After the group successfully landed, Sakura immediately asked Karin to use Kagura's Heart Eye to explore the surroundings.

"There is a chakra reaction at 1 o'clock in the deep forest, 3.5 kilometers away. Although there is only one person, it seems that he should be strong."

Karin closed his eyes and reported to Sakura.

"Okay, Karin, you and Naruto follow Ida and be on guard, and Sasuke and I will go to deal with the enemy."

After Sakura gave Karin an order, Karin obviously wanted to say something.

Sakura also saw what Karin was thinking, so she leaned over to Karin's ear and whispered a few words:

"Don't worry, when we go back, I will arrange some time for you to be alone with Sasuke."

Karin felt the hot and humid breath from Sakura's mouth, and her ears turned red. She gladly accepted Sakura's big promise:

"'s up to you, Sakura."

Although Sakura supported Ino and Sasuke being together, Karin was still under her protection, so it was better to let the two compete fairly.

"Sakura, I can fight too!

Why don't you let me go with you to deal with that hateful guy?

I clearly promised Ida."

Naruto muttered unsatisfiedly after the exam.

"Sasuke and Karin are the two people with the best perception among us, so it's better for them to lead the team separately. Judging from the current situation, although Karin has made great progress, there is still a big gap between her and the enemy in terms of combat.

As for letting you act with Sasuke, do you think I can be assured?"

Sakura patiently explained to Naruto. Of course, these are just excuses.

In fact, with Sakura's oracle essence technique and water lens technique, it is not difficult to lock the position of Aoi.

But the reason why Sakura accepted the mission of the Tea Kingdom was Tsunade's personal commission. More importantly, Sakura was very interested in the Thunder God Sword.

Sakura was afraid that under the inertia of the plot, Naruto would destroy the Thunder God Sword as in the animation, so she didn't want Naruto and Aoi to meet.

"Okay, that's it for this time. When there is a chance next time, I must be in a group with Sakura."

Although Naruto was dissatisfied, he still accepted Sakura's arrangement.

"That's it, we'll go first."

Sakura said, and turned into a pink afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

Sasuke saw this and hurriedly followed Sakura.


"Oh, you actually came to me on your own initiative, you really don't know how to live or die."

Aoi was guarding under a tree and felt that two people were moving quickly towards her.

Aoi, who was still in the forest, was waiting for her companions to come back and report the progress of the mission. Unexpectedly, the people who came were not the three Genin from the Rain Village, but the enemy.

The three Rain Ninjas who took the mission with her this time are still missing. It seems that they were solved by the ninjas of Konoha.

However, Aoi did not take the chasing enemy to heart, but flashed and took the initiative to approach the enemy.

Because Ida changed the route temporarily, Aoi had no idea where he would land. In addition, unlike the animation, Team 7 directly killed the three Genin from the Rain Village, so Aoi had no chance to find out Ida's location.

Therefore, in Green Aoi's opinion, the ninja of Konoha took the initiative to come and gave him the opportunity to force him to ask about Ida's whereabouts.

As for whether the other party is stronger than himself?

Green Aoi has never considered this question. If the other party is really that powerful, it is impossible that he would not even do the basic skills of hiding his breath.


Sakura, who was on the road, suddenly changed her expression and shot a Senbon into the bushes not far away.


With the sound of metal collision, Green Aoi slowly walked out of the bushes with a kunai in hand:

"I have hidden my breath, why can you still find me?"

Green Aoi's face was very ugly. Sakura's strength was beyond her expectations. The skill of throwing blades alone was enough for her to gain a foothold in Konoha.


Green Aoi's question made Sakura stunned for a moment:

"You are still alive, why do you think you can hide your breath?"

Sakura tilted her head, as if she was really curious.

Sasuke, who was standing next to him, was shocked when he saw this scene. He had never known that being pretentious could be so refreshing and refined.

Sakura's Versailles routine of combining pretentiousness with trash talk made Sasuke exclaim in his heart, "I've learned something."



In that case, we don't need to waste time on each other.

Ninjutsu: Rain and Dew Thousand Bones!"

Lu Qingkui decided to make a quick decision, and quickly grabbed Sakura and Sasuke in front of him to interrogate them, and launched the ninjutsu he was best at.

He directly made a seal with one hand and threw the mechanical umbrella inserted behind his back into the air. With the injection of Lu Qingkui's chakra, the umbrella leaves unfolded with a "whoosh", and the whole umbrella just hovered in the air.

But before Lu Qingkui could trigger the mechanism in the umbrella and shoot out the thousand Bones.

The mechanical umbrella that was originally floating in the air actually closed again and fell to the ground with a "click".

A gust of wind blew, and the leaves in the big trees in the forest rustled.

Because the ninjutsu failed to be launched, Lu Qingkui was stunned, and the scene suddenly became awkward.

"What did you do? "

Looking at the thin pink chakra line in his blade umbrella connecting to Sakura, Aoi immediately thought of the reason why his ninjutsu failed to activate.

[Rain Dew Thousand Bones] This kind of ninjutsu requires the cooperation of ninjutsu tools to activate, and it only needs to make the ninjutsu ineffective.

With the knowledge that Sakura has integrated, it is easy to impress the retractable love to pull the parts to close the mechanical umbrella.

But Sakura has no obligation to explain anything to him. She just hooked her fingers to activate the retractable love and pulled the umbrella to her feet.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that Sakura ignored him, Aoi could only curse inwardly, put his right hand behind his back, and prepared to secretly make a seal.


Sasuke's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, disrupting his right hand that was making a seal behind his back.

Faced with the kunai that was swinging towards him, Aoi could only give up mobilizing chakra and deal with Sasuke instead.

"Go to hell! "

Facing the aggressive Sasuke, Aoi subconsciously took out the Thunder God Sword from her waist, gathered the sword spirit, drew the sword, and swung the sword in one go.

However, Sasuke seemed to have foreseen that Aoi would do this. At the critical moment, his body stagnated and he narrowly avoided the sword. Then he threw the kunai in his hand straight to Aoi's chest.

"It's useless. Any of your little moves will be exposed in front of my eyes!"

Sasuke smiled contemptuously at Aoi and took out a kunai from his ninja tool bag again.

"Sharingan? "

Lv Qingkui's heart tightened, and he immediately raised the Thunder God Sword and easily deflected the kunai shot by Sasuke. Looking at the three magatama in Sasuke's eyes, he realized that this boy was the only Uchiha orphan in Konoha Village.

This made him feel uneasy, because the power of the Uchiha clan was so strong that even Konoha's own people were afraid of it.

However, Sasuke did not leave Lu Qingkui any chance to breathe. He flashed and rushed towards Lu Qingkui like a ghost, with the kunai in his hand flashing cold light.

Lv Qingkui had to respond in a hurry, waving the Thunder God Sword, trying to block Sasuke's attack; Sasuke turned his body in advance to avoid Lu Qingkui's attack, and the direction of the kunai in his hand changed, and he went directly into Lu Qingkui's arms; Lu Qingkui hurriedly took back the Thunder God Sword and barely deflected Sasuke's attack with the hilt of the sword

In the following battle, the two repeated the previous confrontation countless times: every time Lu Qingkui was about to launch an attack, Sasuke could always rely on the Sharingan Insight predicts his movements in advance and dodges quickly; then, Sasuke will launch a counterattack at an astonishing speed, making Aoi unable to defend.

This battle lasted for more than 20 rounds, and Aoi gradually fell into a disadvantage. With his strength as a Chunin, even with the Thunder God Sword in hand, he would seem a little powerless when facing Sasuke's Sharingan.

Moreover, the Thunder God Sword in his hand constantly devoured his chakra, causing his physical consumption to increase; after a long and fierce battle, Aoi had begun to show signs of fatigue.

However, Aoi did not panic, and was still carefully looking for Sasuke's flaws.

Finally, when Sasuke dodged Aoi's upward attack once, Aoi finally waited for the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time-


While Sasuke was observing his movements, Aoi suddenly spit out a purple smoke from his mouth, directly covering Sasuke's head.

"Ah-my eyes! "

Sasuke, who was curled up on the ground with his face covered in pain, smiled triumphantly in his heart:

"Konoha's last Sharingan is destroyed just like that!"

At the same time, Aoi decisively finished off the attack and stabbed the Thunder God's Sword directly into Sasuke's heart on the back; after all, there was another enemy next to him, and he had to quickly kill Sasuke before Sakura could react.



Sasuke's blood sprayed all over the sky like a fountain. Feeling the warmth and moisture on his face, Aoi licked his lips involuntarily. However, the strange feeling on the tip of his tongue gave him an ominous premonition.

"Hmm? Why is this blood tasteless?

No! "

Aoi noticed something unusual, but it was too late.

"Ah! !"

The next moment, Aoi screamed miserably, and the sound resounded throughout the forest.

When he regained consciousness, the scene in front of him terrified him: Sasuke stood back beside Sakura with lightning flashing in his eyes; and when the lightning in Sasuke's eyes disappeared, he was holding his right arm tightly in his right hand, and at the same time, his right hand was still holding the Thunder God Sword tightly.

"It seems that this ninja world has forgotten the reputation of the Uchiha clan.

Even the common sense that 'a lone ninja must run away when encountering three magatama' has been forgotten. "

Sasuke casually threw Aoi's right hand on the ground and shook off the blood on his hand with disgust.

"Is it an illusion? When did it happen?"

Aoi knew that he had lost this time, and at this moment he just wanted to die with a clear conscience.

"When you first noticed Sasuke's Sharingan, you had already been hit. "

Sakura, who was next to Sasuke, answered his question, and then cut off the finger that was tightly holding the Thunder God Sword as if nothing had happened, wiped the blood on it, and put the Thunder God Sword into the ninja tool bag on her waist.

Sasuke also nodded in agreement.

From the beginning, Midori Aoi was singing a one-man show there, fighting back and forth with the air.

And apart from dodging Midori Aoi's slash at the beginning, the only thing Sasuke did was to seize the opportunity to launch Chidori and snatch the Thunder God Sword back.

As for Midori Aoi's right hand?

He held it so tightly, is it my fault to snatch his hand together?

Sasuke really enjoyed this way of fighting that played the enemy in the palm of his hand. This feeling of completely crushing the enemy from IQ to ability made Sasuke, who was already a little bit second-year, unable to stop.

"No wonder both my father and that guy have a special liking for illusions. It turns out that using illusions to subdue the enemy not only saves effort but also makes you feel comfortable. "

Sasuke was secretly happy.

Sasuke felt his father's happiness.

"Mission accomplished!"

After putting away the Thunder God Sword, Sakura stretched with a smile.

After appreciating Sasuke's "specialty" in the literal sense, Sakura also lost interest in Aoi.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Sakura threw several Senbon at Aoi without hesitation.

Aoi just wanted to dodge, but found that her feet were firmly stuck to the ground by a strange fan chakra, and she couldn't get rid of it at all.

As the Senbon pierced into her body, Aoi finally fell down.

"The Senbon in the mechanical umbrella contains a highly toxic substance. It is a great pleasure to let a traitor like you die under your own poison."

Sakura jokingly glanced at Aoi, whose consciousness was about to dissipate, regardless of whether she could hear it or not.

Then she called Sasuke to leave.

"Sakura, aren't you taking this umbrella with you? "

Sasuke asked curiously, looking at the mechanical umbrella that had been torn into pieces by Sakura on the ground.

"No, this kind of ninja tool is actually nothing special. I took it apart just to see how it works.

Besides, the style of that umbrella is too old-fashioned. Even if I really like the mechanical umbrella, I will make a nice one after returning to the village."

"You women all pursue meaningless appearances, which is really stupid. ”

“No way, most female ninjas are like this, they can accept being weak but cannot accept being ugly, I am no exception…”

Just like that, the voices of Sakura and Sasuke talking faded away.

However, after Sasuke and Sakura disappeared completely, the dying Green Aoi suddenly became active.


Green Aoi coughed up a mouthful of blood from his throat, and the blood foam splashed on the clothes on his chest, dyeing the original green ninja uniform into a mottled dark red.

At this time, his face was as pale as paper, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his lips had lost their color.

Green Aoi endured the severe pain in his internal organs and kept groping his body with his only remaining left hand.

“Fortunately, I have antidote on me. "

He murmured to himself, with a hint of relief in his voice.

Finally, Lu Qingkui touched the bottle of antidote hidden in his arms, and he held it tightly, as if he had grabbed the last straw.

He opened the bottle cap with trembling hands, poured out a mulberry-sized pill, and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation.

"Although the poison has been taking effect for a while, as long as there is an antidote..."

Green Aoi couldn't help but sigh at his luck in his heart. He knew that if he didn't have this antidote, he might have died.

At this moment, Green Aoi's mind flashed with the just-confronted Sakura and Sasuke.

He secretly rejoiced:

Fortunately, the Konoha ninjas who came this time were very young and inexperienced, and didn't know the importance of finishing off the enemy; otherwise, with their strength, they could have just hit me with a kunai after I fell to the ground due to poisoning, and I would be completely finished.

At the same time, Green Aoi also sighed at his own caution: As a ninja who was good at using poison, he knew the danger of poison, so he always kept an antidote on him to prevent the poison from accidentally hurting himself. This time this habit saved his life.

Thinking of this, Green Aoi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The Thunder God Sword that he had worked hard for many years to get has now fallen into the hands of the enemy, and he has also lost his right arm, completely cutting off his hope of becoming a powerful ninja.

But fortunately, he saved his life.

"As long as you are alive, there is still a chance."

Lu Qingkui encouraged himself by talking to himself, and at the same time made up his mind to take good care of his injuries. After the injuries were healed, he would look for new strength...

However, just when Lu Qingkui was immersed in his vision of the future, a gentle female voice suddenly came from behind him:

"No, you have no chance!

Mr. Traitor."

Lu Qingkui was shocked, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart. He turned around quickly, only to see that Sakura and Sasuke had returned without knowing when, and stood quietly beside him.

Sakura smiled slightly, and said in an unusually gentle tone:

"I came back specially to tell you something. I added some extra poison to your original book that was already covered with poison!"

Sakura's words were like a sharp sword, piercing Lu Qingkui's heart.

Lu Qingkui knew that behind her seemingly friendly smile was endless indifference and cruelty.

He never expected that this pink-haired girl who looked young was so vicious in her heart.

Sakura continued to explain: "It was the poison that your companions hid in their molars. This was obtained when they tortured him for information about you."

As Sakura calmly finished the last sentence, Green Aoi's body began to tremble violently; he could feel that the toxins in his body burst out instantly and began to erode every inch of his skin and every blood vessel.

Green Aoi's eyes went dark for a while, and he struggled hard to stay awake, but in the end he couldn't resist the erosion of the poison. A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, forming a dark blood mist.

Then, black poisonous blood came out of his eyes, nostrils and ears uncontrollably.

"Since you don't want to die under your own poison, die under the poison specially used for suicide.

Anyway, people like you don't care about reputation at all."

Sakura smiled brightly and took Sasuke to the end of Todoroki Taisha.

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