The young man was born in a poor family.

The Hyuga clan leader is not young anymore, so the training of the family heir has been put on the agenda.

The Hyuga clan has begun to promote this young clan leader.

"Father, elders, I don't think Jingyi is lying."

Hyuga Hiashi was silent for a while and said what was in his heart.

"Because he gives me a sense of confidence, and he doesn't take me seriously. I think even if father or elders go there in person, the result will be the same."

Why is Jingyi so confident?

This is worth pondering.

After all, lies will be exposed one day. As long as Jingyi's words are not true and are lies, then what can he do if he becomes a god killer?

As long as the main family seizes the opportunity, they can continue to control him with the caged bird seal.

"Why don't we give it a try?"

An elder made this suggestion.

If we run to Jingyi openly and attack him, it won't work, so we will do it secretly.

"Who can bear the consequences?"

The Hyuga clan leader said in an unfriendly tone: "If you attack a ninja from the same village, once you are discovered, you will be killed on the spot and there will be no reason. Who wants to try it yourself?"

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not dare to do this, but Jingyi is definitely an exception.

Not to mention that he had killed one before, Jingyi returned with glory at this time. If anyone tries to frame him, he will be caught and killed on the spot and there will be no reason to argue.


As soon as this was said, the elder who made the suggestion immediately chose to shut up.

This is a test with your life.

If you succeed, you will not get any good, and you will face Tsunade's revenge. If you fail, needless to say, you will die on the spot.

Having been used to a comfortable life, who in the main family is willing to take risks with their heads tied to their belts?

Not to mention other elders, even the one whose son died was unwilling to take risks.

His son died, but he was still alive. Who wants to die if he can live?

Seeing that the elders were silent, the head of the Hyuga clan was inevitably disappointed:

"Let's talk about this later. Aren't Mihui and Kushina good friends? You can let Mihui contact them on behalf of the family first."

Show enough sincerity.

This sincerity is really hard to get.

Because ordinary things can't move Jingyi.

When Jingyi was in the front-line camp, he was in charge of medical matters. Logically, when he returned to the village, he should first go to the Third Hokage to report his work.

Unfortunately, the current Third Hokage didn't want to see him, and he didn't want to see the Third Hokage's annoying face.

Jingyi directly wrote a report and threw it to Tsunade, asking Tsunade to send it to the Hokage's office and that was it.

After finishing the report, Jingyi also started his vacation.

Jingyi was on vacation, and the F4 group wished that he would stay in the village to rest. Orochimaru wanted to take a vacation, but the Third Hokage was not very happy.

The village was at a critical moment. As a member of the village, you, Orochimaru, are also one of the representatives of the new generation of strong men. How can you take a vacation? Can you sleep well if you take a vacation at your age?

No matter how Orochimaru shirked, the Third Hokage sent people to urge him again and again.

Helpless Orochimaru could only come to the Hokage's office to see the Third Hokage.

"Orochimaru, the village needs you."

The Third Hokage got straight to the point.

The smile on Orochimaru's face gradually disappeared:

"Teacher, I just returned from the battlefield of the Rain Country. I need to rest for a while."

"But the village needs you." The Third Hokage's tone became much heavier.

"The situation on the front line is very tense. The village needs a strong man like you to relieve the pressure on the front line."

Orochimaru's character destined the Third Hokage to not force him all the time, but to appeal to his emotions. After all, Orochimaru is not Jiraiya. If he is pressed too hard, Orochimaru will resist.

Orochimaru looked at the anxious Third Hokage, was silent for a while, and smiled:

"Teacher, as far as I know, the pressure on the front line is not as serious as you say. Secondly, I have a lot of things to do. If you are not satisfied, then let Jiraiya come back first, and I will go to the country of rivers with him."


Orochimaru pushed back neither soft nor hard, and the Third Hokage choked directly.

He was a little dissatisfied with Jiraiya's behavior, but Jiraiya was sometimes stubborn and could not be pulled back.

Besides, he didn't know where Jiraiya was hiding, and he couldn't even notify Jiraiya to come back.

To notify the other party, you must at least find the person first.

If you can't find anyone, why notify them?

Isn't it that you need

Want me?

Then call Jiraiya back, I will go to the battlefield with him. If you can do it, I will agree. If you can't, then forget it. Let's talk about it after my vacation.

Nothing to say?

After waiting for a while, seeing that the Third Hokage didn't speak again, Orochimaru smiled and walked out of the Hokage's office.


Another troublesome child.

After Orochimaru left, the Third Hokage sat up straight and leaned against the back of the chair weakly.

He couldn't figure it out. Why did Jiraiya stay in the Rain Country to take care of a few war orphans?

The village is still at war. You go to do this kind of thing. Isn't this nonsense?

Jiraiya is hiding in the Rain Country, Tsunade is in charge of the village, and now even Orochimaru has to take a vacation and is unwilling to go to the battlefield immediately.

Walking out of the Hokage office building, Orochimaru ran into Tsunade head-on.

Seeing the other party, Tsunade stopped and asked, "The old man is looking for you?"

"Well, let me go to the battlefield as soon as possible, I refused." Orochimaru replied with a smile.

You are great.

Tsunade gave him a thumbs up.

"I won't chat with you anymore. I need to hand over Jingyi's report to the old man. That guy and the old man don't like each other now."

Raising the report file in her hand, Tsunade said goodbye to Orochimaru and walked towards the Hokage office building.

Orochimaru turned his head and looked at Tsunade's back, and didn't look away until Tsunade walked into the Hokage office building.

"Jingyi got the poisonous salamander and the corpse of the demigod, and he should need someone to help make a puppet..."

Orochimaru became more and more concerned about making puppets.

It's not that he wants to work for free, or pay for it, but he wants to find out what is so magical about Jingyi's chakra.

If you directly ask for research, you will definitely be rejected. In this case, I will pay you to work and help you make puppets. You just need to give life to the puppets in front of me.

Never underestimate the persistence of researchers. When they are persistent, they will be afraid of themselves.

In addition to puppets and Shizuka's chakra, Orochimaru is also interested in fairy arts.

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