The first time, the last time, the last time.

"Xiaoying, get up!"

The strange voice rang in Li Ying's ears, startling him and waking him up from his sweet dream.

Li Ying was a top student in Blue Star and a member of the Mensa Club. He is now studying for a doctorate.

Looking at the girlish room decoration around him, Li Ying took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and began to think hard:

He remembered that he had finally finished his thesis and was going to go out for a walk, but he fell down as soon as he went out; then, he felt dizzy...

It seems that he fell down the stairs and traveled to another world. Although Li Ying is a super rational person, he has to accept the reality in the face of such a situation.

So, he began to check his physical condition and touched his body. Suddenly, a girl's angry voice rang in his mind.

"Who are you? Why are you occupying my body? Jitai! Stop it, don't touch me!"

Li Ying immediately stopped her hands.

Suddenly, a sharp pain swept through her body, as if her body was torn into small pieces and then put together with something else.

"Ah——" Li Ying cried out in pain.

"Ah, it hurts so much!!!" The voice in her mind also cried out.

Haruno Meibuki heard her daughter's screams and hurriedly ran upstairs and rushed into Xiaoying's room to check.

She saw her daughter curled up in a ball, whimpering in pain on the bed, sweating all over her body.

"Xiaoying, what's wrong with you? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

But at this moment, Li Ying and Haruno Sakura were in so much pain that they couldn't speak.

"It seems that the pain just now was caused by the fusion of souls." Haruno Sakura thought secretly in her heart.

The pain lasted for three minutes, and Li Ying's soul and Xiaoying's soul had completely merged together, indistinguishable from each other. From this moment on, Li Ying and the original Sakura no longer exist, and only the new Sakura Haruno exists in the world.

"It's okay, Mom."

Sakura's face was pale and she showed a forced smile.

"What's wrong, Sakura, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Haruno Meibuki was not relieved by her daughter's weak state.

"It's just the cell pain caused by excessive chakra training. I'm not used to it for the first time."

Sakura made up a random excuse to excuse Haruno Meibuki, who was not a ninja.

"Is that so? Then do you want to take a day off today? I'll ask for leave for you?"

"Okay, let's take a day off today."

The new Sakura Haruno nodded in agreement. She still needed time to adapt.

Soon, Sakura got up, washed up, and started to eat breakfast. While eating, she thought about her current situation:

"From Li Ying's memory, the world I have been living in is actually the world of a certain anime! Wow, and I seem to be the heroine of this world! Great, my sister!

But... why do I feel that I don't have many roles in the anime, and I am not particularly powerful?

On the contrary, Uchiha Sasuke is more like the real heroine! How can this be!

Humph, I must become stronger than the original work, and let "Shippuden" be renamed "Sakura's Biography"! "

Sakura secretly made up her mind in her heart, and went back to her room after breakfast, and began to list her advantages compared with the anime in her notebook:

The above is the rewritten content, and the style is more relaxed and lively. I hope you are satisfied! If you have other needs, please feel free to tell me.

My biggest advantage is that I know the plot of this world, and I can foresee most of the major events.

However, Li Ying only watched the plot from the Chunin Exam to Naruto defeating Pain, and gave up because she was disgusted by Naruto's mouth cannon.

Therefore, Sakura can't always rely on memory.

The second advantage is Li Ying's high IQ and huge knowledge reserve. Now Sakura has a vision far beyond the ninja world.

The third point is that Sakura has chakra control that Kakashi admires. With the wisdom and imagination gained from fusion, she can develop a fighting method that exceeds the animation.

After clarifying her own advantages, Sakura tore off the two pages of notes, tore them into pieces and threw them into the trash can.

Fortunately, this is the last semester of the ninja school, and there are more than three months before the graduation exam. Before the plot begins, I still have time to become stronger.

Soon, Sakura went out to the ninja school, but did not go to the classroom to attend class, but waited for Iruka in the office.

"Sakura, didn't you take a leave today?"

Iruka, who had just returned to the office, saw the pink-haired girl sitting in a chair reading a book and asked.

"Teacher Iruka, I have something to discuss with you."

Sakura looked serious.

"What's the matter?"

Iruka couldn't help but get curious.

"Teacher Iruka, I'm going to take a three-month leave. I want to practice on my own for a while before the graduation exam."

Although Sakura's written test scores have always been the first, her practical test is only average.

Iruka couldn't help but frowned when he heard Sakura's request:

"Sakura, can you tell me the reason? Why do you want to practice on your own? Did you find another famous teacher to guide you?"

"No, Teacher Iruka. I just think my theoretical knowledge is pretty good, and I want to rush to train my practical level before the graduation exam.

Although I can get guidance from teachers in school, after all, teachers have limited energy and can't always take care of me. And the school has a course schedule, which can't let me focus on practical practice."

Iruka's question is a subtle confirmation of whether Sakura is dissatisfied with her level; Sakura, who has already merged souls, naturally answered flawlessly.

"Why are you so anxious to improve your strength? After becoming a ninja, there will be a guiding ninja in each class. Under his guidance, you will improve faster."

"Because I suddenly figured it out. If a civilian ninja like me doesn't work hard, I will never catch up with those family ninjas in my lifetime.

My current strength has fallen behind. Without the support of the family, my strength will only fall further and further behind my familiar classmates.

So I can only work hard to show my value and strive for the resources of the village."

Sakura thought about it and decided to persuade Iruka from the perspective of "ordinary ninjas must work hard."

After all, Iruka is also a civilian ninja. Sakura's reason can easily make him think of the gap between himself and those family ninjas and empathize with Sakura.

Generally speaking, when a person empathizes with others, he will more or less combine his own imagination with the other person's psychology.

"So that's what you think, Sakura."

Sakura's strategy worked. Iruka looked at her with a little more gentleness, and even his eyes were a little moist.

It was as if what he saw was not Sakura, but the hard-working self of the past.

"Then what is your answer, Mr. Iruka?

"I understand. I approve your application. But you have to remember that the graduation exam is very important. If you fail this time, you can only continue to study in the Ninja School."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you, Mr. Iruka!"

Sakura smiled brightly at Iruka.

"Then goodbye, Mr. Iruka."

Waving at Iruka, Sakura turned and ran away.

"Hey, don't run in the corridor!"

Iruka also followed him out and scolded Sakura from behind.

But soon, Sakura's back disappeared. Iruka shook his head and smiled bitterly, sighing from the bottom of his heart:

"What an innocent and lovely child."

He had no idea that this good girl in his impression was all calculating towards him, without any real feelings.

"You are so nagging and wasting my time. How can he be so talkative? I suspect Naruto learned this from Iruka. "

Sakura muttered to herself as she ran towards the training ground.

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