Seeing Kakashi's suspicious expression, Sakura continued to explain: "This is a new ninjutsu I developed [Flimsy Illusion]. It can use chakra to create a thin film to disguise the appearance, material and breath of an object. It is more difficult to detect than ordinary transformation techniques." Sakura said, and her right hand wiped her face, and Sakura's face turned into Sasuke. "I dug this hole in advance, and used a thin illusion to disguise the surface with a layer of bark."

"Is it because you used a new ninjutsu that I couldn't feel Sasuke's breath in the forest?"

"Yes, after I used the thin illusion to disguise myself as Sasuke, I also covered Sasuke with a layer of chakra film.

Disguised his breath as trees in the forest."

"[Thin illusion]?

Sakura, you have developed another interesting ninjutsu. It seems that this ninjutsu also requires strong chakra control.

How should I put it, both the name and the effect are very Sakura's style."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Kakashi, I was also shocked when I saw [thin illusion] for the first time this morning.

I didn't expect Sakura to be so powerful."

Naruto started to dance again.

"It's a thin illusion, idiot."

Sakura complained.

"Damn it, Haruno Sakura, I'm going to kill you, ugh--"

Sasuke lay on the ground with his hands on his back, spitting acid with a hideous look on his face.

The continuous feeling of weightlessness, constant acceleration and continuous changes in direction made him feel that the whole world was spinning, and the ground was like cotton, and he couldn't stand steadily at all.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi didn't make him vomit, but his teammate Haruno Sakura made him vomit.

Sasuke, who had never lost his composure like this, scolded Sakura.

"There's nothing we can do about it. With Naruto's sense of balance, he might faint halfway through the acceleration;

And with my physique, I can't make the final blow;

This difficult task can only be handed over to you."

Sakura helped Sasuke up a little embarrassedly, after all, he was the only one who suffered in this battle plan.

"I know you're having a hard time. Continuous imbalance will greatly stimulate the senses of the inner ear, and the cerebellum will temporarily malfunction due to the high frequency of receiving information.

This feeling must be very uncomfortable."

Sakura's highly knowledgeable answer always sounded like she was mocking him to Sasuke.

"But, compared to these, the feeling of winning the battle is the best!

Isn't that right, Sasuke?"

Sakura put Sasuke's arm on her shoulder and smiled brightly.

"You guy..."

Although Sasuke still said arrogantly, the hearty smile on his face had betrayed his heart.

"Yes, we won!"

Naruto also came forward and put Sasuke's other arm on his shoulder.

"Well, I know it's a bit of a downer to say this, but there are only two bells, how are you going to distribute them?"

Kakashi, who was out of tune with the three people who were happy after the victory, interrupted with a smile.

In any case, the test of grabbing the bell will continue. The three of them have shown perfect team spirit. The next step is to examine the importance of their companions in their hearts.

Kakashi's words instantly wiped out the smiles on Sasuke and Naruto's faces.

Sakura smiled slightly:

"Teacher Kakashi, I think my current teammates are the best. If I can't form a team with Naruto and Sasuke, I will choose to go back to the Ninja School with them and graduate together next year.

What do you think?"

Then she winked at Sasuke.

Naruto doesn't need to guide himself. He will probably agree to it in a hurry after hearing what I said. Just hint to Sasuke, he will definitely understand.

"Sakura, I turned out to be so good in your eyes.

I have also decided. Isn't it just a year of repeating a grade? I will definitely become a Hokage if I graduate a year later.

Come on!"

Sure enough, Naruto was moved to tears by Sakura, and shouted at Kakashi with full energy.

Sasuke fell into deep thought after receiving Sakura's gaze:

"Sakura is indeed a ninja as good as me, but there is no reason for me to repeat a year for Naruto, who is the last one...

Obviously the best solution is to kick Naruto out and team up with me. Sakura can't fail to see this, so Sakura must have seen something...

Wait, two bells...

I understand!"

Sasuke, who had figured it out, smiled slightly and took his hands off Naruto and Sakura's shoulders. Now that he had recovered almost enough, he could move on his own.

"I've decided too. Anyway, I have to find two people who are holding back. I like Sakura and this last one better."

"Arrogant Sasuke, who do you think is the last one!"

Naruto was irritated by Sasuke's words again.

"Why do you say things in such a contemptuous tone?"

Sakura complained unhappily. It seemed that Sasuke had understood her hint.

"You guys..."

Kakashi approached the three little ones with a blank expression and a serious tone.

Faced with a strong sense of oppression, Sasuke and Naruto couldn't help swallowing their saliva with their Adam's apples moving.



Kakashi changed his face to a smiling expression like a Sichuan opera, and gave the three people a thumbs up; his tone also became cordial.

"In the ninja world, ninjas who don't follow the rules are trash, but those who don't cherish their companions are even worse than trash!"

Then, Kakashi said Obito's famous saying, which is also the truth he realized from his miserable life.

"So handsome!"

Naruto exclaimed.

"Sure enough!"

Kakashi's words made Sasuke's eyes move slightly. Sasuke looked at Sakura's calm face again and knew that all this was expected by Sakura.

"Oh, Sakura and Sasuke are not surprised at all. Did they expect the result?"

Sakura winked at Sasuke just now, and Kakashi saw it.

"You are obviously very satisfied with our teamwork;

But you only prepared two bells for this survival exercise,

This is obviously a trap to create conflicts among us, and the final distribution of bells should also be to test whether we will abandon our companions."

Since he has passed the test, Sasuke spoke his speculation without burden.

"Although it was because of Sakura's hint, you can see it so thoroughly. You are worthy of being a genius ninja of the Uchiha family."

Sasuke's analysis of the test was completely correct, and Kakashi praised him.

Although Sakura and Sasuke obviously answered the questions according to the standard answers, this survival exercise was just a formality. Kakashi had no right to send Naruto and Sasuke back to the ninja school, and Sakura was the student he specifically asked for.

Kakashi just wanted to let them understand the importance of cherishing their companions through this exercise.

"It's not just that."

At this moment, Sakura spoke.

Kakashi looked at Sakura curiously. Sasuke had just analyzed the test very thoroughly. Could there be information in this survival exercise that even he, the question setter, didn't know?

"Teacher Kakashi has been late for two consecutive days. He is obviously a person who doesn't care much about the rules, or he is a person who often challenges the rules.

The bell-grabbing test designed by Teacher Kakashi is also to let us not care about the superficial rules and focus on teamwork.

In the end, we were asked to give up the test for our companions. All of this is to make us question the rules.

If this test was designed by Teacher Kakashi, then what Teacher Kakashi wants to teach us is not only to cherish our companions;

He also wants to teach us the courage to question the rules.

Combined with the fact that the first time Kakashi and I met was at the memorial over there, Kakashi's companions may have faced a situation where they had to choose between companions and tasks..."

Sakura said, glanced at Kakashi, whose face was getting uglier, and quickly made up for it.

"Sorry, I've gone off topic.

What I just said was just my speculation. Maybe Kakashi-sensei just wanted us to understand the importance of companions."

"Ah? So Sakura, you and Sasuke already knew the real way to pass the survival exercise!

That's too much. Are you lying to me if we go back together and repeat the grade?

I was so touched just now!"

"Of course, who would give up becoming a ninja for a laggard like you?"

"Okay, the assessment is almost over.

To celebrate the establishment of Team 7, let's go eat something together. The teacher will treat us."

Kakashi forced a smile and diverted the topic from the survival exercise.


I've been hungry for so long, I feel like I can eat a cow!"

Naruto took the lead and wanted to drag his two teammates back to the village quickly, but they avoided him coldly.

"How about going to Ichiraku Ramen."

"Idiot, why are you going to eat that cheap food to celebrate?"

"Ichiraku Ramen is obviously just so-so, Naruto, why do you seem to be addicted to it?"


Naruto and Sasuke bickered as they walked, and Sakura occasionally complained.

Kakashi looked at Sakura's figure, and his expression under the mask was very complicated.

He didn't think so much when he designed the survival exercise, but Sakura analyzed his idea of ​​breaking the rules and being authoritative.

Although these were not Kakashi's original intention, this exercise did reveal that Kakashi subconsciously felt that ninjas should break the rules for their companions.

This is the truth that Obito taught Kakashi with his life. Although he usually disguised it well, this idea has long been integrated into Kakashi's blood.

Sakura was able to dig it out through such a simple exercise, and even Obito's affairs could be roughly guessed.

To be honest, Kakashi now feels a little regretful for letting Sakura become his student.

He deeply felt that no matter how carefully he disguised himself, under the wisdom of Haruno Sakura's insight into everything, it seemed that all secrets could not be hidden.

She was like a mirror as clear as water, reflecting Kakashi's deepest thoughts and emotions.

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