The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Teacher Kakashi, what's going on?

Why did the enemy suddenly appear? And why did Sakura torture the enemy?"

Sakura was still interrogating the ghost brothers, and the curious baby Naruto kept asking Kakashi questions.

"Ah, you're talking about this.

Sakura had already discovered the enemy's ambush. It hadn't rained heavily recently, so the puddles on the road were too obvious.

As for the torture..."

Kakashi cast a meaningful look at Dazna, only to see Dazna's eyes evading and looking uneasy.

"The torture is to confirm who the two men are targeting."

"Does it matter who the target is? It doesn't matter how many of these scum come."

"It makes a big difference, Sasuke."

The one who answered was Sakura, who had just finished the torture.

Sakura was walking towards the crowd, wiping her sweat with a white towel.

"The mission we accepted this time is a C-level mission, and C-level missions do not involve fighting between ninjas.

In other words, Uncle Dazna concealed the mission information."

"I... I don't understand what you are saying at all."

Dazna was a little at a loss for words and could only pretend to be confused.

"Oh? Then I'll tell you something that Uncle Dazna can understand.

These two people are the Oni brothers, exiled ninjas employed by the big businessman Cardo.

This is not the first time that the Oni brothers have chased you. They ambushed you once when you went from the Land of Waves to Konoha.

Last time, it was the sound of Cardo's men walking that allowed you to take a detour and escape.

But this was not mentioned in your commission description, deliberately causing Konoha to misjudge the level of the mission.

Did you understand what I said, Uncle Dazna?"


Dazna didn't expect that Sakura could actually torture so much information, and was speechless for a while.

"Teacher Kakashi, if we encounter such a client, it doesn't matter if we give up the mission, right?"

"Of course," Kakashi nodded, "If the client conceals the true situation of the character, we have the right to give up the mission."

"Naruto, Sasuke, Teacher Kakashi, let's go back to the village!"

Seeing that several people were about to leave, Dazna was a little anxious.

If Team 7 goes back, it would be impossible for him to return to Wave Country safely by himself.

Hearing this, Dazna had to start playing the victim. After all, these people looked young, and maybe they stayed because they felt sorry for him.

"Go, I will definitely die if you leave, and Kado will kill my daughter-in-law and grandson.

Don't worry, I will explain to them in the Pure Land. Everything is my fault, and Konoha Ninja has no obligation to save them."

After hearing his words, Naruto and Sasuke were somewhat moved, but Sakura frowned.

Good guy, this old man is starting to play moral kidnapping, right?

"It's okay, Mr. Dazna, you can tell me the name and address of your grandson and daughter-in-law, and I will tell you when I have time..."

Sakura narrowed her eyes and showed a warm smile to Dazna, but her words were interrupted by Dazna.

"It's useless. You can help them for a while, but you can't help them forever..."

Seeing that playing the victim worked, he performed even harder, but Sakura's next words made him feel like he was falling into an ice cave.

"You misunderstood. I meant that I would personally send them down to accompany you."

Sakura still had a smile on her face and looked very happy.

But the words she said seemed to be cold.


"The premise of moral kidnapping is that the other party must be moral.

As a ninja, there is no psychological burden for killing people directly. You don't think we will feel guilty for indirectly causing the death of your family, right?"

Sakura still had a smile on her face and her tone was still gentle.

But his words pierced Dazna's heart like a knife.

Is mercury flowing in this little girl's veins? How can she be so cold-blooded?

Seeing that he couldn't fool Sakura, Dazna turned to Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi and told them about Kado's crimes, the tragic situation in the Land of Waves, and his own tragic experience.


"This guy called Kado is so abominable!"

Naruto was filled with righteous indignation and shouted at everyone.

"If you want to go back, go back.

I have decided that the mission will continue. Even if I am the only one left, I will send Uncle Dazna home by myself!"

As he said that, he took out a kunai and stood firmly in front of Dazna.

Sasuke didn't

Speak, but he stood silently behind Naruto, showing his position with his actions.

Although Kakashi knew that what Sakura said was right, he wanted to stand with Naruto this time.

Dazna was relieved. Although the little girl was a little difficult to deal with, fortunately, there were still many good people in Konoha ninja.

"Are you serious?"

Seeing everyone like this, the smile on Sakura's face finally disappeared, and she looked at her three companions calmly.

Is this the power of mouth-to-mouth? A few words can change a person's position, which is so terrifying. It seems that Nagato can persist for so long under the mouth-to-mouth Naruto, it seems that he had wronged him before, and his will is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Naruto, do you know how much this old man did?"

Sakura asked coldly to Naruto, but her index finger pointed at Dazna.

"His situation is pitiful, and I sympathize with him, but hiding the mission information is risking the lives of our Konoha ninjas!

Sasuke, how many people in our class do you think can deal with the ghost brothers unscathed like us?

I'm not showing off. It's not long since our class of Genin graduated. This kind of escort mission with no danger is likely to be assigned to novices like us to gain experience.

When the newly graduated Genin encounters the enemy with the mentality of an outing, what do you think is the chance of their survival?

I can tell you that except for Team 8 and Team 10, everyone else will die!"

Sakura looked calm, but she was very angry in her heart. This was the first time she was really angry after the fusion of souls.

Sasuke lowered his head and acquiesced to Sakura's statement.

"But, it's not only Genin who are on the mission..."

Faced with the aggressive Sakura, Naruto rarely talked back to Sakura.

"Haha, Naruto, do you think that the escaped ninjas hired by Cardo are all scum like the Oni brothers?

Since you decided to complete the mission alone, I will tell you that the Oni brothers are just subordinates of Zabuza Momochi, a former member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

You may not know what the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are. You only need to know that Zabuza was an elite jonin like Kakashi before he defected to the Hidden Mist Village.

For the sake of being a member of Team 7, I will not only not stop you from carrying out the mission, but I will also build a cenotaph for you after returning to Konoha."

Hearing that the enemy was as powerful as Kakashi, Naruto fell silent.

"But I really have no other choice. The villagers can't raise the money at all. If there is no bridge, I don't know how many people will die!

Please! Save the Land of Waves!"

Seeing that Naruto and Sasuke were persuaded by Sakura again, Dazna had to abandon his dignity and knelt down in front of them with a "thump".

Sasuke and Kakashi looked conflicted. Naruto was about to say something to Dazna, but Sakura, who didn't want him to talk again, spoke first:

"Mr. Dazna, I sympathize with your experience, and I can understand the situation in the Land of Waves."

Speaking of this, Sakura changed the subject.

"But trust is mutual.

Since you have no money, why didn't you tell Konoha in advance? Even if you pay in installments or take out a loan to issue an A-level mission, you will be better protected.

Let's take a step back and say that if you don't want to borrow money, why don't you do odd jobs to earn as much money as possible while staying in Konoha, thinking of making up for the mission reward in the future; instead of drinking all day?

Even if you picked up two cans on the side of the road, I can think that you have tried hard!

In my opinion, you wanted to issue an A-level mission with the reward of a C-level mission from the beginning, right?

You took advantage of Konoha's trust in the client, right?"

Lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharpest knife.

After Sakura exposed his secret, Dazna, who was still kneeling on the ground, could only hurriedly defend himself.

"I didn't... I just..."

Dazna stammered.

But Sakura, who had been speaking wittily, stopped at this moment, as if she was expecting Dazna's next words.

"Just what?"


Unable to refute, Dazna fell silent.

"Naruto, now you know how bad Mr. Dazna is.

He wants the ninjas of Konoha to protect him, but he doesn't want to pay enough.

For this reason, he even concealed the mission information and put his companions in danger.

In his eyes, compared with his own and his family's lives, the lives of the ninjas of Konoha are not worth mentioning at all!"

Sakura turned her eyes to Naruto again.

Dazna's behavior was tacitly acknowledged. If Naruto still insisted on his own way, Sakura would probably apply for withdrawal after returning from this mission.

Team 7.

After all, Team 7 was established specifically for Naruto. Whether it was the current Sharingan or the future Wood Release, they were all for suppressing the Nine-Tails.

When Naruto and I had conflicting ideas, I had to give in in the end.

Sakura could accept accompanying the prince to study, but if the prince was really stubborn, she felt that parting ways amicably might not be a bad thing.

"Sakura, I'm sorry."

After a long silence, Naruto apologized to Sakura.

"I didn't expect Uncle Dazna to be such a person."

After Sakura's analysis, Naruto also understood that Dazna didn't care about the lives of Konoha ninjas at all, and he was stupid enough to want to gamble his life for him.

"It's just that, Sakura, this is my first time to go out of the village for a mission, and I got it from Grandpa Hokage by cheating...

I really don't want to give up. I don't want our first collective mission of Team 7 to end in failure."

Although Naruto still didn't want to give up the mission, the reason was for himself and not because he was fooled by Dazna.

Sakura nodded in satisfaction.

To use a popular saying on Blue Star:

This is your attitude.

Sakura touched Naruto's furry hedgehog head for the first time;

She gave him a confident smile that said "leave it to me".

"Mr. Dazna, you don't want us to give up the mission.

Your daughter-in-law and grandson have been living in fear."

Sakura walked in front of Dazna and said with a smile.

Dazna, who was as dead as death and had a dull face, heard Sakura's words, and his eyes were as bright as if he had heard the sound of nature.

"You didn't mean..."

"Yes, we, Team 7, gave up the C-level mission issued by Mr. Dazna."

Dazna's eyes dimmed again.

"But here is an A-level mission commission I drafted for you. You can now nominate our Team 7 to carry out this A-level mission!"


Dazna's face was dull, and he didn't want to believe his ears.

He stood up hurriedly and took the letter of appointment from Sakura and examined it.

However, Dazna's face became ugly again.

"You actually want 40% of all tolls within ten years after the completion of the bridge!"

You know, not counting the initial investment, the manpower and material costs for the repair and maintenance of the bridge on weekdays will account for 40% of the income after the completion of the bridge.

If another 40% toll is given to Team 7, the money that will fall into the hands of himself and the villagers will only be a mere 20%.

"You have no choice, Mr. Dazna, your credit in Konoha is bankrupt now.

I can guarantee that if you don't agree, no other ninja will accept your mission.

And if you refuse, I will leak the information that Momochi Zabuza is chasing you, so that no small ninja village dares to accept your mission.

Of course you can choose to go to other big ninja villages to issue tasks...

But you can wait, but I don't know if the people of Wave Country can wait."

Sakura analyzed the situation to Dazna in a clear and orderly manner.

With every word, Dazna's face turned pale.

Knowing that his escape route was completely blocked, Dazna could only sigh, sign and seal.

After pressing his fingerprints, Dazna seemed to have been drained of all his strength and collapsed on the ground.

If he had known earlier, he should have taken out a loan or paid in installments.

After all, the cheap A-level mission only required 200,000 taels, and if calculated at 10 taels per person, the income from the bridge he built in ten years would be nearly 8 million taels, which means that Dazna's fraud this time caused the Kingdom of Waves to lose more than 3 million taels.

As for defaulting on the debt? After seeing Sakura's methods, Dazna would not dare to do so even if she had eight guts.

"Are you a devil?"

Thinking that Sakura had forced him to such a point, Dazna raised his inner doubts.

"Ah, why do you ask that?

That's too much, people who know me think I'm an angel!"

Faced with Dazna's ridicule, Sakura angrily refuted and launched a counterattack:

"In fact, Mr. Dazna, you were not without a way out just now.

As long as you give up your dignity like today and kneel in front of Konoha Village, maybe there will be a naive ninja like Naruto who will be fooled by you.

Besides, I heard that a certain physical ninja who is not inferior to Kakashi teacher happens to be such a person.

But it's useless for you to know now, after all, the letter of appointment has been signed."




Dazna: @¥(…~!%¥

"Oh no, Uncle Dazna fainted.

It's over!

Sakura, Sasuke is here to save people!

Teacher Kakashi, come and help too! "

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