also increased significantly.

This must be the credit of Sakura's cooking. The food of the Hyuga family does not have this effect.

Sakura-chan is really the best!

(Sakura: If the food I cooked really had this effect, would you still beat me to a pulp?)

Next time during sparring, I must show mercy and not hurt Sakura-chan who is so good to me.

But just when Hinata was thinking about it, Sakura seemed to see what she was thinking.

"Don't show mercy, Hinata-chan.

If you hold back, what's the point of our sparring?"

"But... Sakura-chan, my strength has been low recently..."

"No buts, if I find out that you use less strength than the palm just now, don't blame me for cutting your dinner!"

"Huh? Why is that? Sakura-chan is really mean."

After some teasing, the two continued today's training.

Soon, after finishing the training, Haruno Sakura lay on the training ground and gasped for breath.

"Hu~ Hu~ Hu....

Hinata-chan, why do I feel that you have made much more progress than me in the past two days."

Sakura still remembers that when she first started sparring, she could still fight Hinata back and forth by recreating the ground fight in MMA.

But after this week, she was completely beaten by Hinata unilaterally and could only defend herself.

"No, Sakura-chan is the best!

If I can use ninjutsu and genjutsu, I'm definitely not Sakura-chan's opponent."

"Come on, let's stop bragging about each other.

Hinata-chan, I have something to do in Konoha Village tomorrow morning, so I can't practice with you in the afternoon."

"Well...Okay, Sakura-chan, please be safe."

Faced with Sakura's "leave", Shan

Hinata, who was kind, did not refuse because she missed a meal.

After chatting and laughing for a while, the two said goodbye, and Sakura came to the Konoha Mission Hall.

"Hello, I am Haruno Sakura. I posted a D-level mission here this morning. Has anyone accepted the mission?"

Sakura asked the receptionist at the mission hall politely.

Because she had not graduated to become a ninja yet, Sakura could not leave the village at will, so she posted a mission to find someone to escort her to a nearby town.

The town is only 40 minutes away from Konoha and is completely within the sphere of influence of Konoha. It is naturally judged as a D-level mission.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

The lady at the front desk said as she flipped through the thick mission book in her hand.

"Found it. Miss Haruno Sakura's mission has been accepted by Yamashita Chunin's team. The team members are one Chunin and three Genin. They will gather at the gate of Konoha at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."

After learning the news, Sakura nodded to the lady at the front desk to thank her and left the mission hall to return home.


The next day, in the town.

A Chunin and three Genin were waiting for Haruno Sakura at the door of a massage parlor, completely unaware that they had already been under a genjutsu.

Sakura ran to an empty alley, took out more than 30 notebooks from the backpack behind her, and cut the paper frantically with a kunai.

Soon, the cut white paper piled up in front of Sakura.

Sakura concentrated chakra in her hand, covered the paper with her hand, and held her breath.

Soon, the color of the blank paper began to darken, and gradually numbers and the portrait of the first daimyo of the Land of Fire appeared.

The pile of white paper in front of her turned into a banknote with a denomination of 10,000 taels.

After all the transformations were completed, Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, picked up a banknote, and took out a real banknote from her wallet to compare.

"As expected of me, I did it perfectly."

After confirming that there was no difference between her counterfeit banknotes and real banknotes, Sakura put the tens of millions of taels of banknotes back into her backpack and walked out of the alley.

"In the future, I will be a rich woman."

Walking on the road, Sakura couldn't help but feel proud.

All this is thanks to her newly developed ninjutsu - frivolous illusion.

Originally, after the flexible love was developed, Sakura wanted to provide combat capabilities as much as possible, and the frivolous illusion was not a high priority.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes. In order to support Hinata, Sakura had to find a way to make money quickly.

After all, if she kept hunting, it would not be worth it for her to spend a lot of energy every day, regardless of whether she could succeed all the time. If she had that spare time, Sakura would rather spend time to make herself stronger.

So in addition to going to Nara's house to hunt and practicing with Hinata this week, all Sakura's energy was used to develop "frivolous illusion".

Fortunately, when the Nara family discovered the abnormality of the deer, their own ninjutsu was successfully developed.

Hisoka's "thin illusion" can turn thoughts into various shapes, attaching them to the surface of the body like a film, and then changing the appearance, sound, smell, etc., to perfectly disguise themselves as other people or objects.

And Sakura not only perfectly replicated this with chakra, but also developed a new use:

Control chakra to break up and reorganize the molecular structure of objects within 1 mm thick, so as to change the appearance and material of the object.

Just now, Sakura made counterfeit money using white paper with a thickness similar to that of banknotes.

Of course, Sakura not only made counterfeit money, but also used the thin illusion to copy more than ten sealing scrolls for storage.

If she didn't need a large amount of cash urgently, Sakura could have chosen to copy scrolls to make money.

Sakura took out the sealing scroll, made hand seals, and used the transformation technique to become Shikamaru.

Although the banknotes she made were no different from real ones, she was prepared for the worst. She would never do bad things with such a shameless face.

Sakura, who had been observing the Nara family, learned that Shikamaru had also come to the town yesterday, so it was reasonable for her to borrow Shikamaru's vest.

Then, Sakura started the sweeping mode:

Candy, snacks, canned food, bacon, dry goods...

In short, all the food that could be stored for a long time in the town was bought up by Sakura.

Three hours later, Sakura returned to the massage parlor where the ninjas were waiting.


I'm alive!

I feel that all the fatigue in my body has been swept away."

Sakura lifted the illusion of the four people, stretched her waist and walked out of the massage parlor, pretending to be refreshed.

"I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. You can go shopping by yourself."


The guards cannot leave their posts easily. I really feel sorry for us. It would be better if you came out earlier. "

The leading Chunin said with a bad face. It was impossible to say that he didn't mind waiting for such a long time.

"Haha, I'm sorry. It was so comfortable that I couldn't help but add an hour.

I suggest you try it too. The fatigue accumulated in daily life will really disappear in an instant."

The Chunin snorted coldly and ignored Sakura. The three Genin led by him subconsciously glanced at the price list of the massage shop...

They all wanted to say something, but they chose to keep their mouths shut.

After all, it was too rude to swear at the client.

"Okay, I'm going to the clothing store to buy some clothes next. I'm sorry to bother you again! "


In the afternoon, in Konoha Village, four ninjas delivered the large and small bags in their hands to Sakura's home.

Then the four people left cursing.

Damn it, if you don't give me a C-level bonus for the task of accompanying a woman shopping in the future, don't expect me to take it again!

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