The two of them had a very happy time.

The day after the graduation exam, Sakura and Hinata had an hour of physical training in the morning as usual.

After the sparring, Sakura and Hinata walked hand in hand towards the Ninja School.

But unlike usual, Sakura had a Polaroid camera hanging around her neck.

It has to be said that after more than a month of adjustment...cultivating feelings, Hinata's personality has become much more cheerful, and walking with Sakura is like a pair of close sisters.

Soon, the two came to the class division classroom.

Because the two did not come early, the classroom was already full of people.

At this time, the crowd was talking about Naruto's appearance here.

When Naruto saw Sakura coming, he ran over immediately.

"Sakura, you're here.

I'm telling you, I'm a ninja now!

I've learned a super powerful ninjutsu, and Sasuke is no longer my opponent."

Naruto pointed at his forehead protector and showed off to Sakura.

Hinata blushed immediately when she saw Naruto coming, and hid behind Sakura timidly, using Sakura's back to cover her face.

"Naruto, you scared Hinata.

Excellent ninjas should be considerate of women.

So please move aside."

Sakura felt that Hinata, who was behind her, had blushed and warned her, so she pushed Naruto aside, grabbed Hinata's hand that was pulling her clothes and walked forward.

Sakura is now more repulsive to Naruto than in the anime;

She used to hate Naruto only because Naruto was uneducated, behaved rudely, and always made trouble for Sasuke.

After the fusion of memories, Sakura understood Naruto's life and experience, and understood Naruto's behavior;

But Sakura could not understand Naruto's mentality:

Knowing that he was used as a scapegoat for the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he was still able to devote himself to Konoha and had no complaints about the Konoha high-level officials.

Just this alone, it can be said that he loves the village deeply.

But Nagato was his enemy who killed his master and almost destroyed Konoha, but Naruto could also forgive him generously.

What's more ridiculous is that Nagato was actually persuaded by Naruto's elementary school-level mouth cannon?

Li Ying was angry at this part at the time and gave up the game in anger.

And now Sakura, like Li Ying, has an instinctive rejection of Naruto.

That is a normal person's resistance to the Virgin from the depths of the soul.

After sending Naruto away, Sakura glanced at Hinata, whose face was as red as a tomato, and couldn't help frowning.

Her best friend is also a worry. She can like anyone else, but she has to like Naruto, a saint.

After spending so much time together, she can't just watch Hinata jump into the fire pit.

She has to think of a way to wake Hinata up.

At this moment, Ino, Choji and Shikamaru walked into the classroom.

Sakura rolled her eyes and pulled Hinata to Ino to say hello.

"Ino, good morning."

"Ah? Ah, good morning to you too, Sakura."

Obviously, Ino was a little overwhelmed by Sakura's attitude.

Because the two are rivals in love, they haven't talked so calmly for a long time.

At this moment, Ino didn't know what Sakura was up to.

"Sakura, you and Hinata have a really good relationship."

Ino looked at Sakura and Hinata's hands and said.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person, and Ino's tone of voice no longer has the gunpowder smell of the past.

"We had a good relationship before."

Sakura smiled, let go of Hinata's hand, held Ino's right hand with both hands, and raised it.

Ino was a little embarrassed by Sakura's sudden intimate behavior, but she did not pull out her right hand.

After all, if there was no Sasuke, Sakura would be her best friend.

"So, do you want to give up Sasuke?"

Ino asked tentatively, after all, if the two wanted to repair their relationship, Sasuke was a hurdle that they could not get around.

Ino's strong personality would never give up her love for others, and she could see that Sakura really liked Sasuke.

As a result, as Ino expected, Sakura shook her head without hesitation.

Ino was about to let Sakura let go of her, but she heard Sakura say:

"It's not giving up, but thinking it through.

Admiration is the feeling farthest from understanding.

I don't understand Sasuke at all. What I have always admired before is just a phantom I made up.

Instead of exhausting

Chasing, I now hope to make myself better.

I want to be the one that others chase. "

Sakura held Ino's hand tightly and gave her a bright smile.

"Ino, let's make peace!"

Sakura's words were like throwing a big stone into the calm water, which brought great shock to the mood of the people around.

Especially Hinata, Sakura's words made her think of herself.

Is admiration the farthest feeling from understanding?

Hinata thought that she and Sakura didn't understand Naruto at all.

Hinata glanced at Sakura's back. She was obviously a child of the same age as herself, but she was so dazzling.

Just like that, Hinata seemed to have made up her mind.

"What are you talking about? When did we have a bad relationship?"

Ino also came back from the shock and gave Sakura a hug.

"I didn't expect you to think so. You are really my good friend.

I have to say, Sakura, you are now fully blossoming!

But I won't give up. Don't think about leaving me alone to grow up."

After hugging for a while, the two separated and smiled at each other.

"Come on, let's take a graduation commemorative photo."

Sakura pulled Ino with her left hand and Hinata with her right hand, closing the distance between the three of them.

Took off the camera hanging around her neck and raised it high:




Soon, a selfie of the three of them spit out from the bottom of the camera.

"I'll make two copies of the photo for you when I get back."

Sakura took Hinata and Ino to find an empty seat in the classroom and sat down, and this seat happened to be next to Sasuke.

Due to Sasuke's cold and difficult personality, only the long table next to him was empty.

"Sakura is really amazing."

"Yes, although she looks like a troublesome woman, she feels much more mature than us. "

Choji and Shikamaru looked at each other and followed the three girls.

At this time, Sasuke was covering his lips with his fingers crossed like Commander Ikari, but he couldn't help but glance at Haruno Sakura who sat next to him.

He had heard almost everything Sakura said just now, and he couldn't help but think highly of Sakura in his heart.

Although Sakura always pestered him before, fortunately she finally came to her senses now.

Sakura's words just now were a bit arrogant, but Sasuke couldn't hate people who wanted to become stronger like him.

And Sakura's words were not just talk. Sasuke had learned from Iruka that Sakura's graduation exam results were better than his own. High.

Even though the higher scores are all written test scores, Sasuke knows Sakura's actual combat level, and Sakura must have made a lot of efforts behind the scenes.

Sasuke has now admitted that Sakura is a strong person with equal status.

However, the carefree Naruto did not hear what Sakura said just now. Seeing Sakura sitting next to Sasuke, he just thought that Sakura wanted to flirt with Sasuke as usual.

For some reason, Naruto suddenly got angry and jumped onto the desk and glared at Sasuke.

Sasuke glared back without giving in.

For some reason, the idiot in front of him always makes him angry.

"It's coming! It's coming!"

Seeing the eyes of Naruto and Sasuke intertwined, as if sparks were struck, Sakura's eyes began to shine.

Although Li Ying started watching Naruto from the Chunin Exam, he has seen many famous scenes from short videos.

"Ah, sorry. "

The common-looking man with Shikamaru hairstyle in the front row was chatting and laughing with the people around him, and his elbow accidentally scraped the squatting Naruto.

Naruto lost his balance and slowly fell forward...

Sasuke didn't notice that Naruto lost his balance, he just saw Naruto's stupid face getting bigger and bigger in his eyes...

"Oh my god! "

The culprit in the front row turned around and found a scene that he would never forget:

Naruto was on top, Sasuke was on the bottom, the two of them were staring with eyes wide open, sweating, and their lips were tightly pressed together...

"Click, click, click..."

Sakura, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately turned on the continuous shooting mode.

Close-up, long-range, close-up...

The so-called taking pictures with Ino and Hinata were just excuses. Sakura brought the camera to record the famous kiss of the century between Naruto and Sasuke.

"Swish, swish..." Sakura's hands almost left afterimages, and she quickly put all the slowly falling photos into the ninja tool bag.

"You want to die, the last one!"

"Oh no, my mouth will rot!"

Naruto and Sasuke, who separated, started to retch at the same time.

However, unlike the thick-skinned Naruto, Sasuke immediately reacted to the sound of his ear just now.

And the person with the camera...

"Hand it over!"

Sasuke glared at Sakura fiercely.

"I don't understand what you are saying, Uchiha-san?"

Sakura whistled and looked at the ceiling.

"Haruno Sakura, don't play dumb, hand over the photos."

Sasuke yelled at Sakura, and then threatened:

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being violent!"

Ino and others behind Sakura were all dumbfounded.

It wasn't that they were scared by Sasuke;

But they were surprised by Sakura's amazing photography skills of taking 8 photos per second and her hand speed when recycling photos.

This is neither scientific nor ninja.

Seeing that she couldn't fool him, Sakura stretched out her index finger towards Sasuke and hooked it in her direction a few times;

With a funny smile on her face, she shouted:

"Come here!"

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