The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

The Land of Waves, the Demon Bridge

Because Zabuza solved Cardo, the people of the Land of Waves named the bridge "The Demon Bridge" to thank him.

It has been almost a month since Sakura and the others arrived, and the construction of the bridge is nearing completion.

Because Cardo is dead, many workers who were originally afraid of Cardo's revenge have also participated in the construction of the bridge.

The construction period is much shorter than the original.

The members of Team 7 are performing their tasks to ensure the safety of the workers while practicing nearby.

"Thunder Release·Thunder Burn!"

Sasuke pressed his right hand on a tree, and as the blue electric light "crackled", the bark gradually became charred, and a burnt smell came.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Naruto spewed out a wind bullet, stirring up huge waves on the water in front of him, and the splashing fishy and salty sea water was blown into the air and fell like raindrops.

"It seems that you two have mastered the new ninjutsu almost."

Kakashi, who was fighting with Sakura, glanced at Naruto and Sasuke and praised them.

Sakura held an unfolded paper folding fan in each hand; her figure sometimes sprinted rapidly, and sometimes stopped and rotated suddenly, and the two folding fans flew up and down, as if dancing.

"There is a flaw!"

Taking advantage of Kakashi's distraction, he suddenly fanned him.



A burst of smoke drifted past, and only the substitute wood that was split in two was left in front of Sakura.

"Sakura, you have made great progress too."

Kakashi appeared behind Sakura at some point and touched Sakura's pink hair.

During this period of time after mastering tree climbing, not only did Naruto and Sasuke learn ninjutsu, but Sakura also developed her own style of physical skills by combining the Hatake family's body movements.

"No, I'm still far away."

Sakura folded the two folding fans in her hands, panting.

Soon, the three of them finished their morning training and started to eat lunch with the workers.

Of course, they ate the food they brought with them.


"Haruno Sakura, I want to fight with you!"

After lunch, Sasuke suddenly found Sakura.

Sasuke's momentum rose sharply, and he opened a magatama Sharingan.

Since Sakura captured Zabuza alive, Sasuke knew that he was not the strongest in Team 7. Whether in terms of wisdom or strength, he was probably not Sakura's opponent.

The tree climbing training made Sasuke feel his own progress. Coupled with the lightning ninjutsu he learned from Kakashi, Sasuke felt that the gap between him and Sakura should not be big now.

"Sasuke, you arrogant fellow, don't bully Sakura!

If you want to fight, I'll be there anytime!"

Naruto, who was standing by, was immediately anxious, and shouted at Sasuke angrily, pointing his thumb at himself.

Sakura looked up at the sky helplessly, and it was indeed clear.

Does Sasuke think he's good again?

"It's okay, Naruto, I'll just try to fight with the eye technique ninja."

Sakura reached out and pushed Naruto aside.

"Magic Naraku Vision Technique!"

Sakura suddenly formed a seal and used the illusion Kakashi taught her.

Sasuke, who was hit by the illusion, fainted and fell to the ground with a "thump".


Originally, Sakura wanted to use the illusion to make Sasuke stunned for a moment, and took the opportunity to arrange something in Sasuke's blind spot.

However, what she didn't expect was that the effect of the illusion was unexpectedly good!

"Amazing! Sakura is so amazing! She can kill that arrogant Sasuke instantly."

Naruto didn't expect Sakura to kill Sasuke so easily.

Then think about himself who was beaten by Sasuke all day long...

"Don't be in a daze!

Naruto, go and call Kakashi teacher over."

Sakura's face was not very good, and Naruto immediately followed Sakura's instructions to find Kakashi.

The unexpected situation made Sakura frown, bit her nails and thought quickly.

Soon, Sakura, who had figured out a clue, solved the Naraku-ken Jutsu that Sasuke was hit with.

"Damn it, I was careless this time, come again!"

Sasuke looked a little pale when he woke up, and he stood up and wanted to challenge again.

"Be quiet!"

Sakura scolded expressionlessly.

Sasuke was also startled by Sakura's abnormal attitude, which was rare at this time.

Soon, Naruto grabbed Kakashi's arm and dragged him to the two of them.

"Teacher Kakashi, Sasuke's condition must be wrong!

He has clearly opened the Sharingan

, his mental power should be stronger than that of ordinary people, but I defeated him so easily with a D-level illusion. "

Sakura saw Kakashi coming and immediately began to report Sasuke's abnormality to Kakashi.

"Asshole, I was just careless just now..."

Sasuke felt that Sakura was laughing at him, but Kakashi suddenly patted Sasuke's shoulder.

Kakashi, who also has the Sharingan, naturally understood that Sasuke's current state must be abnormal.

Since he changed to Obito's Sharingan, he has never been hit by ordinary illusions.

Even if Sasuke's Sharingan only has one magatama, it is absolutely impossible to be defeated by a D-level illusion.

For example, no matter how thin your armor is, it can't be pierced through by a toothpick.

"Could it be that Sasuke's mental power has been damaged? "

Kakashi asked Sakura.

"If his mental power is damaged, Sasuke cannot open his Sharingan;

Based on Sasuke's situation, I suspect his mental power should be sealed, and the most likely possibility is that it is used to maintain some kind of illusion in his brain."

Sakura shook her head and denied it, then expressed her guess.

"But, is there really such a powerful person? Even a senior ninja who specializes in illusion can't use other people's mental power to perform illusions.

And judging from Sasuke's condition, the effect of this illusion should be harmless. What is the caster planning to do by spending so much effort to use illusions on Sasuke? "

Hearing Sakura's speculation, Sasuke broke out in a cold sweat.

Calm down and think about it. With the Sharingan, his resistance to illusion cannot be bad. What Sakura said is very likely to be true.

As far as he knows, the only person who can have such a level of illusion is Uchiha Itachi.

What a hateful guy, he actually took a backhand to limit his own strength?

"Sakura, what should we do, do you have a way to solve the illusion in Sasuke?"

Knowing Sasuke's situation, Naruto seemed more anxious than Sasuke.

"Maybe there is a way, but Kakashi-sensei, should we really remove Sasuke's illusion?"

Sakura frowned and asked the question in her heart.

"Of course we should! ”X2

Seeing Sakura hesitate, Naruto and Sasuke became anxious.

Kakashi knew what Sakura was worried about...but Sasuke was both his student and the last member of Obito's clan, so it was impossible for him to ignore such a big problem.

After hesitating for a moment, Kakashi nodded to Sakura.

Seeing Kakashi nod, Sakura explained to the two:

"I suspect Sasuke must have known something he shouldn't know. In order to prevent Sasuke from being silenced, the caster used this method to tamper with Sasuke's memory to protect Sasuke.

Based on Sasuke's experience, it is likely related to the genocide of the Uchiha clan..."

Hearing about the night of genocide, Sasuke remembered that night, the figure on the street lamp, the blood-red sky and the black full moon...

Seeing Sasuke's breathing become tight, Sakura made a prompt decision:

"Sasuke, I'll help you sort out your mental power, don't resist.

Recalling the day when the Uchiha clan was exterminated in my mind..."

Sakura placed her right hand on Sasuke's forehead and slowly injected chakra into him.

"Teacher Kakashi, observe Sasuke carefully. If you notice any abnormal chakra fluctuations, please remove the illusion immediately."

Kakashi also opened his forehead protector and closed his left eye after hearing this. He concentrated on using the Sharingan to observe Sasuke.

Sakura felt Sasuke's spiritual world and prepared to use illusion to change the night sky in Sasuke's memory to normal black.

However, a strange mental fluctuation came, as if resisting.

"Take advantage of now! Teacher Kakashi!"

"Illusion, remove! "

Kakashi also released his chakra, trying to help Sasuke break through the illusion.


Sasuke screamed and curled up.

As the illusion was lifted, a completely different memory came to his mind:

He did not see Uchiha Itachi kill his parents with his own eyes, but he was controlled by the Sharingan the moment he saw him.

Moreover, there seemed to be another figure beside Uchiha Itachi, wearing a red cloud and black robe, with a vortex mask on his face.

Soon, as Sasuke's mental power was released, the magatama in Sasuke's Sharingan spun rapidly, and when it stopped, his eyes turned into the same three-magatama Sharingan as Kakashi.

Sasuke hadn't noticed his changes yet. The sudden memory made him both painful and shocked. He was about to ask, but was interrupted by Sakura.

"Stop! Sasuke, don't say anything you remember!

I have no interest in knowing about the Uchiha clan.

Before you have enough strength, I also advise you not to delve into it. It is very likely that Konoha's high-level officials are involved. This

It's not something a Genin like me should know!

Please, I want to live two more days!"

Sakura covered her ears and shook her head.

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