The first time, the second time.

After Sakura learned the sealing technique from Sarutobi Hiruzen, she immediately began to practice the sealing technique.

"Boom boom--"

A huge explosion sounded in the back mountain of Konoha.


Sakura shouted excitedly.

In her hand was the detonating talisman that she had just made by experiment.

Naruto and Sasuke beside her swallowed their saliva.

These days, Sakura, who had learned some knowledge of sealing techniques, decided to make a detonating talisman herself and give it a try.

Because the principle of the detonating talisman is to mix a certain proportion of fire attribute and wind attribute chakra, Sakura asked Sasuke and Naruto to provide chakra.

"Sure enough, my guess was right. The ratio of chakra should be the golden ratio!"

Sakura was very excited. The ratio of fire and wind chakra in her Exploding Talisman was 1:0.61803, not the common 1:0.6 on the market;

Although the amount of chakra sealed on the paper was not much different, the power was three times that of ordinary Exploding Talismans!

"Sakura is so amazing! She can even make an Exploding Talisman!

That's it..."

Naruto began to flatter Sakura, but his flattering expression showed that he had something to hide.

"Hehe, don't worry, Naruto. As a teammate of Team 7, I will sell it to you at half the market price!"

"That's too much. They are all teammates!"

Naruto's expression immediately collapsed.

"You are the last one. Do you know how much chakra paper costs per square foot?

Even if Sakura can make an Exploding Talisman by herself, it is impossible to give it to you for free."

Sasuke mocked Naruto on a daily basis.

"Damn it, Sasuke!

Do you want to fight?"

Naruto was furious.

Seeing the two people start to quarrel, Sakura held her forehead helplessly, but Sakura would not let them really fight.

"Are you two so idle?

If you are so energetic, give me more chakra and I will make more detonating talismans."

In the morning, Sakura made a total of 120 detonating talismans. After Naruto and Sasuke each took ten as a reward, they went home for lunch.

Thinking back to Sasuke who was completely drained by her and Naruto who was also very tired;

Sakura thought that they would not come in the afternoon.

"Alas~ How can your body be so weak at such a young age."

Sakura sighed, took out three pieces of white paper from the ninja tool bag on her waist, and covered them with her chakra.

The thin illusion quickly transformed the ordinary white paper into slightly yellowed chakra paper.

Because the effect of the thin illusion was too great, and it was easy to remind people of the counterfeit money in the town, Sakura did not hand it over to the ninja village.

The three members of Team 7 only knew that the thin illusion could create a chakra film, and did not know that Sakura could use this technique to completely change thin objects.

Sakura took out the kunai and cut the three chakra papers into 10X10 small pieces of paper.

Each piece of paper after cutting was about the size of a fingernail.

After preparing the paper, Sakura took out a detonating talisman, carefully untied the seal rune on it, and then activated the sealing technique to seal the scattered chakra in the paper.

Soon, the chakra on the detonating talisman was exhausted, and Sakura got 300 micro detonating talismans.

Sakura put these micro detonating talismans into a pottery jar, nodded with satisfaction, and rubbed the pottery jar against her cheek, as if it was filled with a lot of treasures.

After putting away the treasure jar, Sakura was in a good mood and skipped towards Tiantian's ninja tool shop.



Are you... Sakura?"

Tiantian couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise at the customer who had just entered the ninja tool shop.

"Tiantian, long time no see!"

Sakura greeted Tiantian.

"Yeah, long time no see."

Tiantian's face was a little embarrassed. This was the first time they met since they parted at the training ground last time.

However, Tiantian didn't expect Sakura to change so much. Not only did she change into beautiful new clothes, but her whole temperament has changed a lot.

Obviously, Sakura was still a hardworking and motivated ninja school student when they met last time, but now Sakura gives Tiantian the feeling of being more like an experienced ninja.

"Xiaoying, are you here to buy ninja tools?

Don't worry, I'll give you a discount."

"No, I'm here to look for someone."


Ten-Ten was stunned, her cheeks slightly flushed, and she remembered Xiaoying's intimate hug that day, and her mind became active:

Is she here to look for


Does she like girls?

No, no, I already have Neji, as a senior, I should...

"I remember that uncle is a master of making ninja tools, I want uncle to help me make some things."

Sakura's words interrupted Tiantian's wild thoughts.

"Ah? So, you are looking for dad."

Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, but for some reason, she felt a little disappointed.

"Okay, but I have to tell you in advance that it is not cheap to ask my dad to customize ninja tools.

Come with me."

Tiantian said as he walked out of the counter and waved to Sakura.

"Yeah. I know."

Sakura hurried two steps and followed Tiantian's footsteps.

Tiantian led Sakura to the smelting room in the backyard of the ninja tool shop and shouted at the door:

"Dad, there are customers who want to customize ninja tools!"

Soon, the door of the smelting room opened, and a strong middle-aged man walked out.

"Dad, this is my friend Sakura, she wants to customize ninja tools.

You guys can talk about it, I'm going to continue to look after the store."

Tiantian informed him and prepared to return to the bar.

"Sakura, right? What a cute child.

What ninja tools do you want to customize?

It's more cost-effective to buy ordinary ninja swords directly in the store."

Because of his long-term business, Tiantian's father is kind and polite.

"The ninja tools I want to customize are a little special."

Sakura took out a drawing from her corset.

"Oh? Do you have a drawing?"

Tiantian's father took the drawing from Sakura's hand and observed it carefully.


This drawing is full of strange parts, making it completely unclear what it is.

But the various data on the drawing are very detailed, not only the size and material, but also the model of the screws and the poundage of the spring are marked out.

"What kind of ninja tool is this? How come I've never seen it before?

Are you going to put all these parts together in the end?"

Even though he has traveled a lot over the years, he still hasn't seen such a strange ninja tool for the first time.

"Yes, this ninja tool is a long-range ninja tool that I conceived. The name... let's call it 'Colt Python' for now."

Sakura thought about it and decided to use the name of the weapon Blue Star.

"What a strange name."

Tiantian's father complained.

"Just make two according to the drawings.

This is roughly what it looks like when assembled. I wonder if it can be used as a reference."

Said, Sakura took out a wooden revolver model from the ninja tool bag.

Tiantian took the model and took a look at it, but still couldn't figure out how to use this ninja tool.

"Do you want to keep one as a backup?"

"No, I'm going to give one to Tenten."


Although I don't know how to use this ninja tool, such a sophisticated ninja tool must be very powerful. This gift..."

"It doesn't matter. Tenten is a master of using ninja tools. This new type of ninja tool may be better than me.

By the way, the power of this ninja tool is quite large.

It allows Tenten to use more killer moves."

Sakura said indifferently.

Anyway, the drawings have been given to him.

After seeing the power of the pistol, even if Sakura disagrees, her uncle will make one for Tenten.

It's better to let him make two directly.

Because Tenten's father doesn't know which one will fall into the hands of his daughter, Sakura's approach will make him pay equal attention when making two pistols.

"In that case, I won't charge you this time."

After hearing that it could improve Tiantian's strength, Tianfu stopped refusing and asked:

"Are you in a hurry? The other parts are not particularly complicated, but this wheel is a bit troublesome. It will take about five days to make two."

"Okay, I have something to do these days.

Thank you, uncle!"

Sakura also readily agreed. After saying goodbye to Tianfu and Tiantian at the bar, she immediately ran home.

After returning home, Sakura took out the can of micro-detonating talismans from the ninja tool bag and said to herself:

"The next step is the bullet."

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