The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Hearing Konohamaru's cry for help, Naruto immediately rushed to the village entrance.

Before he reached the village entrance, Naruto saw from a distance that a ninja who was about his age and had oil paint on his face was holding Konohamaru's collar with one hand and lifting him up.

"Let go! Let me go!"

Konohamaru cried for help word by word while struggling in the air.

"Damn kid, you took the initiative to bump into me.

What I hate most is shorty like you!"

Kankuro let Konohamaru kick and hit him, and the weak fists and feet that landed on him were no different from tickling.

"Damn it, let go of Konohamaru!"

Naruto finally arrived and yelled at Kanjiro.

"Brother Naruto, I knew you would come to save me!"

Tired of Konohamaru, he felt that he had difficulty breathing, and seeing Naruto running towards him was like seeing a savior.

"Another shorty has come?

Just in time to deal with them together."

Kanjiro looked down on Naruto who came.

"Asshole, who are you calling the shorty?

Don't blame me for being rude if you don't let go."

Naruto's anger was directly ignited by Kanjiro, and he clenched his fists tightly, and there was a "crackling" sound from his knuckles.

After becoming a ninja, because of the nutrition, Naruto has grown a little taller in the past two months, but he is still shorter than Sakura and Sasuke.

Height can be said to be one of Naruto's reverse scales. Last time, he almost fought with Dazna for this reason.

"It seems that Konoha's Genin can only talk big."

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

Naruto finally lost his mind and rushed towards Kanjiro.

Kanjiro first laughed at Naruto's height, and then insulted Konoha, stepping on Naruto's minefield twice in a row.

However, Kanjiro just smiled contemptuously and hooked his left index finger.

During the confrontation just now, Kanjiro had secretly wrapped the chakra puppet line around Naruto's ankle.


With the traction of the chakra line, Naruto, who was running, fell flat on his face.

"Damn, what kind of magic did you use?"

Naruto was injured after falling, and his mood became even more angry. He stood up directly with a somersault.


You can't even tell what I did. It seems that Konoha's Genin are not that good."

Kanjuro's expression was still disdainful. He began to try to provoke Naruto and expected Naruto to rush over again so that he could repeat the same trick.

"Damn it!"

Naruto didn't care about that. One or two falls would not make him retreat.

"Closer, closer..."

Kanjuro calculated the distance between Naruto and himself, and he would make him fall again when he rushed to him.

It was the most desperate situation to fail at the last moment when he was about to succeed.

Kanjuro liked to play with these stupid young men with low IQs the most.

Temari, who was next to him, took a look at the expression of her younger brother and knew what Kanjuro was thinking.

In the Sand Village, Kanjuro also played tricks on the weak ninjas like this.

Knowing Kanjuro's bad taste, Temari couldn't help but sigh in her heart:

These two younger brothers really make me worry less.


When Naruto rushed to two meters in front of him, Kanjuro made a prompt decision and moved his left index finger again.


Something surprised Kanjuro, Naruto was not affected at all.

The chakra puppet line that should have been stretched tight did not stretch as he expected; the feeling from the fingertips was also strange, as if the other end of the line was not tied to a human leg, but a ramen that had not been put into the pot in time.

Kanjuro's heart suddenly sank, because he knew:

I'm going to be beaten.

Naruto's angry iron fist arrived as expected, and slammed into Kanjuro's face covered with oil paint.


Kanjuro screamed, and was directly beaten by Naruto and flew away, drawing a parabola in the air. "Plop" fell to the ground five meters away.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

As Kankuro was knocked away, Konohamaru also fell to the ground with a plop on his buttocks.

Naruto pulled Konohamaru up and patted the dust off his buttocks.

"Brother Naruto is so handsome!

I knew you would definitely defeat that ugly guy!"

Konohamaru looked at Naruto with admiration.

"Hehehehe, yes


Indeed, I also feel that I am pretty handsome. "

Konohamaru's compliment made Naruto's fox tail stand up to the sky, and he touched the back of his head and smiled foolishly.

Temari was in disbelief at this time:


Has Kankuro... gone too far?

He often walks by the river, and this time his shoes got wet too?

With no time to pay attention to the complacent Naruto, Temari immediately ran to Kankuro to check on him.

No matter how much she didn't want to admit it, the embarrassing thing that was just beaten away was also her own His own brother.

Temari helped Kanjuro up, and saw that Kanjuro was in a very bad state at this time, with his left face swollen so high that even the thick paint could not cover it.

The puppeteer was not good at close combat, and Kanjuro had no time to react to Naruto's attack just now. This powerful punch did 100% damage.


Kanjuro spat out a mouthful of blood, and the mixture of blood and saliva also contained his two back teeth.

"Burn the egg! Niu De Shen Mare Di!

(Asshole! What tricks are you playing!)"

Kankurō was furious, but the numb right side of his face made him slur his words.

Originally, Kankurō was thinking of teasing this silly-looking guy, but he didn't expect that his teeth were all knocked out.

He watched Naruto rush over and beat him up, and the whole process was just one word: stupid!

More importantly, his closest relative, Temari, witnessed the whole process.

Kankurō suddenly felt like he had lifted a rock and hit his own bird;

Not only was it painful, but he couldn't stand up in front of his sister anymore.

"Ah? What did you say?"

Naruto stopped showing off in front of Konohamaru, but he couldn't understand what Kankurō meant at all.

"However, seeing that you are already so miserable, Naruto will let you go this time. ”











“笨蛋,是伸缩自如的爱啦。 "

Sakura suddenly appeared beside Naruto, cursing and laughing.

"As expected of you, Sakura, you helped a lot!

You should have seen me beat up that freak with a painted face."

Seeing Sakura coming, Naruto began to show off his previous performance proudly.

"You can't even tell what method I used. It seems that the Genin of Sand Village are not very good."

Sakura ignored Naruto and retorted with the words Kankuro had just used to mock Naruto.

"Koubu (damn it)! "

Kankurō was completely enraged by Sakura, and stretched out his hand to the crow behind him.

At this time, Kankurō could not care about any battle plan. He just wanted to get rid of the two guys in front of him and regain his strength.

"Kankurō, are you..."

Seeing Kankurō gradually using the crow, Temari hurriedly wanted to stop him.

If Kankurō took action here, it would not only expose the mechanism inside the crow, but also make the three siblings conspicuous, which would be detrimental to the implementation of the plan.

However, at this moment.


Before Temari could stop him, a stone flew over and hit Kankurō's right hand that was about to touch the crow.

Except for Sakura, who had already known who threw the stone, everyone looked in the direction where the stone flew.

I saw a boy in shorts with blue clothes and black hair sitting on a big tree next to him, and he kept throwing another stone in his hand.

"Sasuke! "

Naruto greeted excitedly.

Suddenly, Sakura frowned and immediately winked at Sasuke.

In order to see Kankuro's puppet line clearly, she has been maintaining the oracle essence technique since the beginning.

Sasuke immediately understood, and his figure flashed and disappeared from the tree.


The moment Sasuke disappeared, Sakura suddenly shot a cold gun.

"Crack——" A branch high up in the tree broke with a sound.

The location of this branch happened to be where Sasuke had just sat

Gaara, who had just jumped onto the branch and had not yet hung on, was hit by a sudden blow and his foothold was destroyed.

Apparently, all this happened too quickly and Gaara did not react for a while.


In the astonished eyes of everyone, Gaara fell from the tree with the falling branch and fell to the ground.

Sakura looked at Gaara with interest and raised her eyebrows:


However, Sakura quickly managed her expression and complained to Sasuke who had just appeared beside her:

"Really, one or two of you, do you all like to appear suddenly?

Don't you know that approaching silently can be regarded as hostile behavior?"

Sasuke understood what Sakura meant and raised his mouth slightly, and tacitly cooperated with Sakura to sing a double act:

"It's obviously your own fault, Sakura. As a ninja, you didn't even notice that others were approaching."

In the confrontation between Team 7 and the Sand Village trio just now, Sasuke launched an attack without anyone noticing;

On the other hand, Gaara was discovered by Sakura early.

The superiority of the two groups was immediately determined.

Sasuke's indirect criticism made Temari and Kankuro feel ashamed:

Temari smiled awkwardly and held Kankuro's hand to prevent him from releasing the crow;

Kankuro looked at the three members of Team 7 angrily with a resentful look.

Konohamaru, who was frightened by the series of events, also reacted at this time, and a little admiration began to flash in his innocent eyes:


Is this Naruto's team?

Not only Naruto, but also Sasuke and Sakura are all so handsome!

The bad guy with a painted face who was showing off just now was completely suppressed by them.

I want to be a handsome ninja like them in the future!

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