The enemy is not simple, it took so long, Kakashi-sensei." Sakura asked Kakashi to confirm. "Indeed, he is very strong and has a bloodline limit. He is a difficult guy." "Bloodline limit?" Sasuke, who is also a bloodline ninja, had his eyes lit up and began to think about how to find an opportunity to fight this masked man. "Well, it's the ice escape ninjutsu of the Snow Clan." Kakashi glanced at Sasuke, as if he had noticed what he was thinking, and added, "In terms of strength, it is far above the Chunin, reaching the level of Jonin." Sasuke looked at Kakashi in disbelief, and then turned to look at Sakura. Sakura nodded at Sasuke, confirming Kakashi's statement.

Seeing that Sasuke had given up the idea of ​​challenging Bai, Kakashi threw Bai to the ground.

This woke up Bai, who had already fainted from exhaustion.

"Mr. Zabuza!"

The awakened Bai ignored his bound hands and feet and tried his best to crawl towards Zabuza.

The intense exercise will also make the Mist Mask on Bai's face slip off, and the face that has been hidden will finally be revealed to everyone - it is a fair and beautiful face, as delicate as a jade carving; the beautiful face is haggard and tired after the battle, which makes people feel pity; coupled with the scars on the body, the whole person looks pitiful.

"There is such a beautiful lady!"

Sakura was deeply attracted by Bai's stunning beauty, and couldn't help but sigh, and even her eyes began to shine.

"Teacher Kakashi, you're really too much. You hit her so hard!

You didn't tie her up properly, and you threw her to the ground so roughly!

Don't prisoners have human rights?"

Sakura stopped Bai from moving around and reprimanded Kakashi.

She also took the opportunity to pinch Bai's smooth and tender cheek.

"My God, how come her skin is so good! How does she take care of it?"

Sakura was surprised in her heart.

Kakashi's mouth twitched, and he looked at Haruno Sakura with a face full of complaints.

It was you who asked me to deal with her just now!

Why do you change your face so suddenly?

However, Bai didn't care about the eye contact between the master and the apprentice at this moment. He only cared about Mr. Zabuza and wanted to rush to his side.

So, Bai started to struggle violently again.

"Bai, calm down!"

Fearing that Bai would continue to move forcefully and hurt himself, Zabuza quickly stopped him from moving around.

"Also, Haruno Sakura, Haku is a man."

For some reason, Zabuza felt uncomfortable with the way Haruno Sakura looked at Haku, and Zabuza added this sentence.

"You're lying!"

Sakura wanted to deny Zabuza's statement from the bottom of her heart, but she knew in her heart that Zabuza had no need to lie.

"Yes, I'm a man."

Haku, who stopped moving, confirmed Zabuza's words as the person involved.


Everyone present, including Dazna, was shocked by the sudden fact.

Naruto was struck by lightning.

"Impossible, she's obviously cuter than Sakura!"

Naruto pointed at Haku and shouted in disbelief.

For some reason, after seeing Haku's true face, Naruto's heart suddenly surged with a palpitation.

Just now, Naruto was even comparing the advantages and disadvantages of his childhood sweetheart (Sakura) and the one who fell from the sky (Haku) in his heart.

At this time, Naruto, who was shocked, did not notice Sakura's murderous eyes behind him at all.

"Naruto, don't talk nonsense."

Kakashi quickly reminded Naruto, otherwise with Sakura's wisdom, Naruto would be killed at any time.

You are still young, but you must understand the preciousness of life!

"Ah, Sakura, I'm sorry.

That guy is a man, not as cute as you."

Naruto reacted quickly and apologized to Sakura.

"Humph!" Sakura curled her lips and accepted his apology.

After all, Naruto was telling the truth. Although Bai was a cute blue boy, not to mention his appearance, he could not compare with him in terms of his extraordinary temperament.

Kakashi was also slightly surprised when he learned about Bai's gender, but soon noticed the change in Zabuza's address to Sakura.

This doesn't look like a proud ghost!

"Sasuke, did anything interesting happen while I was away?"

Kakashi asked Sasuke with a smile.

After all, compared to the erratic Naruto, Sasuke can describe it better.


Sakura and Zabuza basically repeated the conversation just now.

Even the knowledgeable Kakashi was shocked by Haruno Sakura's meticulous mind.

Kakashi originally thought that Sakura's battle plan when snatching the bell was the upper limit of her ability; it turned out that it was just the limit of his cognition of the battle of wits.

Even the Nara clan, who are famous for their resourcefulness, may not be able to match this kind of monster.

"Kakashi, you have taught a good student."

Zabuza listened to himself being whipped again in Sasuke's mouth and praised helplessly.

"Sakura, you did a good job. This time you can say that you defeated a jonin completely by your own strength.

In terms of wisdom, even the teacher can't compare with you."

Kakashi smiled and touched Sakura's head. Kakashi would not be stingy with praise for students who performed well.

Sakura's eyes also smiled happily into two crescents, and she stuck out her tongue shyly.

Naruto also got anxious at this time. "Teacher Kakashi, what about me? I think I acted very bravely."

"Well... not bad."

"Humph, I thought you would be so scared that you couldn't move like last time, you're the last one."

Sasuke couldn't help but pour cold water on Naruto.

Seeing that the two were about to start arguing as usual, Kakashi hurried to stop them.

"So, Sakura, I heard from Sasuke that you want Zabuza to help us. What is the specific situation?"

Kakashi, who had just stopped the quarrel, asked.

Sakura mouthed to Kakashi "cooperate with me" and turned to ask Zabuza.

"So what are you two going to do?"

"We decided to give up the target. I will do whatever you want, but please let Mr. Zabuza go."

Before Zabuza could answer, Bai spoke first, his eyes full of determination and pleading.

"Shiro, don't make decisions for me without authorization, and they don't seem to want to take my life."

Zabuza said coldly.

"Okay, okay, as a captive, don't play a sad drama.

It makes us look like the bad guys. You are the assassins and we are the protectors!

I am sure that I want you two to give up the mission. What are your plans after this? You can't be a fugitive ninja for the rest of your life."

Sakura interrupted the two and asked.

"Do we have any choice?"

"Of course there is a choice, and there are two ways."

Sakura stretched out two fingers.

"Two ways?"

Zabuza was curious.

"The first way, you can go back to Kirigakure."



Zabuza and Shiro shouted in unison.

Especially Shiro, his whole body began to tremble involuntarily.

All of this stems from the indelible trauma caused by the bloodline ninja elimination policy of the Kirigakure Village to Bai's childhood.

Because he has a special bloodline limit ability, he became one of the targets of the Kirigakure Village elimination policy. The village where he lived was also slaughtered by the Kirigakure ninja. If it weren't for Mr. Zabuza saving him, he would definitely die on the road of fleeing and avoiding pursuit.

"Don't get excited, listen to me first. You may not know that the Kirigakure pursuit team, which was once very active, has basically no activity records in the past two years. I can instantly see through Bai's disguise partly because of this."

Sakura glanced at Kakashi.

"Yes, according to the records of Konoha Anbu, the Kirigakure pursuit team has indeed disappeared recently, with only a few sporadic records of dispatch, and no success."

"What can this prove?"

Zabuza asked.

"According to the existing information, the time when the Kirigakure pursuit team began to lie dormant was after the fifth generation Mizukage took office."

Sakura then expressed her speculation.

"That is to say, the Fifth Hokage of Kirigakure must be dissatisfied with the policies of the Fourth Hokage, which is why he allowed the rebellious ninjas of the Fourth Hokage to come to power. It is even very likely that the Fifth Hokage himself came to power through a coup..."

At this point, everyone was shocked by Sakura's reasoning ability again.

Especially Zabuza, who knew that the small group headed by Mei Terumi seemed to be planning something before he defected.

"And even if you defected, you didn't cut a line on your forehead like other rebellious ninjas, so you should still have feelings for your village.

In addition, you defected because you failed to assassinate the Fourth Hokage. In a sense, you and the Fifth Hokage have the same goal.

So it is highly likely that your lives will not be in danger when you return to Kirigakure, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless, in addition to assassinating the Fourth Hokage, you also have a bad relationship with the top leaders of Kirigakure. After all, judging from your personality, you should have offended many people."

"Then what?"

Is there a second way? "

Zabuza's answer was a tacit agreement with Sakura's speculation. He didn't have a good relationship with the top management. Even if he didn't get executed if he returned to Kirigakure, his life would probably not be easy.

What's more, although he still had feelings for Kirigakure, it was too cruel to let Shiro, who had witnessed Kirigakure's bloody atrocities in his childhood, return to Kirigakure.

"The second way is to get rid of Cardo and become a hero of Wave Country. Let Wave Country become your place to stay. Uncle Dazna should also need someone to protect the bridge that was built with great difficulty."

Sakura's eyes became serious.

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